Sequel: Safe & Sound
Status: Finished!!!


Like a fool at the top of my lungs.

If this chapter has a song to go with it. This would be it. (More for the ending of the chapter.)


Tyler told me earlier about how he talked to the guys at the rink. I thought it was sweet how he stood up for me and now the guys and their girlfriends are talking to me again. Some of the girls even asked me to go out to dinner with them tonight. I was excited, I mean I love Tyler, but I need to spend time with the girls. I got dressed and was ready to go. I drove to the restaurant and met up with Brittany, Lucic's girlfriend and Tammy, Horton's girlfriend. "Hey!" I walked over and gave them both hugs. "Hey girly! We missed hanging out with you." "Tell me about it. I was thrilled when you texted me to come to dinner."

"So how are you?" "I'm good, glad to not be hanging out with just Tyler. I mean I love him, but I was gonna die if I didn't hang out with somebody other then him." We all laughed. "I believe it. It was really hard not talking to you, I mean we just felt we should give it some time for things to settle down with Tyler before we bothered you to hang out." "It's nice to hear you say that, I thought you guys didn't like me anymore or something." "Of course not. We love you Nicole you are like a sister to us." "Aw, thanks guys." We all smiled and took sips of our drinks. "So what's been going on in your life aside from Tyler?" "Um, well I got a call from my dad the other day." "really? What did he say?" I looked down and sighed.

"Um, he said he might be coming to visit." "Is that bad." "Well, he might not like that I'm not going to school and that I'm dating a hockey player." "Tyler isn't a bad guy though." "My dad doesn't believe that playing sports professionally is a successful career that can support a family." Tammy rolled her eyes. "I take offense to that." Tammy has two children with Nathan and they are doing just fine. "I know Tammy. I just don't want my dad to be disappointed in me." "Why would he be disappointed? I mean you are happy, shouldn't that be good enough for him?" "Well, my brother was salutatorian in high school and my dad didn't go to the graduation because he wasn't valedictorian." "Are you serious?" "Yup." "Well does Tyler knwo about this stuff with your dad?" "No. I mean he has gone through a lot and I don't want to give him something else to worry about."

"What are you going to tell him when your dad comes to town?" "I guess I will have to tell him eventually." We finished dinner and I left to go back home. I texted Tyler while driving and told him to meet me at my apartment. I got inside and waited for Tyler to knock on the door. A few minutes later I went to the door and let Tyler inside. "Hey." I gave him a kiss and we went to sit on the couch. "so why did you want me to come over?" "Well, I should have told you as soon as I found out, but my dad is coming to town." "Really?" "Yeah and I want you to meet him!" "That's great! But what if he doesn't like me?" "Then he isn't my dad." I leaned over and gave Tyler a kiss. "So when is he gonna be here?" "Tomorrow." I gave him an innocent smile. " "Maybe you should have told me as soon as you found out."

I laughed and he pulled me into a headlock. "Hey, don't mess up my hair!" I quickly broke his hold and fixed my hair. "Don't worry you still look beautiful." "Aw thanks babe." "What no kiss?" "You just put me in a headlock!" "Not even one on the check?" "Fine. Cause you are too cute to resist." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and we turned on the tv. I was nervous for tomorrow, I mean my dad won't like Tyler, I already know that. And he won't be happy that I'm not going to school either. Hopefully he doesn't make a scene about it.

(The next day)

Tyler was freaking out, he was super nervous to meet my dad. "Does this shirt look okay?" "Tyler just pick something and stick with it!" Tyler has changed clothes at least twenty times already. Eventually we were both dressed and ready to go. Tyler drove us to the restaurant and I became more nervous. I was afraid of what might happen at lunch when my dad finds out that I'm not in school and Tyler is a hockey player. We went in and sat at the table. My dad wasn't there yet and we had to wait. "There she is!" I stood up as my dad walked over with his arms open wide. "Hi dad!" We pulled away and Tyler was already standing waiting to shake my dad's hand. "Dad this is Tyler, Tyler this is my dad." "Pleasure to meet you sir." "Well he seems like a gentlemen, pleasure to meet you too."

We all sat down and had ordered and was freaking out inside not knowing what my dad would ask about. Just then, Tyler's phone started ringing. "Um, excuse me." He stepped outside to take the call and my dad decided to start asking questions. "So Nicole, how is school going." I sighed, I wasn't too prepared for this. "Um, actually dad. I'm not in school anymore." He quickly looked up from his glass. "What do you mean you aren't in school?" "I decided I don't want to be a doctor dad." "Then what do you want to do?" "I don't know, but I'm nineteen, I don't have to decide my future now." "Well, how do you support yourself at least you have a job right?" "Not exactly." "What do you mean not exactly? It's a yes or no question."

I could tell my dad was getting upset. "How do you support yourself Nicole?" "Well, Tyler gets paid a lot for his job." "And what is his job?" "He is a hockey player." "A hockey player? And you think that is a practical career?" "Yeah I do dad. He makes enough money to buy food, clothes, and he has a place to sleep. He is supporting himself." "I don't agree with that one bit." "Please explain why not." "What if he gets hurt? Then what happens?" "Well I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it, but I am not leaving Tyler. I don't care if you don't like him and you don't think he could support us and a family, but I do." My dad paid the check and once he signed the check he was ready to leave. "You're just like your brother, a disappointment!" He quickly left the restaurant and I sat there with tears in my eyes.

I couldn't stay there and wait for Tyler, I just had to go. I walked back to my apartment and asked Tiffany and Brittany to come over. Tyler had texted me and I told him I had to go after dinner and I would explain later. When Tyler came to my apartment Tiffany went out to talk to him while Brittany stayed with me. "I know I should have expected what happened, but it still hurts." Brittany handed me some more tissues.

"Well, I mean he did call you a disappointment, nobody wants to hear their parents call them that." I held my blanket closer to me as I laid in bed. "I feel bad that I walked out on Tyler." "Well he will understand, and if he doesn't, then he isn't a good boyfriend." We both laughed and then we looked over and saw Tyler standing in the doorway. Brittany got up so she and Tiffany could go. "Brittany." She turned back and looked at me. "Thanks for being here for me."

She gave me a smile and left to get Tiffany. Tyler stepped in the room once she was gone. "Would now be a bad time to give you crap about sneaking out on me?" We both chuckled. I sat up and pulled the covers back and Tyler laid down with me. I put my head on his chest and he rubbed my arm. I couldn't hold back the tears and I started to cry. "He hates me." Tyler held me close in his arms. "My dad hates me." He comforted me the best he could and kissed my head. We didn't say anything the rest of the night, I just cried in Tyler's arms. Tyler did everything he could to comfort me and I was very thankful. I don't know what I would do without him. I eventually fell asleep form all the crying, but while I slept I felt the comfort of Tyler's arms wrapped around me.
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So I promised it and here it is. I had to stop and come back to this a few times. I would write a bunch and then erase most of it because it just didn't seem right. So I think I got it right, PLEASE leave me some comments and tell me what you think. And be prepared for a drama filled next chapter! Thanks again for reading!