Sequel: Safe & Sound
Status: Finished!!!


I miss it now


Watching the clock tick down to zero and knowing you just won the Stanley cup is one of the best feelings....ever! And lifting the cup is even better. As we left our party on the ice, we all started a party that lasted for who knows how long in the locker room. I was a bit upset that Nicole wasn't able to come to the game, but I know she probably watched it at home on the couch wearing my jersey and holding on tight to her Tyler Seguin bear. As the drinks started flowing, I knew we were gonna party like crazy tonight! After about an hour and a half, everyone got undressed and took showers, then we changed and headed to the club. On our way out to the bus, my phone began playing the song, Black and Yellow.

I took out my phone and saw the picture on the screen and couldn't help, but smile. I swiped my finger across the screen and held the phone up to my ear. "Tyler Seguin you did it!" My eardrum almost burst, but I didn't mind. "I know. It's crazy right now, It's so unreal." "I'm so proud of you Ty, you're my favorite player ever!" "Wow, don't let Lucic hear you say that, he might get offended." She laughed and I knew I was going ot have to end our conversation since the guys were going to be screaming on the bus.

"Hey babe, I have to go cause the guy are starting to get kinda loud, but I love you and I will call you later." "Okay I love you too superstar." I hung up the phone and quickly jumped on the bus. As we headed to the club, our team song Black and Yellow was blasting through the speakers. All the guys were screaming out the words at the top of our lungs. We didn't care, we just won the cup! We pulled up to the club and half the team was already drunk. Paparazzi were everywhere trying to get pictures and interviews with us as we walked in. When we got inside it seemed like we had to keep getting refills every ten minutes. We were so drunk half way through the night, I don't even know what happened while I was drunk. I know I danced and took of my shirt, but that's about it.

Now I'm sitting in my hotel room trying to get rid of this massive headache I have and I'm trying to finish packing so I can get home to Nicole I missed her so much during this series, but first the team has to go to the rink and clean out our stalls in the locker room. "Marchy, you almost ready?" "I called to my roommate and looked up as he walked out of the bathroom wearing some sunglasses with the darkest tint possible. "Dude, close the shades, it's too bright!" "Marchy, we are leaving like right now." "Oh okay. Let's go." He picked up his duffel bag and almost fell over. "Damn! You okay?" He slowly stood up and adjusted his glasses. "Yup, let's go."


I woke up the next morning after a crazy and stressful night watching Ty's game. But, it's okay because they won. I went in the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and heard a knock at my door. I couldn't be Tyler, they aren't getting back until two and it's only noon. I opened the door and saw a familiar face. "Um, Jordan what are you doing here?" I didn't expect to see Jordan Caron to be standing at my door in the middle of the day. "I couldn't go to Vancouver cause I got hurt, remember?" He walked inside and looked around. "Oh right, I forgot."

"Look, I'm not trying to be like a jerk or anything, but there is something you need to see." "What is it?" "Where's your laptop?" "Over here." I walked to the kitchen counter and he followed. I opened it and logged in. "It's all yours." I passed it across to Jordan and he went to youtube and searched Tyler Seguin Drunk And he clicked on the video he wanted. "Jordan what the hell is this?" "Please just watch."

After the video was done he clicked on another one to show me. "Jordan please, just turn it off. I don't want to see anymore." "Please, Nicole like I said, I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but I thought you needed to know." The tears were rolling down my cheeks now, I was so hurt. "Jordan, I'm not mad at you." I hugged Jordan and he was a bit shocked. "Thank you for showing me these." "Of course. If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to ask me."

I wiped the few tears left on my cheeks and thought of something. "Um, actually could you drive me to the rink. The guys are probably there by now right?" "Yeah they should be. I can take you there for sure." "Okay, I'm just gonna change really quick and then we can go." "Okay I will wait out here." I walked into my room and broke down, but quickly pulled myself together so I didn't keep Jordan waiting too long.

If Tyler thinks he can get away with what he did in Vancouver, he has another thing coming.
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So another long one, some mad drama just happened! Some more comments would be nice. I would love to hear your thoughts. I mean I love posting, but if all I get is one person commenting I won't be posting as fast as normal. It only takes a second or two to say something like i like this or great update Just thought I'd let all you readers know.