Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

Stars Burn Out Like Dreams


The next day, we all decided to go out for breakfast, Cady included. We entered IHOP and I took a breath, "Sweet merciful Jesus, that smells good." "Calm down," Rebekah giggled, "We don't need you drooling everywhere." I playfully pushed her over to a table while everyone else followed. "I call window seat!" Jamie yelled. "Hey, what if I wanted window seat?!" I yelled back. "Well, I guess you're going to have to get over it!" Jamie stuck his tongue out at me, sliding over beside the window. I grinned evilly at Jamie, whose eyes instantly became wide, "Alex, what are you doing..?" I jumped on him and sat on his lap, "Sitting by the window." He raised his eyebrow at me and I smiled innocently at him, "What?" He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled, "Nothing. You just look really beautiful today." I flipped my hair out from in front of my eyes and sarcastically replied, "I know." He looked at me and laughed. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did the way I flip my hair overwhelm you by chance?" "Yes, Alex. I'm terribly overwhelmed right now," Jamie replied. "Yeah, same here, Alex. I think we're all pretty overwhelmed by your astonishingly good looks," Cady winked at me. I winked back but immediately turned my attention over to the person bringing us our food. I nearly jumped back out of Jamie's lap screaming, "Pancakes!" Everyone at the table laughed as I started eating. I looked up at them innocently as I shoved another bite of pancake into my mouth, "What?" "You eat like a guy," Rebekah laughed. "Hey," I laughed, pointing my fork at her, "Guys dig this shit." "Yeah, it's truly the most attractive thing about her," Jamie laughed sarcastically.


When we were all done eating, we just sat around for a while, goofing off. I looked over at Alex, and while she was smiling and having fun, I could tell something was up. "Hey, um, Alex. Would you mind coming to the bathroom with me?" She looked up at me, "Yeah, sure."

We walked back to the bathroom and I made sure no one was in there before I spoke again, "What's wrong?" She stepped back, a little surprised, "Nothing." "I know we don't really know each other, but I promise, if something's up, you can trust me." She looked like she was about to break down and she told me about her dad. "I've only told Jamie about him, but I haven't told him what I'm about to tell you. You have to swear not to tell anyone, not even Nash.." she said. I grabbed her pinky with my own, "Pinky swear." She smiled lightly and breathed, "I...I ran into my dad the other night at one of the concerts. Well, he ran into me, but I knew it was on purpose. I don't know how he found me, I just know he did. He said that he's been looking for me. I don't know what to do. If I tell any of the guys, they'll never let me out of their sight. Especially Jamie. I know they're only trying to protect me, but I just don't want them to worry. They have enough things to worry about now, I just don't want to be another burden, you know?" "I know what you mean, but you can't do that. Those boys love you. I haven't even been around that long and I don't know what Jamie would do if he lost you. I'm not saying you have to tell him now, but if you ever see your dad again, you need to tell him then." She sniffled and wrapped her arms around me, "Thanks for listening, Cady." I smiled and wrapped my arms around her as well, "I'll always be here to listen, Alex."


"They've been gone a pretty long time," I said. "Yeah, but girls take forever in the bathroom," Ryan smirked. I laughed, "Not as long as you do, babe." He looked at me with puppy-dog eyes as I rolled my own and smiled, "I'm just gonna go check on them."

I got up from my seat and walked back to the bathroom. I was about to open the door when I heard Cady say she'd always be there to listen to Alex. I'll admit I thought it was a little weird. Alex didn't seem to be distracted while we were eating.

Cady opened the door and I saw that she had her arm draped around Alex's shoulder. Alex's hand just moved away from her face, obviously wiping off a tear. "Oh, hey, Rebekah," Cady said, "What's up?" "Um.. I was just coming to check on you guys. We thought you got lost or something," I faked a laugh. "Oh, no. We we about to come back when Alex got something in her eye and I had to help her get it out," Cady smiled. "Alright.." I said suspiciously. "Well, the guys are waiting, so we should probably get back to them." "Yeah, I guess so."

I noticed Alex didn't look at me the whole time I was talking with Cady. I immediately knew something was up. I just didn't get why Alex didn't talk to me about it. I know she doesn't have to tell me everything, but I've been friends with her long before Cady. I hope I'm only overthinking things.