Sequel: Safe & Sound
Status: Finished!!!


Hello, anybody out there?


Boston is amazing! I mean it’s a great sports town, we have the best fans, and it’s an amazing place to party. I go out with Marchand and few other guys at least once or twice a week. We are always on the hunt for girls. Now when I saw were on the hunt for girls I don’t mean girls to wife-up, just a girl to have a fun night with and then we find another girl. I’m not ready for a wife or even a relationship, I just want to do me and have some fun my first few years here.

Tonight was going to be another party night for some of the bruins. Marchand, Horton, Lucic, Caron, and I were heading out to the club. “The club was packed with hot girls tonight and one girl definitely caught my eye. She was leaning up against the wall with her friends and I was ready to make her mine for the night. I was having a few drinks with the boys but couldn’t get that girl out of my mind. I looked over and she was at a table with her friends and she was laughing, probably at some joke her friend made. She looked over and caught me looking at her, she got up and headed to the dance floor. I got up from my table and followed her. I saw her dancing and thought she was more beautiful than any other girl I had seen in the clubs before. I went over started dancing behind her. She smiled knowing it was me. “I wondered how long it was going to take you build up the nerve to come by me.”

“Really?” “Yeah, I was.” She turned around to face me. “Did you start to wonder how long it would take for me to put a move on you?” She laughed and tucked some of her glowing blonde hair behind her ear. “Not yet.” “Well do you know how much a polar bear weighs?” “What kind of question is that? Of course I don’t” “Enough to break the ice. Hi, I’m Tyler Seguin.” I held out my hand and she just laughed. “I should have known you would use a cheesy pick up line.” She accepted the hand shake. “And I know who you are. Everyone in Boston knows who you are.” “Really? Is there any place in Boston where people wouldn’t know who I am?” “Um, maybe my apartment?” “Okay, as long as no one there recognizes me.” We both laughed. “Don’t worry, I pinky promise no one will recognize you.” We locked pinkies and then left for her apartment.

We arrived at Nicole’s apartment and we went inside. She grabbed two waters out of her fridge and we sat on the couch and began to talk. It turns out Nicole was going to school for sports management, she is my age and her friends snuck her into the club like Marchand does with me, and she didn’t invite me back to her apartment for sex or anything like that. Which I was actually okay with surprisingly. “So tell me a little about you Mr. Seguin.” “Don’t call me Mr. Seguin, that’s my dad.” She laughed. “Um, well what do you want to know?” “Anything you feel like sharing.” “Well, I am a really funny guy, I am a little kid at heart, and I am a great guy to be around.” “Interesting. So what do you want to do, it’s one thirty in the morning.” We laughed, still a little buzzed from our drinks at the club. “Um, we could watch NHL Network, I think they might be replaying some highlights of me from last night.” I reached for the remote, but she grabbed it at the same time.

“No offense, but I don’t want to re-watch the game form last night.” I let go of the remote. “So you did watch the game last night?” I had a devilish smile on my face. “For a little, I turned it off with like ten minutes left in the third period.” She stood up and walked into the kitchen. “Wait a minute, that’s when I left the game because I got in a fight and hurt my hand.” I held up my wrapped up right hand.” A smile came across her face. “You were just watching the game for me, admit it!” “I don’t know what you are talking about.” She laughed and started walking towards her bedroom. I chased after her and stuck my foot in the door when she tried to close it. “Tyler! That’s not fair you are like ten times stronger than me!”

“That’s why you should move before I break the door pushing against it.” She moved from behind the door and it flew open and I hit the floor. “Oh my gosh Tyler are you okay!” She knelt to the ground and lifted my chin up to see if I was bleeding. “Tyler your nose is bleeding! Stay in here I will be right back.” She kicked off her heels and quickly ran into the kitchen. I sat on the bed and looked around her room and noticed on the bed was a Boston bruins bear wearing a Tyler Seguin jersey. She came rushing in with a towel and saw me holding the bear. “You found that?” She slowly walked over and sat down next to me. “It’s cute, you have a little crush on me.” She hit my arm. “I do not have a little crush!” “Ouch, now I think my arm is bleeding.” She laughed.

“Oh I forgot.” She moved my hand away from my face so she could wipe the blood from my nose. “Here just hold the towel to your nose and pinch your nose, that should help.” I smiled at her, and she faintly smiled back. “Um, you got blood all over the bandage on your hand. Should I take it off? I have another one you could use instead.” “Um, sure thanks.” She went into her bathroom and came out with an ace bandage. “Let me see your hand.” She began to unwrap the bandage and I winced a bit. “I’m sorry, am I hurting you?” “No it’s fine.” She continued and saw the cuts that were left from my fight last night. “Did it hurt?” “Not right away, but once the fight was over it hurt bad.” She threw out the bloody bandage and wrapped my hand with the new one. I took the towel off of my nose. “Hey the bleeding stopped, I guess you were right. Thanks.” “No problem.” She finished wrapping the bandage. “There you go, good as new.” “Feels better already!” I stood up and looked at the clock.

“It’s already two thirty?” I let out a big yawn as I stood up. “Well the guys are probably still at the club.” “Are they your ride?” “Yeah sort of.” “You could stay here if you want.” “Really, that would be great because I don’t think any of them are going to be driving home from the club.” “Sure, you could watch tv and if you are hungry there’s food in the fridge.” “Thanks I will probably fall sleep on the couch while I watch tv, but you couch looks comfy so I won’t mind it.” “Okay, well I’m going to get some sleep if that’s okay with you.” “Yeah of course, you stopped me from bleeding to death you deserve some sleep.” She laughed and I left her room so she could sleep. I went out to the couch and turned on some hockey, but I barely made it through the first period before passing out.

I never thought I would really find that one person who really liked me for me, but Nicole changed that.


I got up about an hour after going to sleep with a headache, probably from the alcohol I had earlier. I went into the kitchen and took two pain reliever and had a little water. I saw Tyler passed out on the couch and of course the replay of the bruins game form the other night on tv. I walked over and turned off the tv. Tyler was really just a normal guy, we didn’t really talk about his hockey career while we hung out. He was just like any other teenage boy, except for the fact that he was nineteen and playing in the NHL and making millions of dollars, but other than that, just a normal teen. I walked over and kissed his cheek. “Goodnight Tyler Seguin.” I turned off the light in the living room, went back to bed, and fell asleep with my Tyler Seguin bear right next to me.
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First chapter of my new story. this one is again a love story, but I am going to go for more of a dramatic and sad story I think this time around. so please leave some comments and subscribe! Thanks!