Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

You're Scared and I'm Not There


Early the next afternoon while the band was warming up and whatnot, Cady, Rebekah, and I were still getting ready. Rebekah was the first done, as always. "Come on, guys. The show starts in 10 minutes and we still have to find our cameras, Alex," I heard Rebekah call from outside the bathroom door. "Can't you go look for them instead of telling me we need to look for them? Besides, I'm pretty sure we left them in the back room," I called back. "Does she always worry like this?" Cady laughed quietly when we heard Rebekah walk away. "Only when she thinks she lost something," I laughed back.


Cady and I walked out of the bathroom just as Rebekah was walking by. She dropped my camera in my hands and kept walking. "Told you," I called after her. She flipped me off as she was walking off the bus. "I love you, too," I yelled. I heard her laugh as Cady and I followed her.

It came time in the middle of the set when the band finally got a break. Jamie walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Jamie!" I squeaked, "You're sweaty! Get off of me!" He hugged me tighter and laughed, "You know you love it." I wrinkled my nose at him, "I love you, Jamie. Not your sweat." "Aw, that's nice," Jamie smiled and kissed me, "I love you, too. Now, you might want to take a shower. You smell kinda weird." "Jamie!" I yelled, hitting his arm. He grabbed my cheeks and kissed me passionately. "Fuck," I said quietly when he pulled away, "Am I dying?" "Not that I'm aware of," Jamie breathed. "Is that the last time I'm ever going to kiss you or something?" I joked. Jamie shrugged and smiled as he turned around and walked away. "Wait," I yelled, "I don't get another kiss?" "Nope." "Why not?" I pouted. He turned around and winked at me, "So the kiss you'll get after the show will be that much more amazing." I rolled my eyes and smiled at him before mouthing "I love you." to him as he was walking onstage again. "I love you, too," he mouthed back.

By the time I was tired from taking pictures, the band had about 10 more minutes left in their set. I walked over to get a drink when I felt like someone was walking behind me. The next thing I remember was someone covering my mouth with their hand and dragging me outside.


Ryan, Ian, Nash, and I all waved to the crowd after our set was over before running backstage. Rebekah, Cady, and Maggie were all waiting with smiles on their faces. "Maggie!" Ian gave her a huge smile, "I thought you were doing your recording today!" "We finished earlier than we thought we would, so I decided I'd stop by," she smiled, "You guys did awesome, by the way. As usual." Ian hugged and kissed her, as did Nash and Cady and Ryan and Rebekah. "Where's Alex?" I asked, looking around for her. "She's getting a-" Rebekah stopped when she turned around, "That's weird. I saw her walking over to get a drink not that long ago."


Immediately after Rebekah said that, my phone started ringing. I didn't bother looking at the called I.D. before answering. Before I could even say hello, I heard the smirk in the person's voice, "Missing something?" My eyes went wide as I pulled my phone away from my ear and read the screen before pressing it back against the side of my head. "You son of a bitch," I said loudly, "Where is she?" "Wait," Ryan said, "Who is it?" I pulled the phone away once again, pressing the speaker button and setting it on the table as everyone else gathered around. I'm guessing Eric heard what Ryan asked, because almost immediately after I set my phone down, he laughed bitterly and said, "Guess who." I looked up and the group and could tell Jamie was beyond pissed off at this point. "Where the fuck is my girlfriend, asshole?" Jamie yelled into the phone. "No need for yelling, pretty boy," Eric said, "I'm not going to hurt your precious little girlfriend." "Let me talk to her," Jamie demanded through clenched teeth. "Damn, don't be so aggressive about it. There are nicer ways to ask for things," Eric smirked. "Put Alex on the fucking phone," Jamie yelled again.

We heard a little rustling on the other end of the line, then a faint voice. "Jamie?" Alex asked quietly. Jamie dropped to his knees at the edge of the table, pulling my phone closer to him and letting a couple tears escape his eyes while he ran his hands through his hair, "Baby, are you alright?" Alex sniffled, "Yeah.. J-Jamie, I'm scared.." Jamie steadied his breathing as much as he could before speaking again, "I know you are, babe. But I need you to be brave for me, okay?" "Jamie...will you come get me now?" I watched as everyone's eyes started to fill with tears, even Maggie's, although she had no idea what was happening. As I looked around through my own watery eyes, I could tell this was absolutely breaking their hearts, especially Jamie's. "I'll be there as soon as I can, Alex. I promise." Alex started crying, "I love you, Jamie." After those four words, Jamie completely lost it. He covered his face with his hands, only to remove them moments later. He found enough strength to barely whisper, "I love you more, Alex."

Eric took his phone back, "Sorry to ruin the sentimental moment, but let's get down to business. I'm sure it's very clear that Alex is not what I want." "Then what the hell do you want?" Rebekah asked, raising her voice as she wiped tears off of her face. "Cady," Eric said. I knew Nash wasn't going to like what I said next. "Deal," I replied instantly. I felt Nash's grip on my hand get tighter. I heard the smile in Eric's voice, "We're at the old warehouse a couple blocks away from where you're at. Be here in 10 minutes, only you. No one else." "Got it," I said, grabbing my phone and hanging up.