Status: Active.

I Need You So Much Closer


Mary wasn't a morning person.

Just like any other teenage girl in Arizona, she liked to sleep in. She hated being woken up before seven o'clock in the morning especially when it was the first day of summer.

"Wake up!" A familiar voice whispered in her right ear. Mary grabbed the pillow beside her and put it over her head.

"Leave me alone!" Mary whined. She heard a soft laugh and the next thing she knew, someone was already jumping on her bed. She made a mental note of telling her mom not to let Nadine in next time.

"Wake up, Mary! I swear to God, if you don't wake up I'm gonna drag you out of bed-"

"Go away, Nadine! I don't know if you got the memo but it's the first day of summer. And I'd really appreciate it if you'd just leave me alone and let me sleep." Mary complained. Sometimes she just hated how hyper her best friend could get in the morning.

"But Mary..." Nadine pouted as she laid beside her. She just sounded so sad and Mary suddenly felt bad. She hated it when she acted like this. Mary rolled her eyes because she knows that her best friend always got her way.

"Fine, let's talk. What do you want?" Mary asked as she faced her. Nadine's face instantly lit up.

"Get up because we need to go shopping!" Nadine said excitedly as she clapped her hands together.

"You woke me up this early so I can go shopping with you?!" Mary exclaimed.

"Yes! I'll even pay for your breakfast if you want. iHop?!" Nadine said. Mary rolled her eyes because she couldn't turn that offer down.

"Why do you need to go shopping?" Mary asked as she climbed out of her bed to start looking for clothes.

"Well, there's this party that we-"

"Whoa, whoa! WE?! You're the only one who's going. I don't like parties. I'd rather have a movie night alone." Mary said.

"And you wonder why you don't have a boyfriend?" Nadine shrugged. Mary couldn't help but glare at her best friend.

"Whatever, Nady. I'm not having this argument with you right now."

After ten minutes of searching for what she was going to wear that day, Mary finally decided on a purple v-neck, denim shorts and a pair of her worn out black Vans. She put on a little make up and grabbed her wallet and iPhone from her bedside table.

"You ready?" Nadine asked as she walked out of her room. Mary just nodded and followed her downstairs.

"Bye Mom!" Mary shouted before she closed the door. Nadine was already getting inside her car when Mary reached the driveway.

"Get in, loser. We're going shopping!" Nadine said as she got in the car and before she could even put her seatbelt on she drove off.

It's going to be a long day.


Mary put her hand on her chin as she decided on what movie she was going to watch that night. She glanced at the digital clock on her wall. The clock read 7:10. She sighed as she threw herself on the couch and reached for the clicker on her table and turned her TV on. She'd only been watching the movie for ten minutes when her phone suddenly rang.

"Hello?" She asked while her eyes stay focused on the TV.

"Mary! I'm coming over. Be there in 10. Bye!" She heard her best friend and before she could even react she already hung up.

Ten minutes later, she could hear a car pulls up the driveway and her front door opening. She could hear her talk to her mother in the kitchen and then she heard her footsteps in the stairs and next thing she knew she was already standing in front of her while her hands stayed on her hips.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?!" Nadine asked.

"I told you I'm not going." She said as she gave her a stern look.

"Whatever." Her best friend said as she got out of her sight. Mary grinned because she thought she had won. Little did she know, her best friend was already putting an outfit together for her.

"What the fuck?" Mary glared at her best friend when she threw a dress on her face.

"Put that on." Mary just groaned as she lifted the dress and took a look at it. It was the tight black dress that Nadine got her for her birthday. She never wore it because she thought that it was too short to even cover her family jewels down there.

She spotted a black lacy bra coming her way so she caught it before it even reached her face. She scowled at Nadine but her best friend was too busy looking for shoes to even notice it.

Without a word, she put the bra on and then the dress. Nadine handed her a pair of black pumps and that was when she started to protest.

"You can't wear flats! They don't go well with that dress." Nadine smirked. She just flipped her a bird and put the black heels on.

"You look hot! Now let's do your make up."

Mary just stood there as her best friend put some make up on her face. She hated wearing make up. When Nadine got finished, she pushed her in front of the mirror and Mary couldn't help but stare. She just didn't like herself but she liked her "new" look.

Half an hour later, they were already on their way to the party. The party was already in full swing when they got there. When they got inside the house, they earned some whistles from boys and that made Mary blushed.

Mary followed her best friend as she led them in the kitchen. She noticed three boys standing next to the fridge and talking. She could tell that the tall guy with the black hair was the one who was telling a story. The other two just listened to him and smiled every now and then. She just stared at them as she studied each and everyone of them. The other tall guy had a red hair while the shorter one had blonde hair.

"Hey guys!" Nadine greeted them. The three boys looked their way and gave them a warm smile.

"You're here!" The guy with the blonde hair pulled her best friend in a tight hug. She just watched as her best friend exchanged words with the guys. She noticed the red haired guy staring at her so she looked down because she was too shy to meet his gazes.

"Why don't you introduce us to your friend?" The tall guy with black hair asked.

"Oh, this is my best friend Mary." Nadine introduced her. She offered them a smile and the guys shook her hand. She learned that their names were Nick, Andrew and Justin. Andrew was the one who was telling the other two a story. Nick was the one with the red hair and Justin was the blonde one. Some guy called Andrew so he excused himself to talk to them. Nadine and Justin started talking while her and Nick just stood there.

"Do you want something to drink?" Nick asked her, breaking the awkward silence.

"Yeah sure. Jack and Coke, please?" She answered. Nick looked at her and she noticed his left eyebrow arched.

"What?" She asked innocently. Nick shook his head.

"What's your poison?" She asked him.

"Oh, this? It's Dr. Pepper. I don't drink." Nick answered as he smiled at her.

"Oh, thank God! Me too. Could you get me a soda instead?!" She smiled. Nick just laughed and got her a Coke from the fridge.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Nick smiled. She decided that he had an amazing smile.

"Do you know whose house is this?"

"Yeah, it's mine."

"So, is it your birthday or?"

"We got signed." She stared at him confusingly.

"Justin, Andrew and I are in a band. There's actually four of us but Halvo is nowhere to be found." Nick explained. Mary just nodded her head.

"You'll meet him soon." Nick winked at her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I learned something new about myself after writing this chapter.... I write shitty fanfics.

Anyway, I wrote this one for my one of best friends in the whole wide world Mary because she's been bugging me to write a fanfic about her and Eric. So yeah, whatever.

Just wanna let you guys know that I'll be updating this every now and then.

