Hidden To Everyone


Daisy chewed on the cuff of her too long shirt as she gazed out of the rain splattered window. She wore everything too long nowadays, shirts, jumpers, anything to cover the tattoo etched onto her skin. Even covered up by braclets and cloth she could still feel it. The itch of a reminder that went deeper then just her skin.

It wouldnt make a difference if she had the money for lazer treatment, even if it vanished from her wrist it would still be there, would always be there in the same way that Samuel would always have his claws dug into her heart.

She was haunted to the bone.

It had been three years since Daisy had seen or heard from Sam and she was still haunted. She would never be able to get the raven off of her skin, out of her clothes, removed from her head.


They'd laid in that pool of blood on their living room floor for two hours before the police smashed their door down and put a bullet in Sam's shoulder.

They'd thought Daisy was dead she was so still.

She felt dead.

They'd sat curled up in that blood whilst their die hard audience had eternally watched on. She would never wash that blood out of her skin. Would never feel clean again.

The police had hauled Sam out of their apartment quicker than Daisy could understand. The paramedics kept throwing around words like 'shock' and 'traumatized' but she couldnt focus on anything, could only see the vacent stares of the dead, could only hear the soothing promises of love that had flowed from Sam's lips.


"Sarah, is there something you want to talk about?"

Daisy was shaken from her thought by the gentle tones of her phsychiatrist Noah Alexanders, she was still having trouble responding to her new identity, even after two and a half years.

A small upturning of her lips was all she could offer in means of a smile so she offered a simply sentance instead. "Its exactly three years today that I last had contact with him."

Noah's expression was suddenly serious, it had been almost a year since Daisy had brought Samuel Wolfe up in one of their sessions, she normally spent their weekly hour talking about university or something one of the kids at her nursery had done. Noah had noticed Daisy seemed more jumpy as of late and was constantly tugging her sleeves over her hands.

Noah leant back in his chair placing his clip board onto the table next to him.

"Oh, is that right?"

Daisy nodded so slightly Noah would have missed it if not for his years of training.

"Tell me about the last time you heard from him?"

xXx 3 years prior xXx

Daisy hadnt spoken.

It had been two whole weeks since the police found her on the floor of her home entwined with a murderer, surrounded by nightmare and she hadnt spoken one word.

A pretty, middle aged detective named Liz had told her that their neighbour, Mrs Monroe, had seen Samuel dragging the bodies into their apartment and had called the cops. She'd asked if Sam had showed any signs, made any off hand comments, had any reason to go from a model student to a killer.

Daisy stayed silent.

A friendly yet eccentric doctor with a shock of white hair had asked her for the names of her next of kin, anyone she was close to who could look after her until the witness protection could get her a new identity.

The only people noted on her passport were a Mr Samuel Wolfe and a Mr Tate Parker.



Daisy was as quiet as a corpse.


Isaac turned up in her hospital room half way through her third week there, Daisy had tried to scream but couldnt remember how, she felt as heavy as if her bones were filled with lead. As if sensing her panic Isaac held his hands up in mock surrender.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm not here to hurt you Little Daisy-Chain, my brother has already cracked, there is no need to push him further." a taunting smirk accompained his words.

Daisy managed to actually whimper in fear, she tried reaching for the call button but it was above the head of her bed, she was too far away at the foot.

Isaac was right in front of the door, she was trapped, blocked in.

Isaac looked way too much like Sam, it was almost too much to bare.

"Calm down, you are not mine to touch, Sam gave me something, he wanted you to have this," Isaac waved a think magnolia envelope infront of the blondes face before throwing it onto the bed next to her, "He seemed extremely upset and confused as to why you hadnt visited him."

Having seemily finished what he come to say Isaac made as if to walk out of the door but turned to face her at the last second.

"He's been sentenced to 25 years, but he is a Wolfe, he wont serve the full sentance, our money will see to that." He paused and Daisy was sure his eyes flashed red for a second, a sickly smile spread onto his pale face showing the madness that lay within, The Wolfe Curse in full effect.

"The first thing he'll do when he gets out is look for you, after all it was his love for you that broke him..."

Dark eyes bore into blue, sending shivers down Daisy's spine.

"If you do not wish to be found little Daisy-Chain, well, you'll had better start running."


As soon as Isaac left Daisy was pushing the panic button in a frenzy.

Three nurses, all of whom had been over seeing her, were suddenly hit with an onslaught of verbal abuse and inane rambling.

Daisy hadnt spoken in three weeks yet now they couldnt get the terrified blonde to stop.


It had taken all three of them to sedate her and even with a needle sticking out of her arm Daisy wasnt quieting until suddenly she was and her world was spinning and swirling and then there was nothing but black.

There was no trace of Isaac Wolfe on the surveillance tapes, no one had seen him or any one to his description.

It was as if he was a ghost... Well either that or Daisy had gone mad.

The hospital decided on mad and that was the first night she met Noah Alexanders.

She never mentioned the letter under her pillow.
