Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

She's A Downtown Girl

While the guys were meeting their fans, Rebekah helped with merch and I was what I like to call the designated photographer. Which is just my obnoxious way of saying I took the meet and greet pictures. We were all having a good time laughing and messing around, and a few girls even started crying when it was their turn.

Obviously, I knew that although there were perks to being on a tour and dating one of the band members, there would be those crazy fans who take everything too seriously.

The band was given a 10 minute break in between meeting fans to go rest or do whatever. I went to the bathroom to do bathroom-y things and such. When I came back out, John told us our break was up.

"Jamie!" I screamed, "Carry me!" "Alex!" he screamed back, Okay!" He laughed and let me jump on his back. We got back to the line and I kissed Jamie's cheek before jumping off of him. I smiled at the next fan as she handed me her camera, but she didn't look too happy. I raised my eyebrow, but kept smiling as I took their picture. When she came back to get her camera, she mumbled, "Whore." as she walked away

I stood there, confused. I quickly pulled myself together and turned around, "I'm sorry?" Jamie noticed something wasn't right and walked up beside me, putting his arm around my waist. "I didn't say anything," she said. "Yes, you did. I heard you say something." She looked at Jamie, then back at me, "No, I didn't."

I knew she was lying so I looked at Jamie, "Could you excuse us for a minute?" Jamie looked at me, worried. I smiled, assuring him I'd be alright. When he walked away, she repeated what I had thought she said in the first place, but it was actually loud enough for me to be sure I heard it right, "Whore." "Um, how am I a whore?" I asked, resting my right hand on my hip. She looked straight at me and replied, acting as if I were the stupidest person she'd ever met, "You're dating Jamie, but you hang all over Ryan, Nash, and Ian." I laughed bitterly, "They're my best friends! You don't even know me!"

The next thing I knew, she tried to spit on me. Lucky enough for me, I was able to get out of the way before it hit me, but in the process, I landed on the ground. "Shit!" I gasped.