Hidden To Everyone


The letter haunted Daisy almost as much as her tattoo did.
Of course she could always throw the letter away but, Daisy was weak, she'd been weakening every day since the night that plagues her nightmares happened.

Daisy had survived the streets, had survived the orphanage and she'd survived for three years with no money, juggling work and school and a ratty apartment.
She'd survived months of living with a spoilt, emotionless rich boy who hated her guts.
She'd even survived falling for said boy.
But surviving without him? That, that was making Daisy weak.

Samuel had become her strength, Sam was the hand that lead her, helped her, shook her awake softly in the mornings so she wasnt late for work. Sam had saved her from bills and starving because she had no money for food that week and from being thrown out onto the streets again. Sam had saved Daisy from being alone.
He'd saved her from herself.

It didnt matter that he was now Sarah Jones, Daisy would never grow into that name, it was like a pair of shoes three sizes too big.
She didnt have the strength, the will to work on her fresh start.
She was too co dependant, too sick on Samuel to be able to do anything more than exisit without him.

Noah knew it, that was why he never pushed her to talk, he just sat and listened to the mundane shit that she said, her only intention to fill the silence, spewing usless anectdotes to fill the cracks in her life. Sarah Jones had become the husk that Daisy hid in, it was Sarah that went to the nursery every day and looked after the kids, it was Sarah that went out for coffee with the other teachers and volunteered at the local orphanage. It was Sarah that lived every day whilst Daisy curled up inside herself, wasting away in the dark. Every little thing that had made Daisy her was gone and replaced by something false, replaced by something fictional, safe; boring.

Noah couldnt psychoanalyze Daisy because it wasnt her who turned up to their sessions, it was Sarah.
Daisy was locked up somewhere in her new identity too weak to be anything without Samuel.

She was refusing to move on and so the letter remained a secret, as hidden from the world as Sam's real personality had been.

So, yeah, the letter lives in her bedside table.

Its presence as heavy as a lead ball around her waist in 20ft of water.

Daisy couldnt walk into the room without her eyes heading straight for it, it was a constant in her mind, forever pounding in her head in time with her heart beats, 'readmereadmereadme', it screamed at her untill she clambered out of bed and smoothed the thick paper out onto the sheets.

She knew it word for word now but she would still read it as if she was reading it for the first time.

She wasnt oblivious anymore, this time she knew it was wrong and messed up and so far beyond obssesive it wasnt even funny.

Samuel was insane, cursed, a murderer, but Daisy was in love with him.

The letter read;

My Daisy Chain,

I miss you so much. This was never part of my plan, being seperated from you.
I told you, warned you, about the curse, but I'm not sorry for what I have done.
I do not apologize for doing the right thing.
You've woken up screaming in my arms way too many times because of your nightmares of that orphanage. Mr Watanabe deserved to die, he was a monster, he tortured you and i repaid the favour.
Ava had made you cry aswell, more than once. You are too beautiful to ever be that sad, she had to pay.
As for Tate, him i do feel the slight sting of remorse for, he was your friend but he had no rite to hurt you, no rite to damage what is mine, it was not his place. I will not stand for you coming to any harm because of some unimportant waste of space.

I thought you would understand, however the lack of visits makes me think you do not. Unless the police wont let you in which case I'm sure Isaac could help, he has people everywhere.
He's helping me, Isaac, helping me to control the curse, he keeps telling me it was you that activated it, that my love for you was what activated it, his words, not mine. You make me strong, not weak, never weak.

From what I know of the system, the police are probably going to hide you from me. Do not fear though, y'know I could find you anywhere, you could be taken to the ends of the earth and I'd still find you, we're connected after all, our hearts beat as one.

I love you, now and forever.
I shall be seeing you soon, with all my foolish hope.
Yours always,
Samuel Wolfe

Daisy's breathing was shallow and every tired breath burnt her lungs.

Today she was too weak to fight, today she was the last day she could stand being alone, today was the day she'd finally see her beloveded, the day she finally lives again.
With all her foolish hope.