Hidden To Everyone


'With all my foolish hope.'

A simple phrase tattooed around Daisy's slender wrist, hidden by an array of brightly coloured braclets.
Inky black against honey brown skin.

Hidden to everyone but herself.

It's ingrained in her mind from now until kingdom come.
Every elegant curl of each perfect letter burnt into her minds eye.

Hidden to everyone but her.

It's a reminder of a ghost that used to haunt her life, a ghost which now resides in her dreams. A voice to every thought, echoing around the corners and along the empty corridors.


The tattoo had been the first thing Daisy Rowen had ever brought for herself, had been curled around her wrist the second she turned sixteen and escaped from the orphanage.
Just a simple phrase she lived by when she had nothing but her hope.

Hidden to everyone but her.


It wasn't to commemorate the ghost, even though it was solely his, she hadnt even known him when she'd gotten the tattoo. It would be three long, hard years until they would meet; Daisy was nineteen, living alone in a grungy apartment struggling to pay rent. Alive, free and studying childcare at a community collage whilst working part time at the local nursery. Not the life she was gunning for but a life all the same.

One wet, mild Thursday in April her life was hit by a hurricane in the form of a tall lithe boy who was devestatingly gorgeous with messy black hair and even darker eyes bardging into her apartment and demanding the spare room, throwing around the surname 'Wolfe' and damp fifty dollar bills, and, well, who was Daisy to say no?

Even if sometimes, alone and cold in the night she wishes she'd simply closed the door, the fact that she hadn't would never change. Her door would always be open for Samuel Colton Wolfe.


They despised eachother at first, yet even that is an understatment.
Every word they uttered became a battle of sharp tongues.
Samuel eloquent and hypercritical; tearing Daisy down in a clinical manner whilst she herself was brash and sarcastic, spitting hard truths straight from the heart.
Slicing at each other until the bones were bared and splintered.

Samuel was like pure darkness, an abyss swirling in onyx eyes.
A natural born preditor who could find anyones weakness's before shoving it down their throats.

Things hidden to everyone but him.

He was so cold he burnt whoever touched him, hardened by a life so different to the one Daisy suffered, a confusing kind of cruel she would never be able to grasp. Whilst Daisy was bullied and beaten outright Samuels torture had been all inside his head, twisted words from people who were supposed to love and care for him. Before his world caved in and destroyed itself.
After all its harder to have it taken away then never having it at all.

Yet as they laid there, after they had torn eachother limb from limb, when they were both completely and utterly shattered and collapsed on their living room floor it seemed natural for Samuel to reach over and stroke the tattoo around Daisy's wrist before winding their fingers together. It seemed natural when his barriers shuddered and fell, busting open the flood gates until suddenly, suddenly he was warm, compassionate, a lost, lonely terrified little boy who was desperate for love and comfort. A three dimensional person with humor and heart.
But only for Daisy, the key to his lock.

Hidden to everyone but her.


Samuel was obssessed with Daisy's tattoo, consumed by the simple phrase and its meaning.
Constantly tracing the letters with elegant fingers, "This is us," he'd murmble, lips pressed against the fragile skin of her wrist, "Always."
Every word like a prayer making Daisy's heart want to explode out of her chest and repaint the walls.

And maybe she was a little too attention deprived, a little too desperate for love to realize that maybe, just maybe their relationship wasn't quite healthy.
That maybe it was just a little too heavy for two people so young, too intense and, well, obsesive.
That all the darkness contained in one person was damaging that, being around it would eventually dimisinsh her own light.

But Daisy was foolish and hopeful and Samuel was beautiful and coverted and HERS.
Her warm. kind, loving, protective Samuel.

Hidden to everyone but her.
♠ ♠ ♠
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