Sequel: Safe & Sound
Status: Finished!!!


Cause I can't hear a sound


I woke up and looked around and noticed I was still at Nicole's apartment. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, I had a bit of a headache but I was used to it. I walked to her room and went to knock on the door but she opened it before I could. She was wearing sweat pants, a baggy shirt, her hairy was kind of messy, and she was in the middle of brushing her teeth. Is there any time when she doesn't look beautiful? She motioned for me to sit down, so I sat on her bed where earlier this morning she was wrapping my injured hand and helping stop my nose bleed. 

I listened as she was I the bathroom humming to Find Your  Love by Drake while she finished brushing her teeth. She brought her phone into the room with her and turned off the music. "So what are you doing today Tyler?" "Well I thought we could go to lunch after you drove me to morning skate." She looked at me confused. "We?" "Yeah, and you are gonna have to make up your mind quickly cause I have to be at the rink in the next half hour." "Are you asking me on a date Tyler?" She gave me a quirky smile. "If it will get you to drive me then, will you go on a lunch date with me after my practice Nicole?" "I would love to! Now get out so I can change." 

I waited outside the door and after a quick five minutes she opened the door. Is there ever a time when this girl doesn't look good? "Wow um, I said casual." "Well, is this bad? Should I change?" "No, you look beautiful. "Aw, thanks Ty." 

We left and headed for the rink. When we got there I was told coach wanted to see me, I had a feeling it wasn't for something good. "Okay, um just stay here while I go in and talk to coach, it shouldn't take long." "Okay." I knocked and went in his office. "You wanted to see me coach?" "Sit down Tyler." I sat down and knew he was probably going to yell. "Do you know why you are in here Tyler?" "No sir, I honestly don't." "Well you are a rookie and you haven't been around long, but you have to follow team rules." "Sir, I don't get what you are saying. I've followed the rules." "No you haven't son, and the fact that you are sitting there lying isn't helping you out." "Sir can you please explain or elaborate for me." "You went out last night correct?" "Yes that's correct." "Well how come Caron came in today and told me you never came home last night." 

"Sir, I left the club early and went to a friends house I was there until two thirty and figured the guys were too drunk and they took a cab home so I spent he night at my friends house, but I'm here on time and I'm not hungover." "Well I'm sorry, but you still weren't at your apartment last night and your teammates who were there made it to there apartments no problem, so I'm sorry to say it but I have to suspend you for he game tonight." "Sir you can't do that!" "I have to Tyler I'm sorry." I never thought being as mad as I was it would make me cry, but it did. Tears were forming in my eyes. "Sir, please. It's supposed to by debut on home ice tonight." "I've already taken you out of the lineup for the  night, I'm sorry. You can go now Tyler." "Okay, thank you coach." 

I left his office and saw Jordan Caron talking to Nicole. "Hey Tyler what's up?" Nicole knew something was wrong. "Tyler, what happened?" "Yeah, dude you okay?" "Don't ask if I'm okay, you got what you wanted!" I walk past Nicole and Jordan and just let everything go. The tears were flowing and I couldn't help it. 

I looked up and Nicole came running around the corner looking for me. "Tyler what happened?" She  sat down next to me and grabbed my arm. "Im suspended." "What! Why?" "Because I didn't go back to my apartment last night, and Jordan told coach." "Tyler I'm so sorry." "It's all his fault, this was supposed to be my night and now everyone will think I'm some reckless rookie who doesn't give a shit." "Well looking at you right now I can tell that's not how you feel at all. This is my fault too, I should have given you a ride or something." "Nicole no, I'm glad I stayed with you last night, I'm glad I went back to your apartment and almost broke my nose on your bedroom floor." We both laughed and she wiped my tears as we stood up. 

"So now what do we do Ty?" She asked as we walked out of the arena. "What do you want to do? We can do whatever you want, we have the whole day free. Well except we have to come the game tonight but other then that we can do whatever you want." I walked her to side of the car and opened her door. "How about we go back to my place and watch the bruins game from the other night, I think you scored a goal and had a fight." "Is that gonna be on tv?" She turned to look at me as I stood confused. "I have it recorded." She kissed my lips then jumped in the car. I just laughed as she smiled. "Let's go Ty, we don't have all day." I quickly closed her door and jumped in her car and drive us back to her apartment. I'm starting to really fall for this girl.
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So another chapter up, I figured I'd put another one cause this story seemed popular already so you know the drill, comment an subscribe please? Thanks :)