Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

You Are The Only One

“I know you’re only here for three more months,” Jen said, “but if there’s any way you can lay low for a while, I’d do it.” An awkward silence filled the room before Jen spoke again, “I didn’t mean to ruin your night or anything.. I just wanted to let you know so we can pray I’m wrong.. I really should be going though.” She opened the door, then turned around, “Oh, and Alex?” I looked at her and she continued, “Don’t come into work until you’re sure you’ll be okay, alright?” I wanted to put up an argument, but I knew it would be no use. I just nodded slowly and Jen continued out the door.

When I heard the door close, I leaned against Jamie, ready to cry. “Alex..” Ryan said. “Maybe she just thought she saw her.. Maybe that wasn’t really my mom.. Maybe she’s really still in jail and we’re just worried about nothing..” I said, trying to convince myself Jen was seeing things. “Alex, we all know you don’t believe that.” Rebekah said bluntly. I sighed and laughed awkwardly, “I know. I saw that look she gave me before they took her away. I knew she’d come back. I just didn’t think it’d be this soon.”

I lifted myself off of Jamie and rested my head in my hands. “Alex, what’s wrong?” Jamie asked. Ryan stood up, pulling Rebekah with him, “I think we’re just gonna go to bed and let you two talk.” I looked up and Ryan walked over and kissed my forehead, “Don’t you ever think we’re going to let that woman come anywhere near you, Alex.” “Thank you, Ryan,” I said, hugging him.

Once they left the room, Jamie asked me what was wrong again and to be honest, I didn’t completely know. “I don’t know.. I guess.. I’m just scared. I know what she’s capable of. I can’t help but feel like she’s right and maybe I do deserve this..”

Jamie grabbed my hand, causing me to look at him, “Babe, I know you’re scared, but you can’t let her get to you. You do not, in any way, deserve anything she does or has ever done to you. She was wrong to treat you like anything less than what you are. Amazing. The only things you deserve are every good thing that’s happened to you.”

He lifted his hand to my cheek and wiped away a tear, but left his hand holding my face. “And I don’t want you to ever forget that. Do you understand me, Leah Alexandria?” I smiled weakly and rested my hand on his, leaning forward and kissing him. ”Yes I do, Jamie Christian,” I said when I pulled away.