Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

Before You, I Never Thought I Could Let Anyone In

Nash just stared at her, so I elbowed his side. He looked at me and I nodded for him to shake her hand. He slowly stretched his arm out until his hand hit hers. Cady smiled, noticing how nervous he was. Nash let go of her immediately and I poked his arm, "There's no need to be nervous, silly!" "I..I am not nervous," Nash said, trying not to stumble on his words. I laughed and pushed him toward Cady, "Get to know each other! You two kids have fun! But not too much fun." Nash looked back and glared at me, but kept walking with Cady. I blew him a kiss and yelled after him, "You'll thank me for this later, babe!"

I turned back to the group, "Oh, starstruck lovers. So adorable!" "Yeah, because you don't know what that's like, right?" Ryan laughed. "Why, what ever do you mean, Ry?" "Well-" "Sorry for the interruption, I have to go remind her," Jamie smirked, picking me up.


I'll admit, I am a huge fan of Cady's music as well. You know that moment where you see that person you had a crush on in middle school, and then years later when you see them again, you don't recognize them? That's how I felt when Cady smiled at me and told me her name.

We had a thing in 8th grade. Well, I don't really think you'd call it a thing actually. I had, and still have, feelings for her. Someone just asked her out before I got the courage to do it myself. They've been dating ever since then, and to my knowledge are still dating now. But I figured it would just be best to forget about her.

Cady nudged my shoulder and I looked up. I hadn't realized we had stopped walking, or were even sitting for that matter. She giggled, "How have you been, Nash? Or do you go by Mr. Overstreet now? Being all famous and whatnot." I smiled back at her lightly, "Nash is fine. I've been good, how about yourself?" She smiled, but I noticed it had faded a little, "I've been alright." "Uh, so, how are you and Eric?" I asked, not really knowing what to say. She looked down and I immediately felt horrible for asking. "Oh, we broke up last month. I guess there was someone better out there for him," she responded, playing with the ring on her right ring finger. "I don't think they get much better than you, Cady," I thought. I wanted to tell her how I felt, but she just broke up with her boyfriend. I knew it was too soon.

She quickly perked up, "But enough about sad stuff, how's life as a rockstar?" I smiled at her. There was something about the way she could go from being sad to happy in a matter of seconds that reminded me why I liked her in the first place. "It's pretty good. Much better than working in a stuffy office all day." "I would assume so," she laughed. God, I love her laugh.


I picked Alex up and ran off with her. "Jamie," she giggled, "Where are we going?" "You'll see." "No, tell me now! I wanna know!" "Well, if I tell you now, it won't be a surprise, will it?" I chuckled. "But I don't like surprises," she pouted. "Trust me, Al," I said, "You'll love this one."

I carried Alex to one of the many doors this building had before putting her down. I opened the door for her, "After you, my love." She smiled, "Why, thank you, dear."

We climbed a couple sets of stairs before reaching another door. I told her to close her eyes, to which she gave me a confused look, but did it anyway. I led her out to the roof where there was a blanket, pillows, and candles set up.

When I told her to open her eyes again, I swear I saw a tear fall. "Jamie," she whispered, "This is beautiful." I wrapped my arms around her waist and walked her over to the blanket, "Never as beautiful as you."

About 20 minutes later, we were laying down, watching the sunset and talking about nothing and everything. "Jamie," Alex whispered again, looking up at me, "I love you." I smiled and kissed her forehead, "I love you, too, Alex." "Thank you." "For what?" "For not feeling like you have to spend money on me to show you love me." "Nothing I can do would ever show you just how much I love you, babe," I answered honestly.

It had been a while since the sun left the sky, so I was assuming it was about 10 or 10:30. I noticed Alex was asleep, so I carefully got up, then picked her up and made my way back to the bus. When I got to the door, I made sure I was quiet because I knew everyone would be sleeping, readying themselves for the concert we had the next night.

I laid Alex in my bunk and took off her shoes, not bothering to wake her up so she could change out of her dress. She was already sleeping peacefully, I didn't want to have to wake her up when it wasn't absolutely necessary. I climbed in next to her, wrapping my arm protectively around her waist again. She leaned up against me, letting her arm fall across my stomach. I smiled, kissed her forehead once more, and fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if you're confused about the whole Nash/Cady thing.
A few lovely folks from Tumblr wanted me to give our little Nashy a love interest. :)
If you want, you could follow my Tumblrs..
Story: forgetthecontemplation
Personal: makeoverstreettakeitalloff
But it's totally up to you, you know. :)