Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

Just Get On The Floor

*One Week Later*


Obviously, my relationship with Nash has changed. But, believe me, it's in absolutely no way a bad change. We're closer, and I honestly think I love him more than before, which I didn't think was at all possible. We've made sure to spend as much time together as we can. And while most people think we're crazy for it, we know that we can't take it for granted. But I don't want to feel like I'm lecturing anyone, so we'll just move on now.

"You, my dears, are about to perform live on TV, how do you feel?" Alex said, pretending to interview the band before they went on stage at the CMT Awards. Ryan laughed, "We're feeling pretty good. Excited to be playing with Lady Antebellum, for sure." "Tell us who you are." We all laughed while the guys went along with Alex. "I'm Ryan, and I sing." "I'm Nash, I play guitar." "I'm Ian, I play bass." "And I'm Jamie, and I play the drums." "Now, I understand you guys have the best girlfriends in the whole world. Mind telling us about them?" Alex smiled. "Alright, guys. You're on," one of the producers for the show said. "You'll be answering that question later, just so you know," Alex laughed while we walked out with the guys. "Yeah," Jamie smiled, "Can't wait." We walked with them as far as we could before giving them hugs and kisses before they ran onstage.


While they were onstage, I took a picture of Jamie and posted it on Twitter.

"@HeyAlexDavis: Notice anything different? ;)"

Almost instantly, I got over 50 replies and retweets freaking out over Jamie's hair.

"@HeyAlexDavis: Don't worry, guys. You'll learn to love it. :)"

I tweeted again and smiled. My reaction was pretty much the same when he told me he was getting it cut.
I slid my phone back into my pocket right as the guys were getting off stage. They were all jumping around and pumped up and I ran over to Jamie, jumping into his arms and screaming, "That was amazing!" "Oh my God, I thought I was gonna throw up," Ryan pretty much yelled, "I'm surprised I remembered the words!" Nash laughed, "I say we go celebrate!"

Right as Nash said that, I sneezed. "I know someone who isn't going partying tonight," Jamie said, poking my face. "What? Why? It was just a sneeze," I pouted. "No one sneezes for no reason in the middle of June," Ian joked. "And you were kinda complaining about a headache earlier," Ryan said. "I was not complaining. I was commenting on how unwell I was feeling," I corrected. "Yeah, sure, Al. Whatever you say," Ryan laughed. "Why didn't you tell me you had a headache?" Jamie asked. "Because you wouldn't have let me off the bus and watch you guys perform." "Yes, I would have." "No, you wouldn't." "I would and you know it." "Jamie." "Fine. I wouldn't have. But we don't need to be getting sick." "It's not my fault I have a weaker than normal immune system!" I said, throwing my hands in the air. The group looked at me. "Alright, alright. I'll go rest. Leave me alone. But, please, go party. I don't want to stop Nash from getting drunk out of his mind." Nash hugged me, "You know me so well." I giggled and stuck my tongue out at him, "You're welcome, Nashy." He stuck his tongue out at me and let go of me. "Now go rest. But not too long, because you'll wake up with a worse headache," Rebekah joked. "And you," I pointed at Jamie, "Don't make out with random chicks. I will find you." "It won't be that hard, considering we're kinda touring together," Jamie laughed. "Exactly," I smiled. Jamie kissed my nose and pushed me lightly toward the direction of the door. "Well, you're rude," I said, sarcastically. "I don't even get a real kiss." "Nope. Sorry, but you're sick. I can't catch what you have." I turned around, "You're all overreacting. I am in perfect health." "Not risking it," Jamie replied, laughing. I looked at him for a few seconds before grabbing his face and kissing his lips. "Alright, I'm good. Have fun partying," I smirked, pulling away and skipping to the bus. "I hate when you do that!" I heard Jamie yell after me. "I love you, too, Jamie!" I called back, laughing. He laughed and yelled again, "I love you, Alex!"
I climbed onto the bus and took some asprin before climbing into my bunk and laying down. I was obviously more tired than I thought I was, because as soon as my head hit my pillow, I was out.


I was sitting at a table in the club we decided to go to, drinking my Coke. Ryan came stumbling over and sat down across from me, but he was walking straighter than Nash, that's for sure. "Hey, bro," he said, slurring his words. I laughed at him and replied, "Hey, Ryan." "Why aren't you drinking?" I rolled my eyes, "I'm not 21, remember? I don't really feel like drinking anyway. You know Alex doesn't like it when she has to take care of our hangovers." "So," he replied, "She can get over it." I chuckled, but didn't say anything.

Ryan looked over my shoulder and stared intently at something. "What are you looking at?" I asked, but didn't bother to look for myself. After a couple minutes he looked straight at me with the most serious look on his face, "I thought Alex went to go rest on the bus." "Yeah.. She did.." I said, taking a drink and raising an eyebrow at him. He looked behind me again with a confused look on his face. I finally decided to just look over at what he was watching, nearly choking on my Coke.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, FINALLY, right?
This is what happens when I get writer's block.
But I'm back! So, yay!
Also, I don't know who the one recommendation is, who my four subscribers, and 79 readers are, but THANK YOU.
I love you all so so so so so much. :)