Status: ongoing.

I'll Never Let You Go


Dearest Rhia,
I came to see you today. I rambled alot, so I'm sorry for that. I keep thinking, there must be something I can do to get you back. Flowers wont work, not even tulips, your favourites. Memory books don't work, writing songs wont work, talking to you wont work, wearing that stupid key wont work, going to that shitty little pond wont work, nothing ever bloody works. Nothing. Not even these crappy letters that don't count for anything, because you'll never fucking read them Rhia, you never will.

I'm sorry about that. But you have no idea how hard this is for me Rhia. No-ones else, gives a shit. No-one, no-one but me.

I don't know if I'll write again. There's no fucking point.

I love you Rhia.

x x x
♠ ♠ ♠
aw joshy got angry, cute.