This Love Is Dirtier Than You Think

Chapter Eight

Luke began by showing me around the building in the hope that I wouldn’t get lost, it was huge- of course I was going to get lost. He then took me into the studio and showed me ‘the ropes’, as Coral had called it. It was a lot different than my job back home, a hell of a lot more responsibility but also a lot more creativity and control, which I liked. Luke took me to the office and showed me my desk, he also felt the need to point out the fridge and gave me strict rules, that under no circumstances was I allowed to touch his M&M’s or Mars Bar milkshake; it was actually kind of scary so I think I’ll just stay clear of the fridge entirely. We sat down in the office for a bit and Luke started this whole ‘getting to know each other’ plan.

“Okay, so you’re from London right?” he asked, his accent soft and fluent.

“Just outside, from Surrey really,” I smiled, this was so awkward, he was basically interrogating me.

“Ah right, my Mum grew up there. So you’re a country girl?” he grinned.

“Not quite,” I laughed.

Okay, so what type of girl are you?” he raised an eyebrow.

It was a weird question, I wasn’t a ‘type’ of girl, I was just me, normal. Well probably not that normal but I was just Lily.

“I don’t know, I’m just your average English girl I guess,” I shrugged.

“Come on, you’ve got to give me more than that. I’ll go first,” he said getting up from his seat and walking closer.

“I’m Luke, aged 21. I was born in Manhattan but move here when I was 19. I like all different sorts of music and I can play the piano and the drums, drums are my favourite. I like M&M’s, especially peanut butter ones, and I hate guacamole,” he stood in front of me grinning. “Okay, now it’s your turn,” he gestured.

“Fine,” I rolled my eyes nonchalantly. “I’m Lily, aged 20, I was born in Surrey and lived in Surrey until about two days ago. I like music too, mainly rock, I can’t play any instruments, maybe a bit of the guitar but that’s about it. I like Tic Tacs, especially the red and yellow ones, and I don’t like tomatoes,” I smiled back at Luke.

“That’s better, it’s nice to meet you Lily from Surrey, I think we’re going to get along just fine,” he grinned, “Want to go and grab some lunch?”

“Yeah sure,” I said not realising how hungry I actually was.
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Really short but sweet :))) let me know what you think...