Sequel: Safe & Sound
Status: Finished!!!


But it's never enough. Cause my echo, echo


We finally got to Shawinigan and I was happy to be home. I was also happy for my family to meet Tyler. We got to my moms house and I was a bit nervous, but I had a feeling she would love Tyler. "You ready to meet my family?" "How many people are gonna be in there?" I laughed. "Just my mom and brothers." "Okay, let's go." We went inside and my mom came rushing into the room. "Nicole! C'est si bon de vous voir! (Nicole! So good to see you!)" I gave her a hug. "Hey maman. Pouvez-vous parler anglais? Tyler ne parle pas que beaucoup de français. (Hey mom. Can you speak English? Tyler does not speak that much French.)" Tyler was a bit confused by what we were saying. "Oh of course!" "Tyler this is my mom. Mom, this is Tyler." "Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Allen." Tyler gave her a hug. "What a gentlemen. Nice to meet you Tyler." "Where are Marc and Jean-Luc?" "They are up at the rink, they had pick-up hockey today."

We walked and sat in the living room. "So have you made any plans about dad?" "We've decided to have more of a celebration of his life then a grieving funeral." "I like the idea." I could tell my mom was a bit upset. "Mom it's okay." I went over and gave her a hug. "I know, it's just so sudden." i hugged her until she was okay. "I'm okay. I need to go plan a few things for the get together okay?" "Okay." She went into the other room and Tyler and I sat there. "She seemed really upset." "Yeah, but she is my mom and she will be stronger then any of us. I mean if she isn't strong then she doesn't think we will be. She doesn't want us to see her upset." "I could see that." I am happy Tyler could be with me here for the celebration of my father's life, I feel like it will bring us closer.

(A few days later)

Today was the celebration of my father's life and we were celebrating on the beach. My father loved to sail boats so the water seemed like the best place. We ate a local party center right by the beach. After everyone was finished and it was dark out, we walked to the beach. When we got to the beach my mom, brothers, and i were allowed to say a few words, but I couldn't do it. I wouldn't be able to say anything without crying. Once we were done speaking, my mom, brothers, and I went out into the water on boats. Once we were out far enough we each lit a paper lantern and let them go up into the sky. the boat took us back to shore and we watched with everyone else as they drifted in the sky. Tyler held onto me as I cried looking at the lanterns. Once the lanterns were gone, we all headed home.

I didn't want to go home right away. Tyler and I stayed at the beach and just watched the lanterns. "Tyler?" "Yeah Nicole?" I turned to look at him. "Thank you." He showed a faint smile. "Your welcome." I gave him a kiss. "I just wish all the bad things that have happened would just go away." "I do too. But the things that don't kill us only make us stronger." "What if he was right?" "Who?" "My dad?" "Why would you think that he is right?" "I don't know. I just said what if he was." "Well he's not. You are not a disappointment." "But I mean I'm not going to school, I don't have a job. I don't like the idea of you having to buy everything for me." "Nicole, I don't mind it really. And I don't buy everything for you. I took you shopping because I wanted to take you out for the day. And so what if you aren't going to school. It's your choice whether you want to go or not."

"I just can't help but think that maybe if my dad didn't storm off at dinner, maybe-" "Nicole, don't even think like that." I was surprised I wasn't crying thinking about my dad. "Tyler, you know that I am right. Maybe he wouldn't have crashed." "Even if you are, you did what you thought was right. You made your choice to tell your dad the truth. What if you lied to him and told him you were in school and you had a job? how would you feel lying to him?" "Not so good." "See, you can't dwell on the past." I shook my head in agreement and we walked home.

I know Tyler is right. I shouldn't worry about the mistakes I may have made. I can't worry about what caused my dad to crash. I can only focus on my future and learn from those mistakes. I will be upset leaving my mom and brothers after only being here for a few days, but I am excited to go back to Boston and focus on my relationship with Tyler. having him with me and my family this weekend made me realize he could really be in this relationship for the long run. But that does scare me a little bit.
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So I don't really like this update, but it is sort of a filler. There will be a lot of craziness coming up in this story. I have a bunch more chapters before this thing is over.