Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

I Could Be All That You Need

After about 20 minutes of drowning myself in my thoughts, my curtain opened. I turned around and Jamie was standing there, “Hey, Alex. How are you feeling?” “It still hurts a little, but other than that, I’m alright” I replied. To be honest, ‘it’ meant more than just my arm at this point. “You’re lying,” Jamie said, climbing into my bunk and wrapping his arms around me. “No I’m not.” Lies. “Alex, you know you can talk to me. Please tell me what’s wrong.”

I sighed and looked up at him, “It’s just… Nash got me thinking and… I… I don’t get why you worry about me so much…” Jamie grabbed my hand and held it tightly, “Because I love you, Alex. And I hate seeing you anything less than happy.” I looked back down at our hands, “I don’t know why. I’m nothing special..”

I could feel Jamie breathe in deeply before he moved his other hand and put it on my cheek, making me look at him. “You’re special to me. You’re talented, your smile can light up a room and make anyone’s day better, and you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. I’ve been telling you from day one, I’ll tell you for as long as I’m still breathing. I will do whatever it takes to make you believe you’re amazing, Leah Alexandria.”

It’s safe to say I really couldn’t say anything after that. I mean, what could I do? Jamie may worry about me more than necessary, but when he gives you speeches like that, there’s not much you can say. All I could really do was cuddle up against him and fall asleep.

That’s the thing about being in love, especially with a celebrity. Whether it be Jamie bringing me out on stage to sing me our song, a crazy fan who takes things a little too far, or just getting to spend time with Jamie and the rest of the group, I never know what tomorrow will bring me.

But any doubt I had in my mind about Jamie maybe not loving me, or not loving me as much as he used to, was gone in that moment. That moment, one that may seem so insignificant to so many people, meant more to me than any amount of times he has ever told me I’m nothing less than pretty. And you know what? I’m starting to believe him.