Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way

When I woke up the next morning, I noticed Jamie wasn't laying beside me anymore, so I got up to go see where he went. I walked to the front of the bus and saw everyone standing there, smiling weirdly at me. "Uh..." I started, "What's-" "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALEX!" Rebekah screamed.

I stood there, trying not to laugh, but I couldn't keep the huge grin from spreading. Honestly, with everything going on, I almost forgot it was my birthday. I hid my face in my hands as Ryan ran over and pulled me onto the couch. He basically screamed, "Open your presents!!"

I opened everyone's presents, almost crying when I saw them. "Thanks, guys. This is seriously the best bithday ever," I smiled. "Hold on," Jamie said, "You've got one more!" He ran to the back of the bus and then came back with a little box in his hand. He nearly threw it at me, obviously excited. I looked up at him and he motioned me to open it. I tore open the wrapping paper and opened the box, covering my mouth with my hand. I'm not one to cry over things like this, but it was small and simple. I was surprised Jamie remembered I ever said I prefer those kinds of things.!

I looked up at Jamie, tears already falling. I moved my hand from my mouth and smiled as I stretched my arms out toward him for a hug. He smiled back and bent down on the floor in front of where I was sitting to wrap his arms around me. I buried my face in his shoulder and let the tears fall.

When I let go, I whispered, "I love it, Jamie." He smiled, taking the box from my hands and the necklace out of the box. He sat beside me on the couch and put it around my neck, making sure it was secure. He put his arms around my waist and I couldn't stop smiling.

"What's on the agenda for today, birthday girl?" Ian smiled. I thought about it for a few seconds before screaming, "Let's watch Disney movies!" "Well, it's funny you should mention that," Ryan chuckled, "because we bought you every Disney movie known to man." I screamed again, "No you didn't!" "We did," Rebekah yelled back, "and we were gonna watch them whether you liked it or not!" "Yeah, the fact that you want to just makes our job a lot easier," Nash said. "Tangled first?" I asked excitedly. "I shall put it in now!" Ryan announced.

About 4 hours, I felt someone shaking me, making me fairly certain I fell asleep on Jamie's shoulder in the middle of The Princess and the Frog. "Come on, Alex. Go get dressed," Nash smiled. "Why?" I mumbled. "I'm not allowed to tell you. It's a surprise." "Well, can you at least tell me what to wear?" I asked, sitting up. "Something comfortable, but don't look like a hobo," Jamie laughed. I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Alright."

I walked into the bathroom with my clothes and got dressed.

When I came back out, Jamie stared at me. "Are you going to look at me like that every time I enter a room?" I joked. "Only until you stop being beautiful," he smiled, grabbing my hand and leading me outside.

I hadn't noticed the bus had stopped or where we were, but when I did, I almost started freaking out. "Holy shit, you didn't!" I screamed. "Oh, but I did!" Jamie laughed, holding up tickets. "How did you even get these? This concert's been sold out for weeks!" I screamed again, looking up at the sign. "We rockstars have our ways. Now come on, I want you to meet them," he smiled again. "You're not seriously suggesting I get to meet All Time Low," I said in disbelief. "I am about as serious as I was when I asked you to come on this tour with me," he replied, pulling me inside.

"Jamie!" I heard someone yell. I looked over and started freaking out, "Holy shit, there is no was this is happening to me." "Well, believe it, babe," Jamie told me before turning back, "Hey, Alex. What's up?" Alex smiled at me, nearly causing me to melt right there. "You the birthday girl?" he asked me. I nodded slowly. He laughed and looked at Jamie, "I can tell she's a fan." "She's been a fan for as long as I can remember," Jamie smiled, "I can tell she won't be able to tell you this herself, but she's always wanted to let you guys know how much your music's helped her."

"Hold on," Alex said, running back into a room. When he reemerged, I saw him being followed by Jack, Zack, and Rian and I almost passed out. "Oh, fuck. I think she might need to sit down," Jack laughed. Jamie pulled me over to the couch and the rest of the guys followed. I sat down, but I still couldn't talk.

"She'll be able to talk later, right Jamie?" Rian asked. I looked at Jamie questioningly. "I hope so. I haven't told her about that surprise yet. I thought she'd much rather hear it from one of you," Jamie laughed. Everyone looked at Alex as he looked at me and smiled, "You're going to be singing Remembering Sunday with me."

"Whoa, I'm what?" I finally said. "She speaks!" Jack exclaimed. "You're singing with me," Alex repeated. Jamie turned to me, "I know you don't like singing in front of people, but I also know you can do it, Alex." "Whoa! Another Alex," Jack yelled, "I don't know if I'll be able to tell you two apart!" "Whatever, douchebag." Everyone laughed along as Alex hit Jack's shoulder.

"5 minutes till showtime, guys," Matt said when he walked in. "I don't play Remembering Sunday until the middle of the show, so you can rest, warm up, make out with Jamie, do whatever, and I'll come tell you when you should be ready later," Alex said as he was leaving. I started laughing and Jamie yelled sarcastically at Alex, "Thanks for that, man. I really appreciated it." "You're welcome!" Alex yelled back.

I should've expected nothing less from Jamie. He doesn't normally surprise people, but when he does, he makes sure to go all out. I had to admit, I was excited. But at the same time, I was terrified. Being on stage with Jamie and having him sing to me is completely different than knowing I'll be on stage singing myself and he won't be there to hold my hand or anything. But I knew I was going to have to make the best of it, because there was no backing out now.