Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

The Party's Never Over

Day 1 of touring.

Okay, technically, we’re still on the bus and we won’t actually be to our destination for a few hours, but it’s still day one to me. I’m just happy I don’t have to be at school or worry about running into my mother for the next year.

Despite all the arguments, the band bought Rebekah and I new cameras for the tour. Truthfully, we really didn’t need them. The cameras we had worked just fine. But I guess we needed something a little more, as Jamie put it, ’professional’.

“You guys are all idiots. I am clearly the most attractive person here!” Ryan said. “Ryan,” I laughed, “Even I don’t take two and a half hours to choose an outfit!” “Hey!” Ryan yelled, pointing at me, “Those kinds of decisions take time!” “Dude, it’s unnatural. You’re just going to get drenched in sweat anyway,” Ian laughed along. “Guys, the only clear winner here is Alex,” Jamie smiled. “You’re only saying that to get laid,” Nash joked. I hit Nash’s shoulder, almost dying of laugher. Jamie stuck his tongue out at Nash, who kindly returned the gesture, “No, I’m not.” I looked at Jamie with sad eyes, “Well, I guess my plans for tonight have changed.” He laughed and I winked at him, “Maybe tomorrow, yes?” “Oh, of course,” Jamie winked back. “Well then, remind us to stay away from the bus tomorrow night,” Nash said, wrinkling his nose. “I’d invite you to join us, but I don’t think Jamie would like that too much,” I said, “We’ll just have to have our time separately, hot stuff.” “Can’t wait, sexy,” Nash laughed, getting up to get something to eat. I looked at Jamie who was staring at me, trying not to laugh. “What?” I asked innocently, “I can’t help myself around that boy.”

I stood up and sat myself back down on Jamie’s lap. “Jaaaaaamiiiiiiieeee,” I groaned, “I’m hungryyyyy.” “I don’t think you’re gonna find anything sitting on my lap,” he laughed. “Nooooo, I want yooooou to get me food.” “I can’t do that with you sitting on my lap either.” “But I want you to hold me.” I gave Jamie the classic puppy-dog eyes and he laughed again, “Alright.” He picked me up and sat me back down on the couch, then walked over to Jack(the driver) and whispered something to him. Jack chuckled and nodded, “Will do, Jamie.”

A while later, the bus stopped and I looked out the window and screamed, “McDonald’s!!!” Jamie stood in front of me and turned around, “Come on, let’s go get you food!” I jumped on his back and giggled, “This is very clever, Jamie Follese. I give you props.” “Thank you, Alex Davis. I know, I’m a genius.” I laughed again, burying my face in his shoulder.

Once we had ordered our food, we went back to the bus and started going again. When we were done eating, Ryan was still going on about how he was the most attractive one on tour. “I don’t know, Ry,” Rebekah said, “Jack’s pretty good looking.” We heard him laugh, “Thanks, Rebekah.” We all laughed again and she said, “You are very welcome!”

Ryan started to argue again as I got up, “I’m gonna go watch a movie with actors way less attractive than Ryan.” Ryan smiled his victory smile and I laughed, “I’ll be in my bunk if any of you lovely folks need me.”

I grabbed my laptop off the table and climbed into my bunk. When I got comfortable, I put in The Lion King(don’t judge) and my curtain opened. “Room for one more?” Jamie smiled at me. I chuckled and moved over, “There’s always room for you, Jamie.” Jamie climbed in and I cuddled up to him. “So, what are we watching, pretty lady?” “The Lion King,” I smiled happily. “Ah, a classic!”

It wasn’t long before ‘The Circle of Life’ started playing when we heard everyone singing along. I laughed, stopping the movie on my laptop and Jamie and I went to where everyone else was. I put the DVD in and plopped onto the couch and we all watched and sang along together.

I’d realized in the middle of the movie that this was one of the few times Ian, Nash, Jamie, Ryan, Rebekah, and I were all hanging out together. “We should do this more often,” I said. Ian smiled, “Yeah, we really should. The more, the merrier!”

I definitely knew this was going to be the best year of my life.