Hidden To Everyone


There were no signs. No hints. Nothing to betray that Samuel had snapped. There were no clues that he'd suddenly turn into a serial killer. Was he possesive? Yes. Jealous? Yes. Overly Protective? Sure, but not to the point of murdering anyone who upset Daisy.

If anything the last few months had Sam coming out of his shell a bit more. He had attened partys with her, held hands and kissed in public, would smile and even occasionally laugh at someone who wasnt his girlfriend. Things were good, they were happy, in love.

It was as if he was melting the icy exterior tiny piece by tiny piece, slowly being fixed by Daisy, his own personal sun.

He had his bad days sure, days when he'd shut down completely, even to Daisy, but they always occured after he'd spoken to or seen his brother.

Ahh, Samuel's brother...

Isaac Nicholas Wolfe was the splitting image of his baby brother, same sharp handsome features and breathtaking black eyes full of intelligence, never missing a trick.

The brothers were seperated by six years and a very different oppinion on style, Sam was born to rebel the white collar life of his bloodline whilst Isaac was all for designer suits worth more than what Daisy made a year.

He came across somehow warmer then the youngest Wolfe, more approachable, more human. He smiled, quite often infact, he remembered details of others lives, he always seemed genuinely interested and would always inquire after a sick realitive or a collage course.

He had a beautiful wife, a devoted daughter, a pet husky named Crystal; he ran the family buisness perfectly, his employees loved him whilst the competition coward in fear.

He was brilliant, friendly, untouchable.

And every word of it was a lie.

Isaac Wolfe was a monster, every silken inch of him, from the imaculate suits that dressed his lean frame to the squidgy marrow in his bones, he was the main person who'd tortured Sam growing up, the main cause of all the hurt and anger Sam carried around inside.
Isaac was pure sadistic evil.

It was always there and Daisy had always been able to see it, it hung in the air around him in a way that Sam had never hinted at, underneath the surface it was obvious to Daisy that her boyfriend did actually feel everything, maybe more intensly than she did sometimes but he had always been taught to lock it up and hide it away.
Showing emotion means showing weakness.

Isaac on the other hand though, well, his eyes were as dead as a shark's, there was nothing going on inside that man's chest, sure he put up a good front but Daisy wasnt easily fooled, she knew men liked Isaac, she'd been raised on the streets by men like him, the so called 'family man', screwing around with people because he could, messing up peoples lives for something to do, murdering people because seeing the light go out of someones eyes made him feel something, at least for a second.

It was obvious in the gentle rise and fall of his voice as he'd 'light heartedly' chast his baby brother, it was there in the false tilt of his lips as he studied Daisy as if she wasnt something he wanted to break, it was clear in the way Sam would fall into an almost coma once Isaac left their flat; scared and confused and lost in memories of whatever had broken him in the first place.

It was obvious Isaac Wolfe was a bad man. A killer.

Daisy had never so much as seen Samuel kill a fly and now there were three dead bodies in their living room.


Daisy remembers a story Sam had told her one night when they'd been curled up in their sheets, warm and content, Sams nimble fingers tracing her tattoo gently, pressing kisses to her bare skin. He'd called the story 'The Wolfe Curse'.
Daisy had once thought it was just that, a story, but now, well now she wasnt so sure.

Samuel had told her that the first Wolfe, a humble minor named Elijah, had made a deal with The Devil himself to become a great man, a man who had money, and power and control. Elijah had been granted his wish but it had come with one simple catch; when The Devil decided he needed his soul he would come without argument, without fuss and without hesitation or there would be grave consequences. Elijah had agreed without thought, he was only in his early twenties, thought himself invinsible.

Elijah Wolfe became a name to be reckoned with, a whole village on their knees, he was feared and admired and a good leader, he married a western princess fourteen years after he made the deal and they had three sons who would eventually contiune his empire. There were stories told about him, legends spread across the land about the feroucious Wolfe that took whatever he wanted and destroyed everything else.

The Devil waited twenty years before he came for him and of course Elijah put up a fight, arguing that it wasnt enough time and that he's been tricked, The Devil put him down in a blaze of fury and as punishment for his insolence cursed every Wolfe hence forward to a life of insanity.

Daisy had thought it to be a bit of a morbid story to pass through the generations, she hadnt realized it was actually a warning, hadnt realized it wasnt just a superstious legend to make the Wolfe's feel more important, more powerful, helped along by the Devil himself.

Sam had believed it when he'd told her, she realized that now, his eyes had been wide and honest and scared. Daisy had laughed it off and complained that she didnt know anything about her own family, complained that Rowen wasnt even her real last name, just the name of the street she was found on. Samuel had smiled as if the entire conversation hadnt happened, had promised to make her an Wolfe one day.

He never brought up the Wolfe Curse again.

Its funny because she would have believed it if Isaac had told her, but Sam was damaged not deranged like his brother.

Yet there were still three dead bodies on their living room floor.

What the hell was she going to do?
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yup so a little background to Sams family and such... not sure where im taking this if im honest but im enjoying the ride :) Please dont be a silent reader! x