Sequel: Safe & Sound
Status: Finished!!!


You could come and save me


The roadtrip was finally over and Marchy was right, being away from Nicole for so long really made me realize how much I would hate to loose her. I decided to surprise her after our light practice today, so I didn't tell her we had practice or that she needed to pick me up. I figured I would go to her apartment and surprise as soon as we landed. I had Marchy drive me back to my apartment so I could drop my suitcases off. "You know you were right Brad." "Of course I was. What was I right about again?" "That being apart from Nicole would make our relationship stronger." "Oh right. I told you it would. At first you really miss her, but then realize how excited and happy you will be when you see her again." "Trust me I am overjoyed to be back." He pulled up to my apartment and I grabbed some of my bags and took them inside, Marchy offered to grab the rest.

I unlocked the door and took my bags in to my room to start unpacking. I opened the door and was shocked when I saw Nicole lying down on my bed. "How was practice?" I couldn't help but smile. "What are you doing here?" I dropped my bag and closed my bedroom door behind me remembering Brad would be bringing more bags in. "Trying to avoid Jordan, he hasn't really left me alone since I came back from Tampa." I walked toward her concerned. "Are you okay?" She didn't say anything, she just sighed. "Do you want me to kick his ass?" She laughed. "Yes." We both laughed. "No don't do that. You will get in trouble." "Hmm." I rested my hands our her shoulders. "Through everything, he is still my friend, and your teammate. You know?" I shook my head in agreement, she rested her head on my chest, and I kissed her head.

She quickly pushed me away. "God you reek!" I looked at her confused. "What?" I looked down at my shirt. "It is bad." "No this, this is sexy." "No it's really bad." She laughed. "Nooo." I shook my head and she continued to laughed. I leaned in and kissed her. She didn't pull away and the kiss became stronger. She pulled me onto the bed. "Wait." "What? I haven't seen you in weeks and you tell me to wait?" "I'm sorry but this has to go." She pulled off my shirt. I laughed and continued to kiss her. I rolled her on top of me, but we were quickly interrupted by a knock on the door. We both sat up as I told Brad he could come in. "Um, where do you want the bags?" "Just leave the out there, it's fine." "Did I interrupt again?" "No of course not." Nicole laughed. "Okay well, see you later Ty." "Bye Marchy." We waited until the door of the apartment closed.

"So you let Brad call you Ty now? What are seeing him behind my back?" She stood up off the bed pretending to be upset. "Hey you know that he and I have a romance on roadtrips." "And what you guys go on dates too?" I laughed. "A few. But there is always one thing I can't do with Brad that I do with you." "And what's that?" I stood up and looked her in the eyes. "This." I pulled her in for a kiss, but she quickly pulled away. "You know technically you could kiss him if you wanted too." "Oh shut up and kiss me." She laughed as I pulled her back on the bed. I'm so happy that roadtrip is over and I can be with Nicole for awhile.


Even though it wasn't what Nicole wanted, I knew I would have to deal with the drama between her and Jordan. He wasn't leaving her alone, and yeah he was trying to apologize, but he still isn't okay in my book. When you try and kiss my girlfriend behind my back, and she told you no, I'm not gonna let that slide. I saw him at practice today and knew I had to talk to him. "Hey Jordan, can we talk?" "Sure Tyler, what's up?" "I mean like in private." "Okay." We walked into the hall and I was unsure how this would play out, whether we would talk or if my anger would get the better of me and I would fight him. "What made you think you could kiss Nicole behind my back?" "Really? I thought we were over this." "Maybe you are, but I'm not." "I'm sure she told you the whole story. I don't like her with you. I mean I did my best to protect her from you and she was dumb enough to go running back."

"She isn't dumb, and she forgave me for making a simple mistake." "Exactly so why can't I be forgiven for making the mistake of kissing her?" "Because you knew not to do it, and she said no." "Well, I just tried to get her to want to be with me. I mean that's how it should be. You don't deserve someone like her. I mean you have videos of you on the internet when you were wasted in Vancouver, you get in trouble with coach, and you get in fights. I mean, that's not a good guy for her to be involved with." "I'm still not happy about you showing her those videos in the first place. That wasn't your place." I was angry now. "What your mad that your little secret got out? You are mad that she ended it with you when she saw those? What would happen if she found about other stuff that happened that night?"

"You weren't there, how would you know?" "Tyler, I'm friends with all the guys that were there. I'm sure some of them have goods stories I could tell Nicole. Then she will come running to me" I couldn't hold back my anger anymore, I knew Nicole was going to hate me for this. I punched Jordan in the face and he tackled me to the ground. We fought for a good five minutes before anyone came out in the hall and noticed. I was clearly dominating the fight, Jordan was bleeding pretty bad. "Tyler get off of him!" Lucic came running over and pulled me off. "Tyler what has gotten into you?" "Seguin! My office, now!" Coach yelled as the trainers carried Jordan into the locker room. I shook Milan's grip on my arm and followed coach. "Sit!" He closed the door behind him and I knew I was in for it.

"What the hell was that!" "My anger got the best of me coach, I'm sorry." "Sorry isn't going to cut it. I have no choice but to suspend you until further notice." "Okay." "You will be getting a call from me soon letting you know when you can come back, but for now I suggest maybe you go home to Brampton and get help for your anger." "Yes sir." I got up and opened the door. "And I suggest you stay the hell away from Caron." "Yes sir." I left his office and drove straight to my apartment. I got home and packed some suitcases and got a taxi to the airport. I flew to Brampton without saying goodbye to Nicole. I knew it wasn't the best decision, but I couldn't face her right now. I knew she would hate me and I don't think I would be able to win her back after the mess I made this time.



I got a call from Milan and drove straight to the rink. I ran inside and went to the locker room to find him. I heard a lot of commotion coming from the trainer's room so I looked in there. I was shocked to see Jordan Caron sitting there with the trainers and the coach with cuts and bruises all over his face. "What the hell happened?" I quickly walked over. "Why don't you ask your boyfriend?" "Tyler did this?" "Yes, your perfect little Tyler Seguin. Not so perfect now is he?" "Well I would talk to him about this, but he isn't here." "Well I told him he was suspended until further notice. I can't deal with his anger right now. It's not good for the team." "Especially me." "Shut up Jordan! Can this not be about you for one minute? What do you mean you suspended him?" "I am not letting him participate with the team until I feel he has gotten over his problems with Jordan and his anger. It is what I had to do, I'm sorry." "No I agree with suspending him, anything else I should know?" "Well I told him he should go back to Brampton for awhile."

"Oh, well do you know where he is now?" "No I don't maybe one of the guys does, sorry." "Thank you coach." I left the locker room to find someone who might have an idea where Tyler is. "Brad!" I ran over to him while he and some of the guys were stretching for their pregame warmup. "What's up Nicole?" "Where is Tyler?" "Um, he texted me a few minutes ago saying he just got on a plane to Brampton and that he is unsure when he would be back." I had tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe he left without saying anything to me. No call, no text, no nothing. "Okay, thanks." I walked out to my car and drove home. I was too upset to go to the game tonight like I had planned. And now I really don't want to go since Tyler is suspended. I can't believe he just left, I would have loved at least a text telling me he was leaving.



It's been four months and coach told me I'm still not allowed back. I've been staying with my mom and sisters. My mom has been trying to help me deal with all the stuff that's happened since I have been in Boston, it has helped me out a bit. I texted Nicole as soon as I landed telling her I left, but I never ended it with her. I couldn't do that over phone or text, I would hate myself if I did that to her. I didn't want to end it, but I figured when she found out what I did she would hate me and never want to talk to me again. I recently decided to return to Boston even though I couldn't play, I missed that city and I think everything in my fridge was really rotten by now. I haven't really left my apartment, I don't want to be spotted and then asked why I haven't been playing for so long. But I also don't want to run into Nicole, I just don't know how to face her yet. She is probably heartbroken about me fighting, then leaving, and never texting or calling.

Today someone knocked on my door, can you guess who? "Nicole, what are you doing here?" "I think I should be asking what are you doing here, I mean I would have thought you would still be in Brampton." "Nope, I'm back, but I still can't play." "Yeah your mom called me and told me you were coming back. And trust me I don't think you will be playing for awhile." "Yeah I know you don't have to tell me. I really messed Jordan up." "That's not something I would be bragging about." "I'm not bragging trust me, but I just, I couldn't control myself." "I told you fighting wasn't going to solve anything. Your little theory on, after you fight you guys will be best friends. Yeah that was a lie because Jordan is never going to be your friend after that fight you guys had."

She sat across from me in the living room and gave me a serious look. "This whole time I've been gone, my mom has been helping me come to terms with everything that has happened. Vancouver, the fight with my dad, and the fight with Jordan. How to deal with it, but I guess none of it really matters anymore. I mean I am probably done on this team." She just looked at me with a sad look. She looked down before saying what she wanted to say. "Why didn't you say goodbye?" I looked out the window, then looked back to her. "You just left." She looked down as she played with the bracelets on her wrist. "You wanna talk about this now?" "I might as well know the truth. Why did you just leave me?" I let out a sigh as I thought of what to say. "I knew you hated me. I thought you deserved better then having someone like me, in your life." "I was hurt. You turned your back on what I said, and did the one thing I didn't want you to do." She looked up at me with a sincere look. "But, I could never hate you Tyler." I looked at her and gave a small smile back.

She had tears in her eyes, I knew she was still upset about the whole thing. She quickly got up and headed for the door. "Nicole wait, please." She turned and looked at me as I grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry Tyler, but I can't do this. I'm sorry." She left and I knew that I had to talk to her, but I thought I should wait a bit I didn't know how to explain what happened to Nicole, but I knew I had to do it, because I can't loose her. She is the one thing that keeps me from going insane half the time, without her, I don't know where I would be right now.

(Later that night)

I went to Nicole's apartment to talk to her. I knew she wouldn't want to talk, but we have to if we want this relationship to work between us. She wasn't home because she went to the game to try and distract her mind about what happened earlier, and I don't blame her. So I waited outside for her come home. When she pulled up and saw me got off the bench she seemed upset and I knew she wanted to avoid me. She stopped in front of me for a second, but sighed and started to walk away. "I can't talk to you." "Nicole, I know you're upset with me." "Upset? You could have really hurt Jordan. And before you ask me to understand or to trust you, can you please tell me what you plan to do to make sure it doesn't effect you staying in Boston?" "There is nothing I can do about it Nicole. I just wanted you to know, I understand why you are so upset. Even though I want to put you first, I can't. I will never be able to and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I started to tear up, but I held the tears back. "I just wanted you to know that."

Nicole looked at me as she started to tear up as well. "I'm sorry too." Nicole gave me a small smile and walked inside. As I started walking away I sighed and I knew there was more I had to say. I quickly ran into her apartment to talk to her. I knocked on the door and she let me in. "Tyler what is it?" "Look Nicole, if I could I would take it all back. The stuff that happened in Vancouver, the fights with my dad and Jordan. I'm not going to let my anger control me anymore, I won't let it." She sighed as she walked back into her kitchen. "Tyler it's okay. Maybe we just weren't meant to be together." She stood behind the counter and looked at me. "You know we just have to, accept that and move on." I quickly walked around the counter and faced her. "I'm not moving on from anything." She let out a sigh and looked at the floor, then looked back at me. "I love you." She sighed. "Tyler." She shook her head and I leaned in and kissed her.

"I know you aren't happy about what I did and I wouldn't expect you to be okay with it, but I just don't want to loose you. And I know I have already messed up so many times and I keep asking you to forgive me, but I really messed up this time and I don't know how to fix what I did. And to be honest you are the only thing keeping me sane throughout this whole suspension and if I didn't have you I don't think I would even care if I returned to Boston or not, but you are the reason I can't and don't want to leave. The best part of my career in Boston is you Nicole." "You really mean that?" "Yes, I do. I'm so sorry." "It's okay, I'm not really the one you need to be convincing though. You have a coach and some teammates you need to talk to, and if you want. I can help you think of how to talk to them about what happened." "You will?" "Yes, I will. But for now, can we go to sleep. All these heart to heart moments we've had today have made me tired." "Of course."

I am so thankful that once again Nicole has forgiven me. Although I don't know how long she is going to put up with me making all these mistakes. Luckily she is going to help me get back on track with my teammates and coaches. Hopefully I can get back on the ice and stay in Boston, but most importantly stay with Nicole.

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Sooooo, I haven't updated in a LONG time. Not too long, but a little while so here it is!!!!! A nice and long update filled with some really sweet moments. &lt;3 It seems like Nicole and Tyler just can't get it together. But the manage to work things out like always. I also quoted Tyler Lockwood and Caroline Forbes from The Vampire Diaries A LOT in this chapter. I sort of base Nicole off of Caroline and Tyler Lockwood is sorta like Tyler Seguin to me, so yeah. Hopefully I get a bunch of comments on this since I made it extra long for you guys? Thanks!