Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

I Won't Go Down Easily


I woke up the next morning and walked outside to get some air. I saw Alex sitting by herself at a nearby table, so I decided that, even though I know I shouldn't push it, I needed to ask her about why she was crying at breakfast yesterday.

I sat down beside her, "Hey, Alex. What's up?" "Oh, nothing," she replied quietly. "Okay, then why are you out here alone?" "It's nothing, really." "Is this about what happened at breakfast yesterday when you were crying?" She looked at me, "I...I wasn't crying. I got something in my eye.." "We both know that's bullshit, Alex. What's going on with you?" "N-nothing, alright? I just don't want to talk about it.." "Well, you wanted to talk about it with Cady!" She immediately got defensive, "Well, at least she's noticed something was bothering me!" "Oh, well I'm sorry I didn't notice one thing, Alex!" I yelled and stormed back onto the bus. Ryan and Nash were sitting on the couch when I walked by. "What's wrong, babe?" Ryan asked. I quickly spun around, "Don't worry about it!" and went into the bathroom, locking the door. I looked in the mirror and muttered, "Shit.."


I just stared at the bathroom door. "What's up with her..?" I wondered outloud. "I don't know, man. She came from outside, didn't she? You go check on her, I'll go see what could have made her upset out there," Nash said, standing up and walking outside.

"Babe," I called from outside the bathroom door, "What's wrong?" She didn't answer, but I heard a few sniffles. "Bekah, I don't want to have to go get the key. Please let me in and talk to me." I heard some shuffling and then the door unlock. I opened it and saw Rebekah sitting on the floor, holding her knees up to her chest, resting her head against them. I closed the door and sat beside her, just wrapping my arms around her and letting her cry on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Ry," she said after calming down. "It's okay. Just tell me what's wrong," I replied, rubbing her arm. "No, it's stupid. I'll be fine." "You know just as well as I do you're only avoiding talking about it. Now tell me." "I just feel like ever since Cady showed up, Alex and I just haven't been as close as we used to. I know something's wrong with her, but she won't talk to me, and I know she's told Cady about it. I don't know. I guess I feel like Cady's replacing me or something," she said, starting to cry again. "You know Alex will tell you, just on her own time. You have to wait for her to come to you. You know she's not going to want to talk to you about whatever this thing is if you push it. You two have been best friends for over five years. You can't just throw it away like this. She loves you, and you love her. You just have to give her time." She sniffled again and looked up at me, "I love you, Ryan." I kissed her forehead, "I love you, too, Rebekah."


I walked outside to see Alex sitting with her head resting in her arms on a table. I could tell she was crying, so I just sat down next to her and rubbed her back. She looked up at me and tried to wipe all the tears off her face, "Oh, hey, Nash." I grabbed her hands and put them in her lap before wiping off her tears myself, "You wanna tell me what's wrong?" "Not really.." "Well, that's too bad. Because you're going to tell me anyway. Does this have anything to do with why Rebekah's upset?" Alex nodded, but didn't say anything. "What happened, Alex?" "I..I told Cady a secret and I wouldn't tell Rebekah and now I think she's mad because she thinks I'm trying to replace her." "Well, I'm not going to push you to talk about whatever this secret is, but why did you tell Cady and not Rebekah?" "Because Cady confronted me about it. That's why she asked me to go to the bathroom with her yesterday morning. She said she knew something was bothering me, so I told her everything. But I didn't mean to. I just...I don't know what I meant to do, it just happened." "Maybe you're both overreacting, huh? You could try to talk to her about it. Without yelling at each other," I suggested. "She's not going to want to talk to me now. Not after I yelled at her." Alex started crying a little again. I sighed, "You've been best friends with her for a while. Your emotions just got the best of you. You don't mean what you say when you're mad, Alex. Rebekah knows that. I'm sure she'll understand. Just talk to her. For me, okay?" She looked up and nodded, then leaned her head on my shoulder. I sighed and wrapped my arm around her, laying my head on hers. I kind of figured she wouldn't talk to her right away, right now, she just needed comforting. And I was there to give that to her.