Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

It's Been A Really, Really Messed Up Week

*Skipping to summer vacation because, let’s be honest, Jamie and Ryan didn’t get to stay forever, we had school and work, and it was kinda boring*

Rebekah and I stepped into the Nashville International Airport lobby around 3pm, just glad to be home for the next couple months. Hot Chelle Rae had completed almost all the songs they were putting on their new album, Whatever. They had told us that there would be a special song, but they wouldn’t tell Rebekah or I what it was.

When we got home (we were both living with Ryan and Jamie now), we expected them to be out doing band stuff, getting ready for concerts and such. We walked in, dragging our suitcases behind us, and immediately stopped. The guys, Ian and Nash included, were standing there holding flowers and had the biggest smiles on their faces.

Rebekah looked like she was on the verge of tears, but I just started cracking up. Rebekah, Ryan, Ian, and Nash gave me a questioning look while Jamie started laughing as well. “Okay, seriously. What’s going on?” Rebekah finally asked. “Nothing,” I replied, calming down, “I’m fine.” “Yeah,” Jamie joked, “I guess my face is just hilarious, right?” “Only when you make silly faces during a serious moment, Jamie!” I smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek and a hug. “I haven’t seen you for 3 months and that’s all I get?” “Not with people around, Jamie. Gosh!” I smirked and jokingly winked at him, “Maybe later.” He chuckled and Ian suddenly exclaimed, “Oh, it’s almost time! We have a surprise for you, Alex!” “Almost time for what?” I asked. “You’ll see!” Nash replied, grabbing my hand and running into the living room, turning on the radio.

Everyone sat down on the couch and we heard the DJ say, “You may know these guys from their hit singles Tonight Tonight, I Like It Like That, and Honestly. But here’s the newest single from Hot Chelle Rae, Keep You With Me.”

The song started playing and my head instantly shot around to look at Jamie, who was smiling at me. “Is this the song you wouldn’t tell me you were putting on the new CD?” Jamie nodded his head and I threw my arms around him and hugged him as tight as I could. “Wait,” Rebekah said, obviously confused, “I don’t get it.” “Oh.. I forgot to tell you.. Jamie wrote me a song.” I smiled sheepishly. “Seriously?!” she laughed and playfully hit Ryan, “Why didn’t you write me a song, jerk?” Ryan just smirked, “Who ever said I didn’t?” Rebekah’s eyes got wide, “I swear, if you’re lying to me..” Ryan stood up, pulling Rebekah with him to their room. “Oh, no. There they go.” I said, then yelled at them, “Use protection!” I heard Rebekah scream, “Alex!”

I laughed and turned back to Jamie, rested my forehead against his and whispered, “I love you.” He smiled and whispered back, “I love you more,” and pressed his lips against mine.

“WELL,” Nash yelled, “I think we should get going, wouldn’t you say Ian?” “Uh, yeah, we have stuff to…take care of…somewhere not here,” Ian said, quickly making his way toward the door.

I laughed, “I love you guys, too. Thank for putting this song on the album.” I ran over to them and tackled them with a hug. They laughed and Nash said, “You’re welcome, Alex. Hey, maybe I’ll write you a song next.” I laughed when he winked at me and Jamie walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist, “Sorry, man. This one’s mine.”

Nash threw his hands up in the air and exclaimed loudly, “I see how it is, man!” I giggled and kissed Nash and Ian on the cheek before they left, “Can’t let Jamie have all the fun, now can we?” and winked at them.

They laughed loudly as Ian opened the door and froze before walking out, “Uh, hi…” My eyes shot open and Jamie practically threw me behind his back and yelled, “Ryan! I think we’ve got a problem!”

I poked my head out above Jamie’s shoulder and stuttered, “M-mom..?”