Status: Starting Out

Learn to Love the Ride

Show Me How To Live

It had been a week since Camille had met Matt and he was all she could think about. She walked around the tiny apartment she and her mother lived in and thought about him.

"You should call him, love." Her mother encouraged. "He was nice. A little unique, but a nice lad. You seemed to have a good time with him."

"We're totally opposite!" Camille stated. "What would we even talk about?"

"You don't know you're opposites," Her mother shrugged. "You think because he has tattoos and other different exterior things about him that you'll be opposites? He could be your soulmate and you wouldn't even know it."

"I don't like that word," Camille replied. "Soulmate. Hate it."

"Why?" Her mother laughed. "Why hate something like that?"

"Because it's not real, mom! It sets people up for failure," Camille replied. "What happens if I don't find him, huh? What happens if I don't find my soulmate? What even is a soulmate? It's stupid. It's just a stupid word created to keep people dating and hoping to find that person."

"Sweetheart," Her mother smiled. "A soulmate isn't a person, it's a connection. It's when you're with a person you're complete. You're exactly who you are to the point where it surprises you. A soulmate is someone that you feel comfortable enough around to be vulnerable and try new things. A soulmate isn't just a lover, they're your best friend."

Her mother kissed her forehead and then walked towards her bedroom. Camille sighed heavily and walked to her room. She flopped down on her bed and looked at the ceiling.

She didn't have a lot of friends. She'd had one boyfriend when she was 16 and it didn't end well. She never went out drinking and partying. She was at a standstill in her life and couldn't get out.

Camille held her phone in her hand and contemplated texting Matt. She breathed in heavily and texted him asking him if he was ever free so she could take him up on his offer. He immediately texted her back telling her where he was and to meet up with him.

Camille stared in awe at her phone. She got up and changed and told her mom where she was going. It was close enough to walk so Camille decided to walk there.

Awkward was the only way to describe the way Camille felt when she walked into the bar where Matt was. She didn't know where she was or how to go about finding him.

"Camille," She heard to her right. She looked over and saw Matt sliding out of a booth filled with men she'd seen, but never met. She had met Oli, so that was at least one more person she knew but she knew no one else present.

"Hi," Camille nodded at Matt as he walked over to her. He caught her off guard, hugging her tightly.

"I'm so glad you came," He smiled. "C'mon and meet everyone."

Matt took her hand and led her back to the packed booth.

"That's Matt Kean, we call him Vegan," Matt smiled. "That's Jona, Lee, Tom- he's Oli's brother and you already know Oli."

All the guys waved at Camille exchanging pleasantries. Oli even stood up and gave her a small hug.

Matt sat down in the booth and pulled Camille onto his lap seeing as there was no more room in the booth for her. Camille felt awkward and out of place. She tried to put all her weight on her feet so she wasn't crushing Matt.

"Everyone this is Camille," Matt smiled. "She and her mum did the catering for the Drop Dead party."

"That was you and your mum? That food was fucking excellent," Jona smiled. "I haven't eaten that well in ages."

"Thanks," Camille smiled, shifting awkwardly in Matt's lap. "I'll be sure to tell her."

"Do you want a drink, love?" Oli asked as he stood up.

"No, thanks. I don't drink," Camille replied.

"How old are ya?" Oli asked, looking puzzled. She certainly didn't look under 18 and all the girls Matt hung around with were always dying to party with them and always got sloppy.

"I'm 20," Camille replied, moving her hair off her face.

"Good for you, love. It's bad for you anyways," Oli winked, giving her a reassuring smile. Camille was thankful he didn't make fun of her or pressure her. He didn't seem like that kind of person, but she didn't know.

"Would you grab me another beer?" Tom yelled.

"Get it yourself," Oli yelled back as he approached the bar.

"I didn't know you didn't drink, love. I'm sorry," Matt stated softly to just Camille.

"That's okay," Camille replied shaking her head. "I don't mind it at all."

"Okay," Matt nodded. "By the way, you can actually sit on me. You're really tiny, I can barely feel you on my lap. You don't have to put all your weight on your feet."

Camille blushed and nodded as Matt laughed at her.

Camille was having fun with Matt and his friends. They were easy to be around and made her feel immediately welcome. They were asking her questions about herself, involving her in the debates and conversations. They were just genuinely nice guys. When Matt went outside for a cigarette Camille went with him, just because even though the guys were nice she was still her most comfortable around Matt.

"So are you having fun?" Matt asked, leaning against the brick wall of the bar. Camille couldn't deny that she found him sexy. There was something about him, maybe it was because he just didn't seem to care. He just did what he pleased.

"I'm having a lot of fun," Camille nodded. "You guys are a good time."

"You're not so bad yourself, love." Matt smiled, exhaling the smoke up above his head.

"Thanks," Camille blushed.

"You talk like you've never had a compliment before," Matt stated. "You get nervous every time someone says something nice about you."

"Just not used to people being so nice to me," Camille shrugged, shuffling from foot to foot.

"People aren't nice to you? Why?" Matt asked, tossing his cigarette to the ground and stepping it out.

"It's not that people aren't nice to me it's just that I'm kind of not noticed that much," Camille shrugged. "I don't have a lot of friends, but that's okay."

"I'll be your friend," Matt smiled, reaching his hand out to her and holding onto her shoulder. He pulled her into him and kissed the top of her head.

"Thanks, Matt." Camille laughed. She liked that he was hugging her. She liked how affectionate he was. They'd only hung out this one time, but he treated her like they'd been friends for years.

"Did they hurt?" Camille asked after a few minutes, touching his tattoos on his hands.

"A little," Matt nodded. "But it's worth it. Do you have any?"

"Tattoos? No," Camille replied, shaking her head. "Always wanted one, but never got around to it. I've also always wanted my belly button pierced, but never did it."

"Why not? Doesn't every girl get her belly button pierced by the time she's 16?" Matt smiled, holding onto one of her hips.

"My mom would never let me do it," Camille replied. "She read something about how it throws off you centre and all this weird cosmic universal stuff."

"That's crazy," Matt laughed. "You should just get it done."

"I've always wanted to, but I probably never will." Camille stated. "Seems like it would hurt too much."

Matt and Camille stood outside and talked for a bit before going back inside for a couple more drinks before everyone parted ways. All the guys gave Camille a hug and exchanged numbers with her before leaving. Matt gave Camille a kiss on the forehead and told her to text him when she got home.

On the walk home Camille thought about Matt and his friends. She mostly thought about Matt and how he'd made her feel safe and she had fun with him. She opened up easily with him. She couldn't wait to hang out with him and his friends some more. She felt so welcome and at home with them.
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Thanks to everyone who has read and subscribed so far!