Sequel: Safe & Sound
Status: Finished!!!


Like a fool at the top of my lungs


It's been a week since I talked to Tyler. The parade for the team is today and they are having a team party later tonight, but I don't think I'm going. I mean there is no point in going if I'm not with Tyler. I turned on my tv and of course there's a commercial for the Boston Bruins just reminding you to get your Bruins Stanley cup gear. I turned off the tv as I heard a knock on the door. "Hey, why aren't you dressed?" Jordan Caron walked into my apartment, it seems like he's been doing that a lot lately. "Um, why would I be?" "The parade is today." "I'm not going." I walked and sat on the couch and Jordan came and threw me over his shoulder. "What the hell are you doing Jordan!" He carried me into my room and threw me on the bed. "You are going to get dressed and then you are coming with me to the parade." "Fine!" I closed the door and changed.

"Let's go!" "You're so impatient!" I opened the door and Jordan smiled. "That will make Tyler mad he messed up for sure!" We both laughed and went down to Jordan's car. "Jordan I really don't want to see Tyler." "Well, that might be kinda hard." "Why?" "He is on the same bus as me." "Oh, that's great." He held my hand. "Look, I got you covered. Nothing's gonna happen." I smiled as we drove on. We reached the parking lot of the rink where everyone was meeting before the parade. We got out of the car and walked over to where most of the guys were. I noticed Tyler right away. He was laughing and smiling about something and he looked so cute, but I quickly looked away as he noticed I was walking over. His smile faded as he saw Jordan and I holding hands.

"Hey Jordan, and Nicole?" "Hey Marchy." Jordan looked at Tyler and Tyler just walked away. I couldn't help it and I ran after Tyler. "Tyler!" He turned around and I saw he was upset. "Really Nicole. Of all people Jordan? You know I can't stand him." "No, Tyler I'm not with him. He wanted me to come, but just as friends." "Sure, and I bet you're going to the team party tonight as friends too?" "Yes, but Tyler look, I'm not planing on starting a relationship with him. I promise." Tyler just walked past me and I slowly followed behind.

I went and hugged a few of the guys before it was time to load the buses. The parade started and it was pretty fun, although I couldn't help but think about how upset Tyler was when he thought I was dating someone else maybe he really was sorry. But that doesn't excuse what he did. Once the whole parade was over Jordan drove me back to my apartment so we could change, the party was right after the parade so everyone had to quickly go home and change. Jordan changed in the bathroom and I changed in my room. We both were changed and ready to go. We drove to some big ballroom like place and were seated for dinner. It was a great party, but of course Tyler was seated at my table and he was sitting right across from me. After dinner the had an area for people to dance and many of the guys took advantage of that.

I was standing toward the back of the floor when I heard a voice in my ear. "You look beautiful." I turned and Tyler was standing right there. "Thanks, you look handsome." "Thanks." We stood there for a minute or two and it was pretty awkward. "Nicole, I wanna fix things." "Tyler I told you-" "Come to Brampton with me." "What?" "Come to Brampton with me when I go to visit my family." "Tyler I don't think I can do that, I mean I have to pack and I don't want to pick up and leave at any random time. I mean when were planing on leaving?"

"If you said yes, then right after this party, maybe even before it was over, just to use it as an excuse to leave with you." As much as I would regret this, I said exactly what my mind was telling me to say. "Let's go." "Are you serious? Right now?" "Yes Tyler let's go." "Okay, let's go." I took off my heels and we ran out to his car. I got in and looked in the back seat, his suitcase was there. "And how did you know I would say yes?" "I didn't, I just really hoped you would."

We drove to my house and we both changed into casual clothes. then I started packing a suitcase. I just threw in whatever clothes I could find and had Tyler zip it up while it pushed the top down. He grabbed my suitcase and I threw a few other things into a bag, like my laptop, phone and computer charger, and who knows what else. I grabbed two waters out of the fridge and we were off. Our drive would be long, but it would be interesting considering were not together and I'm going with him to meet his family. After about fifteen silent awkward minutes I figured I'd break the silence.

"Tyler, you know that just because I'm going to Brampton with you doesn't mean were back together." "I know, but I really want to show you that I'm not like the guy you saw in those pictures and videos online." "Okay, we will see then." "You're gonna love my mom. She is great, she will probably hug you a million times, but that's just her personality. Oh and my sisters Candice and Cassidy. Well Candice is a little older so she probably won't act weird, but Cassidy might be a little clingy at first."

"It's okay. I was that younger sister once, I know what it's like when your brother brings home a girl." "They are good girls though, you might actually like them more then I do." We both laughed and continued on. I last time I looked at the clock it said eleven thirty. I woke up form what seemed like the most uncomfortable sleep ever and I was holding Tyler's hoodie. I smiled when I caught the smell of his Gucci Sport cologne. I opened my eyes and looked out at the road, it was so dark. "When did I get your hoodie?" I sat up and stretched as Tyler looked over.

"Oh, you looked cold so I laid my hoodie over you." "Oh thanks. I guess I shouldn't have worn shorts." "Yeah maybe not. It is cold kind of cold in here." I watched as Tyler yawned and I could tell he was tired. "Tyler." I put my hand on his arm and he smiled. "Do you want me to drive?" "No I'm fine." He yawned a bigger yawn this time. "Come one Tyler, I just slept for three hours, I think I can drive and let you sleep for a bit. All I have to do is follow the directions the GPS gives me."

"Okay, fine. But this car is my baby so please don't wreck it." "Don't worry it will be fine. I promise." "Well I can trust you because You do keep your promises." He pulled over and I smiled recognizing the reference to my promise I made at the parade earlier that I wasn't going to date Jordan. We got out and changed seats in the car and I began to drive. Tyler used his hoodie as a pillow and was out within seconds. I knew he was tired. Watching him sleep I remembered back to the day when he spent the night on my couch. How he looked so, well normal lying there. Not like some famous NHL player. He really is just a normal kid who made a mistake and I should be able to forgive him for that, but it is going to take more then an i'm sorry to fix what happened, but I have a feeling Tyler can fix it, somehow.
♠ ♠ ♠
What happens next?????

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