Best Friend's Brother

Make me look pretty!

The next day at work, I was exhausted. Courtney and Andy kept me up all night. I had to stay the night at their house. I didn't mind staying over, I used to all the time, but this time it was different. Andy was always checking up on me for some reason. Usual things, but it still felt odd. I loved seeing him all night, but it was a little weird.

I wonder why he was doing that? Whatever, I need to focus on work right now.

I grabbed some hot tea, and I started to set up my make-up kit for the shoot today. I wonder who it is? No one would tell me. Well, then again, I'm almost never told who the photoshoot is for. Basing it on what the make-up looks like, it has to be a band. The make-up is all black, with some other dark colors, but it's mostly black.

"BAYLEE!! The band is here, they're almost finished with their hair. They should be in here any minute now, they'll tell you what they want. Got it?" Said my bitchy boss, Holly. She's always bossing me around and making me feel like crap. The pay is good, and I love what I do. So I tolorate her.

I nodded and "smiled". "Yeah, I got it. I have my make-up all set up now, I'm ready for the band to come in."

"Good. Andy was wondering if you were even here or not."

"Wait, Andy? Andy who?" Is it the Andy that I know and love? Love more than I should.

"Andy Biersack. I don't know why he was asking for you. You're just a make-up artist."

I really can't stand her sometimes. I want to hit her so hard right now. "Oh, I know Andy. His sister is my best friend." I told her.

She nodded. "Uh huh. Sure she is." Then she walked off. She is such a bitch.

So the band today is Black Veil Brides, huh? This is going to be so much fun! I had a feeling it was them by how Andy was acting yesterday. I wonder if they already came with their make-up on? I guess I'll find out.

When they came in, Andy hugged me tightly and I just wanted to stay in his arms forever. Sadly, he pulled away said, "Ready to do our make-up? It won't be too much work, we just want what we usually do."

"Yeah, nothing too hard." Jake said jokingly.

I nodded and smiled. "Sweet! Which one of you guys wants to go first?"

"Uh, I have the least, so I'll go first." CC said.

"Okay, awesome!"

CC sat down, and I started working on his 'warpaint'. Like he said, he didn't have as much, so it didn't take me very long to get it all done. I noticed how Jinxx, and Ashley already came wearing thier make-up so I didn't have to work on them.

"All right, who wants to go next?"

Jake shrugged. "I guess I will." He walked over and sat down in the chair in front of me. I finished doing his make-up within twenty minutes. I've been doing make-up for over three years, so I've gotten pretty quick at it.

I turned to Andy with a grin and said, "All right, sit your ass down."

He smirked and walked over to the chair and sat down. "Make me look pretty! Wait, no make me look scary as fuck."

I started to laugh really hard, and so did the rest of the guys. "Andy, you're already pretty. Didn't we talk about this yesterday? I'm not making you scary, I'm just going to do your standard make-up."

"Yeah, we did. Just do your magic on me! Also, you just said what I wanted." He chuckled. Seriously, Andy you can't be more amazing. I wish he knew I thought that about him.

I nodded, and I started working on his warpaint. I got my brushes and started to put make-up on his already perfect face. A few strands of his long hair got in the way, but he just pushed them aside.

Once they were all done, and I said to them. "You guys are good to go! I'll see you when the shoot's over." They all smiled and said, "See ya!" at the same time, it was weird.

When the shoot started, I stayed in the backround and watched. I loved seeing how energetic and happy Andy was. It made me happy. Then again, I'm always happy when I'm around him.
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comments, please! <3