Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

The Music's Playing So Loud

Since HCR had the next couple days without concerts, God only knows what's going to happen. And no one will tell me what's going on. But for the time being, I plopped myself down on the couch and turned on the TV. 'Oh, Mean Girls is on!' I thought. I've always loved this movie, if that wasn't made clear.

About half an hour into it, Nash ran onto the bus and threw a couple shopping bags at my head. I screamed and looked at him, "What the hell, Nash?!" "Go put those on!" "Why?" "Just do it!" he yelled. "Alright, alright. I'm going. No need to use outside voices. Geesh," I mumbled as I stood up and walked to one of the back rooms. I opened the bags and took everything out, cursing under my breath, but I decided it was best just to put the clothes on rather than face the argument.

When I came out, I saw Rebekah, Ryan, Nash, and Ian holding letters that spelled out 'Prom' and Jamie at the end holding a rose. (They were obviously already dressed up.) I pressed the palm of my hand to my mouth, but I couldn't stop smiling.

"We know you weren't able to go to your prom, so here we are," Jamie smiled. I walked over to Jamie and wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face in his shoulder.

"So, does this mean you like it?" Nash asked hopefully. I lifted myself off of Jamie and looked at Nash, "I love it." "Good," he sighed, "cause I didn't want you to hate us forever." "Well, I still have to get you back for throwing those bags at me, but other than that, we're good." I smirked as Nash's eyes widened. "Come on! Let's go party!" Rebekah yelled.

We walked into a building that could have been considered a club, but it wasn't really big enough. There were a lot of people there though. When we walked through the door, everyone turned around and yelled, "Happy birthday, Alex!" I instantly looked at Jamie. He laughed, "You should know by now that I'm full of surprises." I rolled my eyes as I grabbed his hand and smiled.

There was so much to do, I didn't know where to go first. After what Jamie told me was 30 minutes of trying to decide, which was really more like two, I ran over to the karaoke machine, dragging Jamie with me as the rest of the group followed.

"Someone sing 'A Whole New World' with me!!" I screamed. I looked at Jamie and he looked up at the ceiling. "Fine, Jamie. Be that way," I laughed, "Naaaaaashy, will you sing with me?" I knew he wouldn't be able to say no when I held out his name like that. He sighed and grabbed one of the mics as I squealed with excitement.

We sang to each other dramatically as everyone laughed and just had a good time. When the song was over, I jumped off stage and tackled Jamie. "Jealous yet?" I giggled. "Why would I be jealous?" he laughed. "Because I totally just serenaded Nash with that song." Jamie smiled back, "Oh, of course. I'm so jealous. I will win you, Alex! You will be mine!"

I stopped bugging Jamie when a girl walked up to our group, specifically to Nash. "Hey, you're Nash Overstreet, right?" she asked. "Uh, yeah. What's up?" She smiled as she extended her hand out to Nash, "I'm a huge fan! I'm Cady. Cady Groves."