Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

I'm With You For What It's Worth


About a month later, word had obviously gotten out that Nash and I were together. I kept getting calls from some restricted number, but I never answered them. I swear, if that number is Johnny Depp's, I'm going to be so mad.

The group had decided we would go to the beach since it was our day off. When we got there, there weren't many people. Which was good, but it was weird since it was the middle of July. But it was unusually hot out, so we figured that was why.

About a half an hour after we got there, I got out of the water and sat on my towel to rest. When I sat down, I reached into my bag and took out my phone, logging onto Twitter. When the homepage popped up, I saw a tweet by Eric.

"@iamericjones: It's funny how you can date someone for seven years, and they can leave you like you meant nothing to them."

I just stared at my phone, thoughts racing, knowing it was about me. First, we didn't date for seven consecutive years. We were on and off, most of the time, we'd be off for at least 2 years at a time. Second, how could he say I left him? He cheated, not me. He up and left me for some chick he met at a party three months ago. None of this was my fault.

Right after I read the tweet, I got a text message from Eric. Why I didn't delete his number, I don't know. But I feel like I'm about to regret opening this message.

"Like my tweet? ;)" The nerve of this boy amazes and frustrates me. "No, I actually didn't. You know I did nothing wrong." I replied back, typing angrily. "Haha, too bad my followers don't know that. :)" He replied almost instantly. "What the hell is your problem?" "I will get you back, Cady." "Why are you doing this? It's been two months." "Is this about that dick you're dating?" "Nash is not a dick. He's treated me better in two months than you ever did in seven." "I will get you back, got it? No matter what I have to do or who I have to go through."

I threw my phone in my lap and crossed my legs Indian style, resting my elbows on my thighs and my head in my hands. Alex walked over and sat down beside me, "What's wrong?" I sighed, reaching for my phone and handing it to her, not bothering to look up. I swore I heard her jaw drop and she grabbed my hand, pulling me off the ground. I looked at her as she got Rebekah's attention and nodded for her to come over. Rebekah sprinted over to us and Alex handed her my phone as we walked into the grass near the parking lot.

"What the hell?" Rebekah asked in shock. I didn't say anything, I just switched to Twitter and showed them Eric's tweet. "What he called seven years, was more like seven months that were just spread out over seven years," I said quietly. "This guy is in for it. He better not show up at one of the band's concerts or I'm gonna-" Alex cut Rebekah off, "I'm sure Cady appreciates your willingness to beat the shit out of her ex, but I don't really think this is the way to go about it. I mean, we don't know what this guy is capable of. He could be a crazy person for all we know. We just have to be careful about this." Rebekah calmed down, "I guess. But you've gotta tell Nash," she said, turning toward me. "I can't," I replied. "Why not? Eric's obviously going to try something. And that means he'll more than likely show up at one of the concerts," Alex asked. "I don't want Nash to lose focus on every concert just because Eric may show up. He more than likely won't do anything. He's all talk. He always has been." Alex grabbed my hand, "Do you remember what happened with my dad?" "Yes," I sighed, knowing where this was going. "I didn't think he'd do anything either. But he did, and I nearly turned into a missing persons report. I know you don't want to worry Nash, but I also know you have to play it safe. I'm speaking from personal experience here. We all know how Jamie would go absolutely insane if anything happened to me. Nash would do the same with you." I sighed again, "Alright. But would it be okay if you guys were there with me? You know, when I tell him?" "Of course," Rebekah smiled lightly.


Later that night when we were all back on the bus, Cady asked everyone to gather around the couch. She sat down, Alex and Rebekah on both sides of her, the guys and I kneeling on the floor in front of them. "This isn't exactly easy for me to tell you guys, because I know how you all worry and stuff.." Cady trailed off and Alex grabbed her hand and squeezed it, nodding for her to continue. She took a deep breath, "You guys all know about Eric. Today, while we were at the beach, he texted me." "I don't see where this is going.." I said, confused. She let go of Alex's hand and reached into her pocket, pulling out her phone. She went into her messages and after a few more seconds, turned her phone around, handing it to me. Ryan, Jamie, and Ian leaned over to read what the screen said, and our jaws dropped nearly at the same time. She continued. "I didn't want to tell you at first because I didn't want anyone to lose focus during a show, but after what happened with Alex's dad, I guess it was kind of obvious I had to tell you right away." "Why didn't you say something earlier today?" I asked quietly. "You guys were all having fun and enjoying your day off. I didn't want to be that person that ruined it," Cady replied, looking down at her feet. I moved my hand under her chin and lifted her head up so she was looking at me, "We're not going to let him touch you." "Yeah, as if Jamie, Ian, and I aren't enough, he's got Nash to worry about. Plus, I've seen how mad Rebekah can get," Ryan said. "Yeah, tell me about it," Jamie mumbled. Alex and Rebekah laughed at Jamie's comment and then turned back to Cady. "He's not getting near you, Cady. Not with six people standing in his way," Rebekah said. "Exactly. You've got the six of us, plus security. There's no way he'll be able to do anything," Ian added. She looked around at everyone and smiled, "I love you guys." "We love you, too, Cady," Jamie smiled. "But not more than I do," I laughed. She smiled again and kissed me lightly, then leaned her forehead against mine and whispered, "I know. I love you, too."
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I don't really think this chapter is that good, but it's alright.
Feedback would be good, yeah? :)