Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

Tell Me I'm Your Everything


I was in the middle of meeting fans when I heard Alex scream my name. Ryan, Nash, Ian, and I ran outside. I looked around and saw Alex struggling to get away from a man who was dragging her away. I yelled, "Hey! Let go of her!" and the man spun around to face us. "Sorry. No can do, kid," he laughed. I immediately turned my attention to Alex. She was still trying to get away and tears were streaming down her face. We walked over to Alex and the man. He tried to swing at Ryan, but Ryan ducked and Nash hit him from the side. His grip on Alex loosened as soon as Nash's fist came into contact with his face, which was enough time for me to grab Alex and run back inside with her.

Security was outside seconds after Alex and I ran through the door. The door closed behind us and Alex leaned against the wall, sliding down to the floor and pulling her knees up to her chest, trying to wipe away her tears. I grabbed her hands with one hand and wiped her face with the other. Rebekah ran over, sliding across the floor, stopping at Alex's side, "I just heard what happened! Oh my God, are you okay?" Alex tried to nod, but all she could do was cry. "Who was that?" Cady asked, worried. "M-m-my dad," Alex replied in between sobs. Cady's eyes widened and she whispered, "Oh my God.." "Is there something someone's not telling me..?" I asked. Alex looked at Cady as if she were giving her permission to do something. Cady breathed in deeply before speaking, "Yesterday, when I asked Alex to go to the bathroom with me, it wasn't because that's just what girls do. I asked her to go because I knew something was bothering her. She told me about her dad and that he ran into her at a concert of yours the other night, and she said he told her he'd been looking for her, but he didn't do anything. Other than tonight, of course." I looked at Alex, "Why didn't you tell me?" She steadied her breathing and spoke, "I-I didn't want you to get worried. I d-didn't think he-he'd do anything.." "Is that why you wouldn't tell me what was wrong with you this morning?" Rebekah asked. Alex only nodded. Rebekah grabbed Alex's other hand, "Allie, you should have told someone who could have done something," she looked up at Cady, "No offense.." "It's okay," Cady smiled lightly. "No, I made her pr-promise not to t-tell anyone," Alex sniffled. "Why?" I asked quietly. "I t-told you, I didn't want anyone worrying about me. You already had enough to worry about that day. I d-didn't want to be a burden." "Babe, you will never be a burden. All we care about is your safety, and I know the fans do as well." She squeezed my hand and sniffled again, but she didn't say anything.


When security came outside, the police had already arrived and they put the man in handcuffs. "Hey, does anyone know where Alex and Jamie went?" I asked to no one in particular when they were done asking me questions. "I think Jamie grabbed her and took her inside when that guy let go of her," Ian said. "Um, I'm gonna go check on her," I said, walking toward the door.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Alex against the wall with everyone around her. I knelt down infront of her, resting my hands on her knees, "Are you alright, Alex?" She looked at me with tears in her eyes, but nodded. I wasn't about to question it. I knew she had every right to be crying right now. She let go of Jamie and Rebekah's hands and wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she mumbled into my shoulder, "Thank you, Nash." I held her tighter, "You're welcome, Alex."

"Seriously, Nash. I owe you," she said when she let go after a few minutes. "You don't owe anything. I would do anything to protect you, Alex. All I want to know is who he was." She breathed, "My dad.." I looked at her questioningly. "Um, I'd actually just like to tell everyone else at once. I know Ryan and Ian are going to be wondering, too. Could someone go get them..?" "On it!" Rebekah called out, already halfway out the door.

Jamie and I helped Alex stand up and walk over to the couch. She was shaking so badly, I thought one of us was going to have to carry her.


"So, who was that guy, Al?" Ian asked when he walked through the door. I smiled a little, "I knew you were going to ask. That's why I wanted you, Ryan, and Nash in here at the same time so I didn't have to explain it more than I needed to."

I told them everything about my dad from the very beginning. They seemed fairly calm up until the point when I told them about my little run in with him earlier this week. "Alex, what were you thinking? You should have told us!" Ryan said, raising his voice slightly. "I was thinking I could handle it, Ryan," I replied with the same tone, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but it's not like I can go back and do it differently. If I knew he was going to show up tonight and try to take me to God knows where, I would have told you guys. You only found out about it tonight because I knew that was the only way I could have gotten away from him." "But what if we hadn't have been here tonight, Alex? What if you weren't anywhere near us or anyone for that matter? He could have gotten you. He could have hurt you. He could have-" I cut him off, "Ry, calm down. God, I swear, you and your brother are so much alike. Like I said, I didn't think he'd actually show up again. When he called me Leah and grabbed my arm, I knew I was screwed unless I did something about it, which I did. So it's okay." "Alex," Ian spoke, "You've gotta stop this. We need to know about these things before something like this happens again. Sure, we'll be more protective of you than usual, but that's only because we care about you and your safety. I sure as hell know Jamie would go absolutely insane if anything happened to you." I looked over at Jamie, who had been holding my hand the whole time. He didn't look up at me or anything. Now that I thought about it, he hadn't really said much since he found out that man was my father.

"Jamie," I said quietly, "What's wrong." He looked up and I saw his eyes were red, "We can talk about it later. I'll tell you when we go to bed." I looked up at everyone and they were all looking at Jamie. I cleared my throat and they looked at me, "I think we're going to go to bed now." I pulled Jamie up off the couch as he whined, "What are you doing?" "We're talking about it now." I climbed into Jamie's bunk and he followed, not bothering to put up a fight. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I just love you and I don't want to have to think about losing you.." "Bullshit, Jamie. Your eyes are red, I can tell you've been holding back tears. You may not want to lose me, but that's not the whole story. Now stop feeling like you have to be brave for me and tell me what's really going on." He sighed, "I told you. I don't want to have to think about losing you. I love you so much, it hurts, Alex. If anything ever happens to you-" "Jamie Christian Follese, stop that. If you keep thinking like this, you're going to worry yourself to death. You are not going to lose me. No matter what. I promise. I love you more than the English language will allow me to tell you. But you need to stop overthinking, and stop always trying to be the brave one. You tell me all the time, you can't keep it in like this. The longer you keep it in, the more damage it's going to do. You know I'm always here to listen. Hell, you can wake me up at 3am if you need to. Whenever you need to talk, I'm here to listen. Understand?" Jamie nodded and leaned his forehead against mine, letting a tear fall, "I love you, Leah Alexandria." I lifted my hand and wiped the tear off of his face and said, "I love you more, Jamie Christian," before pressing my lips against his.