Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

I Like It Like That


"This isn't exactly the way I'd planned on everything happening on this tour when we asked them to join it," I told Ryan. It was 7am and Ryan and I were awake for some reason. "I know, Jaim, but maybe it was supposed to happen this way." "What do you mean?" "Well," he started, "I mean, maybe you and Alex are supposed to get into arguments. You know, those arguments have made your relationship with her stronger since you guys first started dating." Now that I thought about it, we are closer than we've ever been. "I guess so, but at what cost? I've screwed up majorly twice and both times, I almost lost her. I can't go through that, Ryan. I can't. I love her. I love her so much, I feel like my heart's just going to break through my chest every time I look at her." "I know, Jamie. You've just got to be careful. These things can happen to anyone." "She tried to kill herself, Ry. Not everyone does that." "Maybe not, but all you should think about are the postives. She's still alive, and I can tell she's happy by the way she looks at you." I sighed and said quietly, "I love her, Ryan. More than anything." "I know you do, Jaim. We all do. We can't imagine our lives without her just as much as you can't. Just take one day at a time. Everything that's happened has only brought you two closer together." Ryan was right. Our relationship has become stronger, and I was going to make sure I did everything to avoid screwing that up.


"Where are we going?" I laughed as Nash pulled me away from the bus. "I can't tell you, it's a surprise!" he exclaimed. I guess there's this thing that says if you're taking your girlfriend to a secret location to surprise her, you have to jump over everything instead of going around it. I swear I almost fell a few times because he was running faster than my feet could move. "Nash! I swear, if you don't slow down, you're going to kill me!" "Well, the only other option here would be to carry you, and I figured you wouldn't want me to do that, so here we are," he replied, still running. "I would love nothing more than for to carry me right now. I think I find that so much better than dying," I joked. He stopped running and I hopped on his back and giggled, "You may continue."

He kept running for I don't even know how long. When he stopped, he told me to jump off his back, then he came behind me, covering my eyes with his hands. "Is this really necessary?" "Yes, it's a surprise." I could hear his smile. "But you know I don't like surprises," I replied, sticking out my bottom lip. I heard Nash let out a chuckle, "Just trust me, Cady."


I walked a few more feet and stopped her, but kept her eyes covered. "Alright, I stopped moving, but I still can't see. What's up with that?" she laughed. "This is it. Just a dark cave. Nothing more," I joked. "Nash Linden Miller Overstreet, you uncover my eyes right now or I'll never kiss you again," Cady demanded. "Damn, you sure do know how to get your way, don't you?" "Why, yes. Yes, I do," she smiled.

I lifted my hands away from her eyes and she laughed. "Nash," she groaned, dragging out my name, "you know I can't ice skate!" "So, nothing's really changed from 8th grade, I see." "Nope. I'll probably fall twice as many times as I did at that birthday party of yours you begged me to go to." "Hey, I did not beg. You were completely up for it!" I replied, pointing a finger at her. "Only because you didn't tell me there was any form of skating involved!" she laughed. "Tell you what, I'll offer you a proposition." "And what might that be?" "You go ice skating with me, and I'll make sure you don't fall." She thought about it for a moment, "Alright, I'll take it. But if I fall, you have to kiss me." "And if you don't fall?" "I have to kiss you." "But either way, that still involves me kissing you," I chuckled. "Exactly. It's a win-win!" she exclaimed. "We gotta deal, Overstreet?" "You're on, Groves." We shook hands as we laughed and got ready to skate.

Within 5 minutes of getting onto the ice, Cady had nearly fallen about 10 times. "Honestly, Cady. You really need to learn how to skate," I laughed, resting my hands on her waist to help her stay steady. "I'm sorry. I've just never had time," she stuck her tongue out at me. "Hey, Miss Groves. That's not very nice. Kinda makes me want to lose the bet just so you'll fall." "You wouldn't." "Oh, wouldn't I?" I smirked, letting go of her waist for a second, causing her to stumble before I caught her again. "Nash!" she screamed, grabbing my hands. "Don't doubt me," I smiled. "You're still the same Nash from 8th grade," she laughed. "Yeah, I'm just better looking." "Well, that part is completely debatable." I moved my hands slightly and she quickly moved them back to her waist, "Don't you dare, Overstreet." I smirked again and we kept skating.

About an hour later, we decided to get off the ice and head back to the bus. When the bus was in sight, I turned to Cady, "You, my dear, still owe me a kiss." "What kiss?" she asked innocently. "You know what kiss," I smiled. "Oh, right. That one." She stood on her toes and kissed my cheek, "A deal's a deal." "Well, obviously, your idea of a kiss and my idea of a kiss are very different," I laughed. "Oh, I don't know. A kiss is a kiss if you ask me," she shrugged and laughed. "Really?" I grinned. She raised an eyebrow at me and I smirked. I turned toward her and took her face in my hands, leaned down, and attached my lips with hers. I felt her smile and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"So, still have the same idea of a kiss as I do?" I asked when we pulled away. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "Absolutely not." She smiled and I grabbed her hand, interlocking my fingers with hers, and we walked back to the bus.