Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

I'll Have You Back Before He Knows You're Gone


I didn't bother lifting my head off of Nash's shoulder when I heard the bus door open. "Um, Nash, could I um, maybe talk to Alex alone for a minute..?" I heard Rebekah ask. "Yeah, sure," Nash replied, squeezing my hand and kissing my forehead before walking back onto the bus.

Rebekah sat down across from me, "Um.. Alex.. I.." I interrupted her, "No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told someone I barely know something I didn't even tell my best friend first." "I'm sorry, too. I really shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I was just jealous. I'm sorry for trying to push you talk about whatever's bothering you." "It's okay. If it becomes more of a problem, I promise, I'll talk to you about it." Rebekah smiled lightly, "Deal." She reached her arm over the table for a handshake. I smirked slightly, grabbing her face and kissing her cheek. "Handshakes are so mainstream," I giggled. She smiled, "Yeah, I'll try to remember that."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to the bus, talking in a southern accent, "We've got a concert to get ready for, little lady!" She laughed and replied with the same tone, "Why, I reckon we do, partner!"

"Are we all friends again?" Nash asked. "No," I said, "I still hate you for throwing things at my face." He stuck out his bottom lip and I smiled at him innocently. "It's not that I wouldn't just adore staying here and chatting about how much we all hate one another, but Alex and I have to go get prettied up." "Why? You guys are only photographers," Ryan smirked. "This coming from the person who takes three hours to choose an outfit that's only going to get covered in sweat, yeah?" Rebekah replied. "Low blow, Bekah. Low blow." "Kill shot, Ry. Kill shot," she winked at him.

Okay, so, the concert was the concert. Hot Chelle Rae killed it, as always, and Jamie and I sang Keep You With Me together. It was fabulous. But the real drama didn't start happening until later that night.

I was outside, sitting on the curb and going through the photos on my camera when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I smiled and turned around, thinking it was Jamie, but my smile quickly faded. "Hello, Leah," my father grinned. I jumped to my feet and squirmed away from him, "What are you doing here?" "I told you I've been looking for you." I started backing away toward the door of the venue when he grabbed my arm.

I knew there was no other option than to do what I did next. It took every bit of breath I had in my body at that moment, but I had to make my scream loud enough, "Jamie!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry this chapter's really short.
I'll try to make up for it within the next few chapters though if you promise not to hate me. :3