Sequel: Safe & Sound
Status: Finished!!!


My shadow, shadow. Is the only friend that I have


It had been a few days since I ended things with Tyler and I decided to go see Brad. I went to the hospital and no one else was there, but he was awake. He had a pretty bad concussion and they were keeping him for observation and running some tests. "Hey Brad." He smiled when he saw me. "Nicole, hey. What's up?" "Nothing much, just came to see one my best friends." "Well thanks. It's nice to see a familiar face." "What, no one has been in here?" "A few people but not a lot." "Oh, well how are you feeling?" "Pretty good, better then the night I got here." "That is good, hopefully you will be back on the ice soon." "Well, we will see. So what happened with Tyler?" "How do you know?" "He came in the day after and talked to me about it." I got up and walked to the window.

"Brad I can't keep putting our relationship through all of this drama. And you got hurt because of something that happened between Jordan and Tyler. I won't risk anyone else getting hurt." "Nicole, I kinda deserved the hit. My head was down, anyone else would have made the hit. Trust me." "Well, no one else is getting hurt anytime soon. I went to Montreal yesterday and talked to Jordan and told him to leave all the guys alone since Tyler and I were over."

"Nicole. You can't do that to Tyler. I know you didn't want to end it. I can hear it in your voice. Tyler has been through so much and you have been there for him. I saw how happy he made you when you two were together, why let anything or anyone break you up?" "I couldn't live with myself if he got hurt like you did. All because of the drama that started between them over me. Everything that has gone wrong has been because of me." "That is not true Nicole. Jordan was an idiot and decided to do what he did, you didn't cause this."

"Our relationship just isn't good here. We have caused so many problems in Boston, we can't keep putting people through all of the drama." I had tears in my eyes. "Nicole, do you love Tyler?" "Yes. Of course I do." "Then don't end it with him. If you really love him you will get past all the drama. Trust me." "Brad I can't. I can't keep putting him through this." He knew that I was serious and he didn't know what to say. "If he really loves you then he will learn to work through the drama with you. Trust me you guys can get through it if you really love each other and you really try." I shook my head with tears running down my face. "I don't want to hurt him anymore Brad. I can't keep breaking his heart. I'm sorry I have to go." I quickly left and headed home. I know Brad might be right, but I just don't want any more drama. Plus I can't keep putting Tyler through all the drama, it's not fair to him.


While Brad was talking to Nicole I was hiding in the closet and heard the whole conversation. When she was gone I came out and Brad gave me a sincere look. "I'm sorry Ty. I tried." "It's alright." I started to tear up. "I just got to give her some time. Hopefully that can change her mind." I left and went to my apartment. I felt horrible. I love this girl, but things were ruined because of my anger. I should have never fought Jordan, I would still have Nicole if I didn't. I got my apartment and something didn't seem right. I quickly went into my room and noticed some things were out of place. I looked through the closet and all of Nicole's clothes were gone. Everything of hers, just gone. I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the counter.

Tyler, I hate having to do this, but I need to. I got all of my stuff out of your apartment while you were out so we didn't have to face each other. I know it is hurting you and trust me I am hurt too. But we both need to move on and forget about each other. Our relationship isn't good in Boston. We somehow end up hurting people around us and I don't want anyone to be hurt anymore. So I'm going back to Shawinigan for awhile. I know that you will understand. i need to be with family for awhile. I hate this part, but goodbye Tyler.

I sat on the floor of my kitchen and cried. She was really gone. I looked over the note again and decided to call her. I was hoping by some chance she would answer. I sat there as the phone kept ringing, ready to hang up. "Hello?" I was silent, I couldn't believe she actually answered. "Nicole. I-" "Tyler I can't do this, I left that note so I wouldn't have to talk to you." "Why are you going back to Shawinigan?"

"Well, I'm packing right now, and if I keep talking to you I might not get there." I quickly got up and grabbed my car keys and ran out to my car. "I'm sorry, but Nicole you can't leave." I started driving to Nicole's house, I thought I was going to get pulled over for speeding. "Tyler, like I told you a few days ago and in the note. We can't be together. I love you, but I have to go home. I'm sorry, goodbye Tyler." "Nicole wait!" She had already hung up.

I tried to get through the traffic as fast as I could to try and catch Nicole before she left. I pulled up to her apartment and quickly ran inside to her door. I had my key that she gave me and unlocked the door as fast as I could. "Nicole!" I ran inside and it was silent. I ran into every room and no one was here. She was already gone, I missed her. I knew she would be coming back because she left some clothes and other things in the apartment. I walked over to her bed side table and looked at the picture of us from when we first met. I realized I couldn't let her go, I had to get her back no matter what I would have to do.
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Another update. Will they end up together? Who knows! You will just have to keep reading and find out, lol. So comments please?? :) thanks