Sequel: Safe & Sound
Status: Finished!!!


Cause my echo, echo, is the only voice comin' back.

If this chapter had a song to go with it this would be it.


We got to the hospital a few hours ago and they started taking x-rays and running tests. Tyler had three broken ribs and a minor concussion. It looked a lot worse because of all the bruises. He had been sleeping for awhile now, but I couldn't. I was afraid something would happen if I fell asleep. Tyler was so helpless, I mean what father does that to their own son. I knew Tyler didn't get along with his father, but I never knew it was that bad. What I really want to know is why his dad was there in the first place. I never thought that Tyler would invite him or let him come to a game because of how much he talked about hating his dad.

It was two in the morning and have seen the same episode of NHL Tonight three times in a row. They keep talking about what a bad game Tyler had. I just rolled my eyes and took out my phone to finally text back some of the guys that had texted me. "Nicole, can we turn this off. I don't wanna see how bad I played." I quickly looked at Tyler who was awake. "Of course." I turned off the tv and turned my chair to face Tyler. "How are you feeling?" He laughed.

"Really sore. What's my diagnosis?" "Three broken ribs and a minor concussion." "Ouch, well that sucks." "How are you smiling right now? I wouldn't be smiling if I had bruises all over and broken ribs." "Because your here and that's all that matters to me." "Aw, Ty." I gave him a kiss and then the doctors walked in. "Well Mr.Seguin since you are awake and feeling okay, you are free to go. That is if you are not in any serious pain."

"I'm okay, I can handle the pain." "Okay, well we gave all of your papers to Nicole and you can get dressed and you will be all ready to leave." "Okay, thank you sir." I went out to sign Tyler out of the hospital while he got dressed. Lucic had brought some shorts and a t-shirt since Tyler's suit was torn and bloody. I looked back and Tyler was slowly and sorely walking out of his room. "You ready to go Ty?" "Yeah." I helped him slowly walk out to the car. "Ty, if it hurts we don't have to leave." "No it's fine, I can handle it." I kissed his cheek and we continued walking to the car. I had to be careful driving home because even the smallest bumps would hurt Ty.

We got inside and Tyler sat down on the couch while I called in his prescription. I grabbed two waters out of the fridge and sat down next to Tyler. He had put on NHL tonight even though they kept talking about the bad game he had played. "Ty we don't have to watch this." I could see tears forming in his eyes. "It's not that." "Are you in pain?" "No." I sat there confused. "Nicole, I'm so sorry." "For what?" "I told my dad he could come to the game." "Why would you do that Ty?" "I wanted to see what he had to say, but I guess that distracted me since I knew I had to play well." Tyler was crying now and I felt so bad that he had to go through all this drama with his dad, when I haven't gone through anything close to that. "Tyler, it's okay." All I could do was lay with him and try to comfort him the best I could.

"I just, I thought maybe by some chance. My dad would be different this time." I held on to Ty's arm and rested my head on his chest. "I know Ty, this isn't your fault." "I invited him though. I went behind your back and told him to come. After I said goodbye to you at the game I waited there for my dad." "Tyler." "You told me that for us to get back together we have to be able to trust each other and kept that from you, I should've told you." I sat up and looked at Tyler.

"Ty, I don't care that this happened. You made a simple mistake, you thought your dad changed. That isn't your fault. I still love you and I still wanna be with you. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I left you after what happened last night?" "I guess you wouldn't be a very good one." We both laughed and fell asleep. I'm starting to think that the more drama that happens between Tyler and I, the closer we are to getting back together.
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So another update because of the comments I got on the last one. So like always, comment and subscribe.