Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

You're Out Of Line


"So, what's it like headlining your own tour?" The interviewer asked. "It's been really great. The fans definitely make the shows more entertaining," I smiled. "Now, your singles Tonight Tonight, I Like It Like That, and Honestly are all kind of party songs. What make you decide Keep You With Me would be the next single?" Jamie spoke up, "Well, I actually wrote the song for my girlfriend about a year ago. She had just flown back home for the summer from school before we started this tour and I wanted to surprise her with it, and the radio DJ was nice enough to play it for us." "Your girlfriend is Alex Davis, correct?" Jamie nodded and the interview continued, "I understand she's sang that song with you during concerts a couple times?" "Yeah, she was pretty hesitant at first, but she's fine now." "Are there any other songs you've written for Alex?" "Yeah, Jamie and I actually wrote Forever Unstoppable for Alex as well as my girlfriend," I smiled. "I also wrote a song. It's called The Only One and I wrote it for the salad I was eating," Nash said with a straight face. We all started laughing and the interview continued.

It was pretty boring, not gonna lie. You know, the usual interview questions and whatnot. When it was over, we walked back to where Alex and Rebekah were. "You guys did great!" Rebekah squealed. I laughed and hugged her, "Thanks."


We were about to leave the studio when I heard someone call my name, "Leah Alexandria Davis! Is that really you?" I spun around and squeaked in excitement, "Garrett Daniel Nickelsen, I haven't seen you in forever!" I ran up to him and hugged him, "Is the rest of the band here, too?" "Yup," he smiled, "They should be walking through the door any time now."

Just as he said that, John, Kennedy, Jared, and Pat walked inside and stared at me. I smiled at them, "No, your eyes are not fooling you. All your dreams have come true right now." "Alex, I haven't seen you since middle school!" John said, hugging me tightly. "I know," I laughed, "The only thing that hasn't changed about you are your hugs." "I'm trying to decide whether or not that was a compliment," John joked. "Oh, it was absolutely a compliment," I winked jokingly.

I pulled the guys across the room. "Holy shit!" Rebekah screamed, "You're The Maine!" I laughed, "Well, since Rebekah already knows who you are.. The Maine, Hot Chelle Rae. Hot Chelle Rae, The Maine." I pointed to everyone, introducing them all to one another. Rebekah looked like she was going to fall out of her seat, she was bouncing so excitedly. "Bekah, please be careful. I don't want to have to explain to a doctor why you broke a finger falling off your chair," I joked. She squeaked, "'s The Maine! Have you seen them?! ...They're The Maine!" "Wow, Rebekah, I'm feeling the love right now," Ryan laughed. "Well, when you become John O'Callaghan and sing in The Maine, call me," Rebekah smiled. John just chuckled, "I feel obligated to hug you right now." Rebekah looked like she was going to pass out, "I have to be dreaming right now.. Alex! Pinch me!" I walked over and pinched her and she yelped, "Alex!" "What? You told me to!" John walked over to her and hugged her and I'm fairly certain she stopped breathing for a few seconds.

"How long are you guys here?" I asked. "About two weeks," Garrett replied. "Great! We should definitely catch up!" "Yeah, absolutely. It was great seeing you again, Alex," he smiled. "It was great seeing you again, too, Garebear," I smiled as he rolled his eyes at his nickname. I hugged all the guys and the rest of us went off to lunch.

"So, you and Garrett seem close," Jamie said when we sat down in the restaurant. "Well, yeah. He's been one of my best friends since elementary school," I said, taking a bite of my food. I wrinkled my eyebrows and turned toward Jamie, "You're not jealous, are you?" "No, why would I be jealous?" "You're getting pretty defensive about it. Seems like you're jealous to me." "I'm not getting defensive about it. If anything, you're the one making a big deal about it." "I'm making a big deal about it?" I could tell my voice was getting louder, but I couldn't help it. "It's not like you've had a problem with me being best friends with guys before, Jamie. I'm friends with Ryan, Nash, and Ian for Christ's sake. Why do you have a problem with Garrett being my best friend?" "I don't have a problem with him being your best friend. I have a problem with the way you were hanging all over him earlier!" "I wasn't hanging all over him! I hugged him twice! You don't see me acting like this when you hug your fans!" "That's different," Jamie shrugged. "How the hell is that different? They hang all over you, but I don't make a big deal about it!" "They're only fans! I haven't know them for over 10 years!" "That doesn't make any difference, Jamie! Garrett's only my friend! I'm not his girlfriend, I'm yours. I would think you'd trust me, but I guess I was wrong." I slammed my hands on the table and stood up, storming back to the bus, everyone in the restaurant staring at me on the way out.


I watched Alex get on the bus and slam the door behind her. I looked at Jamie, who didn't seem like it bothered him at all. "Honestly, Jamie," I said. "Honestly nothing, Ryan." "What the hell is wrong with you?" Rebekah asked in disbelief. "Is her being best friends with a guy she's know for over 10 years really worth you yelling at her like that?" Ian asked. "She was hanging all over him and the rest of those guys. I know you saw it." "Well, I guess I'm going to need to make an appointment with our eye doctor because I didn't see that at all." "Whatever," Jamie mumbled, "I know what I saw." Rebekah glared at him and stood up. She hit the side of his head, and he looked up at her, "What the hell was that for?!" "For being an asshole!" she yelled before running to the bus. Ian, Nash, and I all looked at Jamie. "Would you mind not staring at me? I'm trying to eat." "Good luck fixing this one, dick," Nash said before we all got up and walked to the bus, leaving Jamie to continue eating.