Status: Working Hard (:

Of Two Hearts Which Combine

But.... I Thought We Had Something

When Spencer and I arrived at school, all eyes were on us. I could see that Spencer was pretending to ignore the stares but I knew he found it amusing. On our walk into the building, Spencer took my hand and whispered in my ear “I’m going to get your schedule changed to match mine.”. I couldn’t believe my ears. After barely talking to Spencer this morning, he thought it was appropriate for me to spend all the time I could with him I suppose, but honestly I didn’t mind. I only wanted to know why this was all coming up at once. As we walked toward the main office, all my friends smiled at me when they saw that Spencer and I were holding hands. My mind had went through a million different reasons on why Spencer was doing this but none of them seemed right, why would a guy I was best friends with as a ki-

“Wait out here Alexandria,” Spencer said with his glamorous smile distracting my train of thought “I’m going to change your schedule

I was quite amazed at how confident Spencer was, but I did want to see how he’d convince the rather young secretary to change my schedule. I stood outside the giant glass window and looked inside so I could watch what Spencer did to convince her. At first, I saw Spencer put one of his elbows down on the counter and then he leaned in closer to her. I couldn’t actually hear what he was telling her but it did make her laugh a lot until she stopped and asked him a question. I saw Spencer nod his head in my direction and that’s when I noticed the secretary giving me a sour stare. She rolled her eyes and walked away from the counter and came back five minutes later with a piece of paper in her hand. She gave Spencer a smile and then looked away. Spencer came out of the office with a huge smile on his face.

“We finally have all our classes together, we should get going” Spencer said as he pointed down the hallway.

As we walked down the hallway together, Spencer pulled me closer to him. The smell of his cologne lingered near my nose. The scent was intoxicating and made my legs go slightly numb. Before I knew it, we were standing outside our first period classroom door. Spencer and I stopped and he looked down at me. His beautiful ocean blue eyes always had me hypnotized. I stared at him in shock as he slowly leaned down and gently kissed my lips. The entire world around me stopped, the only thing I could see was Spencer, the boy I always looked at in awe. I could have stood there kissing his lips for hours on end but of course Spencer pulled away and laughed. He gestured me inside the classroom, and I was ready to see what this day had in store for me.

* * * * * * * *

After school, Spencer told me to go to his car and wait for him while he got something from one of his classrooms. He was taking an awful long time so I decided I would go back inside to see what he was doing. When I entered the building, I was heading to our science class because that’s where Spencer said he was going. As I passed one of the empty classrooms, I saw Spencer inside. Spencer was propped over a table making out with Linda, the captain of the high school cheerleading team! I must’ve stood in front of the door window for a long time because I saw Spencer make eye contact with me. The tears were already streaming down my face, I didn’t know what to do so I just ran.
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^.^ oh i've been busy with school so I hadn't had time to update, luckily my friend kept nudging me to write the story.