Sequel: Safe & Sound
Status: Finished!!!


But it isn't, isn't


Our plane landed about an hour ago and we were having dinner. I got a text from Nicole that left me confused.

New Text: Nicole <3
Hey what hotel are you staying at?

I texted her back and finished with dinner then went to my room. It was a long flight and I was tired. I laid down and pulled out my phone and look at the picture on the screen. I really was gonna miss her. "Marchy, how do you do it?" "Do what? Be so attractive? Well-" "Um no not that. How do you go on these long trips without seeing your girl? Don't you miss her?" "Of course I do, but this is work, it's my job. And the time apart really makes our relationship stronger. It helps us realize how much we really love each other and that we don't want to ever loose each other." "Wow Marchy, I don't think I have ever heard you sound so, well sincere." "Yeah I know, let's not tell anybody about okay." "Fine with me." I laughed and looked back at my phone. I decided to call Nicole and see what she was doing.


I couldn't stay at home thinking about the whole Jordan Caron situation, so I got on the next flight to Tampa. I texted Tyler to find out what hotel he was staying at. Once I got to the hotel I went to the front desk and had to figure out what room he was in. It wasn't very easy because they thought I was a fan, so I had to take awhile to explain that I was his girlfriend. I found out what room he was in and made my way up. I was walking down the bruins hallway when my phone went off. I quickly grabbed it not knowing who was calling and if anyone would hear my ringtone and realize no one on the team has my ringtone. "Hello?" "Hey Nicole." "Hey Tyler, what's up?" I was looking left and right trying to find his room. "Nothing, sitting in the room with Marchy, what are you doing?" "Oh nothing really without you here." "You're gonna make me sad, I really wish I was home with you, but at least we can call each other and text." I found his room and had to be quite so he wouldn't hear me outside. "Yeah. Hey Ty, I have a surprise for you."

"Really? What kind of surprise?" "Go to your door and look outside." "Okay?" I got nervous not knowing how he would react. I heard the lock click and there was no running away now. "Hey Ty!" Tyler stood there with a look of shock on his face. "What are you doing here?" He quickly wrapped me up in a hug and gave me a kiss. "I really wanted to see you." "Well yeah, but that wouldn't make you fly 3 hours to Tampa just to see me in person. What's wrong?" "Nothing." He gave me a look showing he wasn't going to believe me. "Is it that obvious?" "Marchy, I'll be back in a bit." Tyler grabbed a hoodie and a room key and we left to walk outside. "So what happened?" "I don't want you to be mad the rest of the roadtrip." He looked at me scared. "Why would I be mad?" "I didn't do anything." "I still want to know what happened." "I went inside the rink to see who didn't go on the trip, see if there was anybody that I could hang with while you were gone. I saw Jordan Caron and-"

"Jordan really? Nicole you know I hate the guy and he is trouble." "I know. We got into this conversation about my relationship with you. And he got upset and said he couldn't believe I was still with you after the videos he showed me." "You I still am not happy he showed you those videos it wasn't his place!" "Well if you think that the videos was the worst part, then you won't be happy." "What else happened?" "He started telling me how much he cared about me and that he and I should get together. I told him it would never work and when I tried to leave he kissed me." "He what?" "He kissed me. I couldn't push him away, but when he stopped I slapped him and left. I didn't know how to tell you so that's why I came to Tampa. I knew I had to tell you in person, or else I just wouldn't feel right telling you over the phone." "Well I appreciate you flying 3 hours to tell me in person, I really do." He pulled me in for a hug and kissed my head.

"You know that I am going to have to do something about this though right?" "Can you please just try and forget about it I really don't want you getting in trouble with coach or management." "Look, if I fight the guy, I will make sure he hits me first. That way I don't have to hit back and he gets in trouble. Problem solved." "I really wish you wouldn't fight at all Ty." "Well, sometimes for guys to get over problems they have with each other, they need to fight it out. Who knows maybe once Jordan and I duke it out, we could become best friends." "Whatever." We laughed as we walked back to Tyler's room. "Just think Nicole. Only 15 more days and I will be home." "Don't remind me." I gave him a hug and a kiss. "Alright, I love you." "I love you too Ty." "Bye Nicole." "Bye."

I left the hotel and went back to the airport and was on my way back to Boston. When I got home I changed and then went in my room and laid down. I checked my phone and had a few texts and one voicemail. A few texts were from of few of Tyler's teammates girlfriends asking what I was doing on the roadtrip. The last text was from Jordan Caron.

New Text: Jordan Caron
Hey, sorry about earlier. I was out of line. I'm sorry.

That was shocking that Jordan apologized for what he did, but it was really nice of him. I listened to the voicemail and it was from Tyler. "Hey babe. I really do want to thank you for flying 3 hours to tell me about what happened with Jordan. I don't think it would have sounded right over the phone either. So am guessing you are sleeping, but it's 2 in the morning right now and just think, only 14 more days and I will be back home. So remember to watch the games and study up cause I'm still going to quiz you when I get home. Hope you sleep well without me there and remember I love you so much, and I mean I love you like a fat kid loves cake. Night babe, love you."

I was laughing so hard at the end of his message. I decided to text him back before I went to sleep.
Sent Message: Tylerrrr <3
I love you like Winnie The Pooh loves honey! Hope you have a great game today! You better score me a goal, and no penalties! Leave the penalties to Marchy. Love you, night babe!
♠ ♠ ♠
So I think this one was longer. i wanted to update right away when I saw the comments I had. So thank you so much for the new comments and new people commenting. Hope you guys like this chapter, I think it's sorta cute.