Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

I'm Let Down By Love


"What the fuck?" I nearly yelled. Rebekah, the only other completely sober person, pretty much ran over, "I heard someone yell. What's wrong?" I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I just grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. "Holy. Shit," she said, her mouth dropping open.

Just when I thought nothing could go wrong, Rebekah and I are looking straight at Alex, back against the wall, basically making out with some random guy. "What... I don't...." was all I could manage to say. "Jamie, just...don't talk. I'll go confront her," Rebekah said, putting her hand on my shoulder. She looked at me and tried to smile, "I'm going to find out what's going on, okay?" I nodded, watching her as she walked over to Alex.


I walked over to Alex, basically pulling her out from under the guy. "Hey, what the fuck?" he yelled. "Yeah, I could say the same to you," I yelled back. I looked over at Alex, who's eyes were wide. "You want to explain why you're making out with some random fucking guy when you've got a boyfriend?" "You have a boyfriend?" the guy said, looking at Alex. "Yes," she screamed at him, "And you would have known that had you not pushed me against the fucking wall and shoved your God damn tongue down my fucking throat, Adam!" "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Adam? Like, freshman year Adam?" "Yes! Who the fuck else would I be talking about," Alex screamed again. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked in shock, facing Adam. "I think I'm kissing the most beautiful girl in this club," he replied coldly, "And if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to doing that." He stepped toward Alex, but I pulled her away. "Not if I have anything to say about it, dick." "Um, you don't, actually." I pulled on her again, but this time, we started running. We ran back to where Jamie and Ryan were, but they were no where to be found. I looked back and notice Adam still following us, so Alex and I made a break for the bus. We ran into Ian, who thankfully hadn't had much to drink. "Whoa, what's up with the running?" "Adam," I replied quickly. "You mean freshman year Adam?" "Does everyone know about this?" Alex yelled, throwing her arms into the air. "Jamie," I said. "Shit," Alex whispered. "Jamie and Ryan are on the bus. I'll take care of Adam," Ian said. "Thank you," I yelled, already halfway out the door, dragging Alex behind me.

When we finally got back to the bus, I pretty much ripped the door open and shoved Alex inside before getting on myself and closing the door behind me. Alex stumbled slightly, but stood straight up, only to have Ryan an Jamie look at her wide-eyed.


Rebekah pushed me onto the bus, causing my to nearly fall on my face. I caught myself on the edge of the couch, standing upright. Ryan and Jamie were staring at me. Jamie stood up, pushing past me and Rebekah, walking outside. "Jamie!" I called, running after him. He quickly spun around, nearly yelling, "What the hell was that?" "Jamie, it wasn't-" "Then what was it? Because it really did look like you were making out with someone back there!" "Jamie, plea-" "No, Alex! Why? Why would you? How could you? I trusted you. I thought you were sleeping, and then I see you making out with some random guy?" "Jamie, you don't under-" "No, I understand perfectly. What? Am I not good enough for you anymore? Is that it? Were you getting tired of me? Did you want someone new, you just didn't want to tell me?" he kept yelling. "No. Jamie, I lo-" "Save it, Alex. Maybe this is a sign that we're not really right for each other," he said quietly. "Are..are you breaking up with me?" I choked, my eyes filling with tears. "I guess I am," he said coldly. "But, I didn't-" "I don't want to hear it, Alex. I'm sorry, I really am. But I just can't take this pain anymore. There's obviously something trying to keep us from being together, but I didn't want to believe it. This...tonight...that just proved it." I didn't say anything, I just wiped the tears off my cheeks and ran back into the bus.

Ryan had obviously sobered up slightly, and he and Rebekah stood up quickly when I jumped back through the door. "He broke up with me," I cried. "Jamie broke up with me." "Oh my God," Rebekah whispered, pulling me into a hug. "He..he wouldn't listen to me. I tried to explain, but h-he wouldn't listen to me." "I'll talk to him," Ryan said, moving toward the door. "It's no use, Ry, and you know it. He saw it happen, he just saw it wrong. He won't believe you. We just need to let him cool down," Rebekah said, her arms still wrapped around me. "I just can't believe Adam came back," Ryan whispered. "I'm gonna kill that piece of shit the next time I see him." "Ryan, we both know that's not the best thing for you to do," I said, lifting myself off of Rebekah. "And we know Jamie's not going to listen to anyone for a while. I think it's best if I just...if I just went back home." Ryan and Rebekah looked at me like I was insane. "What do you mean go home? You can't just go home!" Rebekah yelled. "Jamie obviously doesn't want me here anymore, why should I stay?" I yelled slightly, "You'll keep being the photographer, and I'll go back to school. It'll be okay." "Alex, he didn't even hear your side of the story! He's gonna feel like an idiot when he finds out the truth!" "Does it really even matter? He obviously doesn't trust me enough, otherwise, he would have listened to me!" I yelled again. "Look, I'm going to call a cab in the morning to take me to the airport. I've already decided I'm going home. I'm sorry," I said quietly before turning around and heading for the back of the bus to pack.

By the time I was done packing, it was almost midnight. I sighed and climbed into my bunk, setting my phone beside my pillow before falling asleep.