Status: Starting Out

Learn to Love the Ride

What Comfort Zone?

Almost everyday Camille spent her time with Matt. They were inseparable. They had become friends fast and had become best friends even quicker. They did everything together.

One particularly dull Thursday night Camille headed over to Matt's house for a night in. There was a promise of movies and video games, so she had to take the offer.

"Matty!" Camille called walking into his apartment. "I'm here!"

"Bedroom, love." Matt called. Camille walked towards his bedroom and immediately went to leave when she saw Matt walking around in just a towel.


"It's okay, Cam." Matt laughed, messing with his wet hair.

Camille nodded, blushing. She watched him for as long as she could until he went to put on pants, then she looked away. She did notice that he had tattoos on his chest. She'd never seen them before.

"Ready," Matt smiled when he pulled on clothes. He pulled a hat onto his head and put his hand on her lower back leading her into his living area.

They watched a couple of movies before settling in to play games.

"Just try it," Matt smiled, holding a beer to her. "If you don't like it, I'll drink it."

"Are you peer pressuring me?" Camille smiled up at him, accepting the can.

"No," Matt laughed, sitting next to her again. "Encouraging."

"Whatever you say," Camille laughed, opening the can and taking a sip.


"It's not that bad," Camille nodded, continuing to sip at it. Before she knew it she had drank a few too many beers and she and Matt were outside for a walk.

"I have a surprise for you," Matt smiled. "I was hoping I'd get you drunk enough so we could do this."

"You're not going to take me into a forest and sell me are you?" Camille asked, stopping walking.

"No," Matt laughed, taking her hand and leading her onward again. "I have a surprise for you."

After walking for a while they rounded a corner and Matt covered her eyes.

"This does nothing to ease my anxiety about this surprise," Camille stated, stumbling a little.

"Trust me," Matt whispered in her ear. Camille shook a little at his words. She shook at the anticipation of the surprise and Matt being so close to her.

"We're here," Matt smiled, removing his warm hands from her face.

"What is this?" Camille asked, looking around.

"It's a tattoo and piercing shop," Matt smiled. "You said you always wanted your belly button pierced, so I'm paying for you to get it done."

"Matt," Camille laughed shaking her head.

"Don't," Matt ordered. "Don't even try to fight me on it. It won't throw off your centre or whatever your mum told you. You want it, so I'll get it for you."

"You don't have to do this," Camille whispered.

Truthfully she was touched by what Matt had done. Not only had he listened to her, he heard what she wanted and did something about he it. He probably knew that she never would have done it herself, so he did it for her.

"I know," Matt nodded. "I just wanted to."

Camille walked over to him and put her hands on his face, smiling.

"You're a good friend, Matt." She smiled.

"I know I am," Matt teased, his hands on her hips. He gave the tip of her nose a small kiss before pushing her towards the back room.

Matt held her hand as her belly button was being pierced. He smiled and squeezed her back when she held on tighter as the needle went through her skin.

"Does it hurt?" He asked.

"A little," She nodded.

Once the piercing was done Matt helped Camille up and she looked at her new piercing.

"It looks amazing," Matt stated, his eyes glued to her stomach. She had a thin frame, but had small contours from her abs. Matt couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"I don't know," Camille sighed. "My centre feels off."

"Shut the fuck up," Matt laughed, shoving her lightly.

Camille laughed and hugged him tightly. She couldn't thank him enough for this. It wasn't that he'd bought her a piercing. It was so much more than a tiny jewel hanging from her belly button. He had pulled her out of her comfort zone and got her to do something she had always wanted to do. He even got her a little drunk before doing it. She felt free with him. She never wanted to come down from this high.