Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

Tell Me Everything Is Gonna Be Alright

Jamie immediately ran over to me as security escorted the girl out of the building. “Fuck, are you okay?” he asked as he helped me up. “Yeah,” I replied, “I’m fine.” “Are you sure?” “Yeah. My arm just hurts a little, but other than that I’m alright.” Jamie grabbed my arm and his jaw dropped, “Holy shit, Alex.”

I looked down at my arm and tried not to make a big deal about it, “I’m fine, Jamie. Don’t worry yourself over it.” I mean, it’s not like I was seriously hurt or anything. All I did was hit the ground hard enough to leave a huge bruise on my arm. “Alex, you’re hurt.” “Jamie, seriously! I’m alright! If it makes you feel any better, I’ll have Rebekah take the rest of the pictures for me and I’ll go lay down or something.” Jamie nodded reluctantly, “Okay.. But if you need anything, I want you to send someone to get me.” I chuckled, “What if I just want a Coke or something?” “I have to make sure they don’t poison it,” Jamie smiled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him before trotting off to find Rebekah.

When I finally got to her, I poked her until she payed attention to me. “What do you- Oh my God, what the hell happened to your arm?” she said, instantly becoming worried. I rolled my eyes, “Crazy fan. Anyway, Jamie wanted me to go rest so you’re on camera duty.” I ran away before she could ask any more questions.

I plopped myself down on the couch in the dressing room and grabbed the remote. I watched an episode of Family Guy before drifting off to sleep. I don’t even remember falling asleep, but I remember waking up in someone’s arms.

I opened my eyes, but my vision was still a little cloudy. “Hmm..” I mumbled. “Well, thanks for finally waking up, Sleeping Beauty.” “Nash? Where’s Jamie?” “He’s still meeting some fans. He noticed you fell asleep, so he made me carry you back to your bunk.” “But that couch was really comfortable,” I pouted. “I’d take you back, but I’m under strict orders to get you to the bus safely,” Nash chuckled. “Safely? Really? What could possibly happen to me, aliens beam me up into their UFO? No, I could be attacked by an army of Carebears with cupcakes!” I rolled my eyes. Nash laughed as he sat me down in my bunk, “I don’t know, babe. He’s your boyfriend, not mine.” “You’re just jealous he got to me first,” I winked. “Oh, absolutely. I’m overwhelmed with jealousy. I won’t be able to sleep until you’re mine, Alex,” he said, dramatically. I giggled as I layed down, “When’s Jamie coming back?” “Well, when he told me to go get you, there were probably 10 people left in line, so it shouldn’t be too long.” I smiled to myself, then winked at Nash again, “Thanks, sexy.” He laughed, “Anytime, hot stuff.”

He kissed my forehead, “Now, go to sleep. He’ll have a fit if he knew you woke up.” I sighed, “That boy, I swear he worries about me too much.” Nash suddenly got serious, “You know he only does that because he loves you. I don’t know what he would do if he ever lost you.” I looked at him, “He doesn’t have anything to worry about then because I’m never letting that happen.” “I know,” he replied, “but if it ever does, I just want you to know, I’m taking his side.” “Thank you for that, Nash. That made me feel really good about myself,” I rolled my eyes and laughed. “You’re welcome!” Nash smiled and walked back off the bus.

I tried to go back to sleep. Really, I did. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t stop thinking about what Nash said. I didn’t understand why Jamie would be worried to lose me. I love him, he loves me. What was there to worry about?