Sequel: Safe & Sound
Status: Finished!!!


Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright


Nicole is still upset about everything that happened with her dad and I don't blame her. I didn't know that she had issues with her dad and I wish she would have told me. But I can't be mad at her right now. I got back from morning skate and Nicole still wasn't awake. I didn't want to wake her up so I let her sleep. i was watching NHL Network when she walked in the room. "Hey how are you feeling?" She sat down next to me. "Okay I guess. How was practice?" "Fine, same as yesterday." She smiled a bit. "Are you sure you are okay?" "i don't know Ty, I'm just dealing with it I guess." "Just so know, you don't deserve that okay. No one does." "I know." She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge. "How about we go shopping today? My treat?" "Tyler I don't want you spending money trying to make me feel better." "That's not why I'm doing it, i just haven't taken you shopping in awhile."

She looked reluctant at first, but finally agreed. "Well, I could use a few new things." "That's my girl! how about we go in like fifteen minutes?" "Sounds good." We both got changed and then hopped in the car. I turned on the radio and there was a news story about some man being in a terrible car accident. We listened to the story since the accident happened close by, but once it was over we turned it off. We got to Nicole's favorite store in Boston, Jack Wills. "Tyler the clothes here are expensive." She looked at me concerned. "Anything for you babe, don't worry about it." She smiled and we walked in. If possible I think Nicole would buy one of everything in the store. She ended up only choosing a few things.

We got in the car and headed back home. "Tyler, thank you for taking me shopping." "Your welcome." We were sitting at a light and a tow truck pulled up next to us with the a car, we were guessing it was the one from the crash we heard about. "Huh, that's weird." "What is Nicole?" "Well, my dad actually had a car like that awhile back. I am pretty sure he got rid of it though." "Huh, that is weird." I dropped Nicole off at her apartment so she could take her bags inside. She told me she was just going to come to the rink for my game once she finished some things at her apartment.


I got inside and started putting my new clothes away. I really appreciate Tyler buying these clothes for me, but the were a bit expensive. I got all my clothes put away and just as I was about to leave I got a phone call. "Hello?" "Nicole?" "Mom? What's up? Everything okay?" "No not really. Your dad was in town a few days ago right?" "Yeah. Why?" "He was in a terrible car accident earlier. I think you should go and see him. He is at the hospital in Boston because he hadn't left yet." "Okay, I will go see him." "Nicole, I mean soon because they are not sure if he is going to pull through." "Okay mom. I will go now." "Okay sweetie. Bye." "Bye." I quickly grabbed my keys and drove to the hospital. I didn't bother changing clothes for Tyler's game because I figured i would be stuck at the hospital for awhile.

"Can I help you?" "Um, yes I'm looking for my dad. Thomas Allen." "Um yes, he is in room 104." "Okay thank you." I walked and found my dad's room and went inside. The bed was missing and I was confused. "Miss are you family of this patient?" I turned as a doctor walked in the room. "yes he is my father. Where is he?" "Well, he is in surgery right now. However, I don't think he will pulling through. The crash had such and impact on him." "I understand. What was the cause of the accident?" "Alcohol. We could smell it on him as we wheeled him in on the stretcher." "Do you know when they will be done with him in surgery?" "Whenever they decide that they can't do anything more." "Okay thank you sir." I sat in a chair in the room and waited. I put the Bruins game on and they were winning 3-0 with ten minutes left in the third period. Tyler scored a goal and had two assists.

I wish I could be at the game, but i have to be here for my father who doesn't even care about me. I would do anything for my father even if he does think I am a disappointment. I looked out into the hallway and saw a stretcher with my dad on it. I had tears in my eyes. I didn't know if he was okay or not, but I just didn't want to hear bad news. They pulled the blanket over his face and the doctor gave me a sincere look. They continued to push my father down the hall. I turned off the tv and walked out to talk to the doctor. "I'm very sorry, but they did all they could." "I understand." "Would you like to see him before you go?" "No, I don't want to. Thank you though." I walked out to my car and sat there and just cried. I know that I had issues with my dad, but he is still my dad.

I drove to the rink and went inside. I texted Tyler to meet me in the hallway by the locker room. I went in and he wasn't there. "Milan. Where is Tyler?" "Um, he is in the locker room still. what's wrong?" I wiped my tears. "Can you please just get him for me. Please." "Of course." He quickly went into the locker room and I was pacing back and forth. "Nicole!" I turned around and was so happy to see him. "Tyler!" I ran into his arms. "I'm sorry, I got your text, but coach called me into his office." I couldn't hold back the tears and Tyler knew something bad happened. "What happened?" "My dad died. He's dead." Tyler was shocked, he had nothing to say. He just looked at the ground for few minutes. "You're going to be fine Nicole." He looked me in the eyes and gave me a reassuring smile. "I don't think I will Ty." I held onto his shoulders because I knew I would fall to the floor if I didn't. "Nicole, you are strong and you have a beautiful future ahead of you, don't let this affect that."

I looked at him and shook my head in agreement. "If you need to, I will go with you to visit your family if you want to go see them for a few days. Okay?" I shook my head and hugged Tyler. He gave me a kiss and we headed home. Tyler drove my car since I was an emotional wreck. We got to Tyler's apartment and I knew I would have to call my mom. I went in Tyler's room to call her and Tyler stayed in the living room.


I feel horrible. I know my drama was bad with my dad, but this is much worse. Her dad may have said bad things to her, but it's still hard to loose someone, especially one of your parents. I really wish all of the bad things could just go away and we wouldn't have to deal with them. After a long phone call with her mom Nicole came into the living room. I could tell she had been crying. She came and sat next to me on the couch. "Remember when you said we could go and see if my family?" "Yeah." "Let's go now." "Now?" "I can't be here right now. I need to go home." "Of course. Let's pack." We both got up and I packed some of my stuff, then I had to take Nicole to her apartment to pack some of her stuff. Once we were packed we were on our way to Shawinigan, Quebec.
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Another update. Maybe some more comments??? I will have another update really soon!!! Like as in maybe an hour soon! :)