Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

We're Dancing On The Edge Of The Hollywood Sign

Day 2 of touring.

“Welcome to sunny Hollywood, California!” Ryan yelled. I jumped up and screamed, “Who died? What?” Ryan laughed at me as I glared at him, “Anywhere on this bus you could have yelled that, but you chose to do so specifically in front of my bunk because..?” Ryan looked at me sweetly, “Because you’re the only one not up and I wanted to be the first to tell you.” My face met my pillow again as I mumbled, “Go away, Ry.” Ryan drug me out of my bunk and carried me to the couch where Jamie was already sitting, “No can do, dear. We’ve got a big day ahead of us!” He sat me down next to Jamie, where I layed my head on his shoulder and tried to go to sleep again.

Jamie shook me, “Sorry, Alex. But you need to go get ready.” “No,” I groaned. Jamie chuckled, “Al, I don’t want to have to do this.” Immediatly knowing what was coming next, I jumped up and turned around, pointing my finger at him, “Don’t you dare, Jamie Christian.” He stood up, “I will if have to.” I started walking to the bathroom, “I’m going, I’m going. Keep your pants on. Geesh.”

I got dressed and when I walked back out, Rebekah and the guys were all ready to go. “Whoa,” I winked at Rebekah, “You lookin’ fine, girrrrl.”

Rebekah smiled and winked back at me, “Girl, you don’t even know what fine is until you look in the mirror!” I had to admit, I thought I looked pretty hot. In a totally non-narsassitic way, of course.

I laughed and grabbed my camera, yelling, “Let’s rock this city!” Everyone else laughed along as we walked into the venue. “Holy shit, this place is huge!” Ryan said excitedly. We all stood in amazement as we looked around. There looked to be at least 1,000 seats in the building, not counting the people who be standing right up at the stage. “Are you sure this concert was sold out, Ian?” Nash asked, still in awe. “Yeah, that’s what they told me. Every single seat will be filled in less than 2 hours,” Ian answered. “This is fucking insane!” Jamie yelled, listening to his echo.

I ran in front of them and yelled, “Come on! First official band photo of the tour!” Rebekah laughed, walking over beside me to take her own photo.

When we were done taking pictures, the band left to go warm-up and do band related things that needed to get done before the show, so Rebekah and I just wandered around taking pictures of random things and goofing off. “This is seriously feels like a dream,” Rebekah said. “I know,” I replied, “but it’s so fucking amazing!” She laughed, “You know it!”

“Oh my God, look!” I sqeaked, pointing to the main entrance. “Dedication at it’s finest!” Rebekah said when she saw the already long line of people waiting to get in. I walked up to a group of about 4 girls with HCR shirts on. “Excuse me, would it be okay if I got your photo?” I asked, showing them my press pass. “Of course!” one of them squealed excitedly. After I took their picture, one of them asked, “Wait, are you the photographer for Hot Chelle Rae?” “Yup,” I smiled. “Aren’t you dating one of them?” “Jamie, yes,” I nodded. “You two look so cute together!” she smiled. “Thank you,” I smiled back and walked inside.

“Why are you so happy?” Jamie laughed as he pulled me into a hug. “One of your adoring fans just told me that we look cute together,” I replied, looking up at him and smiling. “Well, they’re right, you know.” “I know,” I laughed and kissed his cheek.

John(manager), walked up to the boys and said, “5 minutes till showtime.” “Well, that’s my cue to leave. Have fun, and I’ll see you when the concert’s over,” Jamie smiled. “I’ll be waiting for you right when you step off that stage,” I smiled back. “I love you, Alex.” “I love you more, Jamie. Now go rock their faces off!” Jamie laughed and kissed me before running to the group to do their little before show pep talk. I smiled walking over to Rebekah, getting my camera, and myself, ready for a long night.