

The shy boy turned his head around to look at the young girl who stood like a warrior. Her hair was brown with light highlights and it flowed down her back in small waves. When she turned her head, her eyes opened in surprise to see that this shy boy was looking at her. She went into the woods, away from the boy. He decided to follow. He ran for miles trying to find her but never could. He listened for any sign of movement but heard none other than his own feet. He almost gave up hope of ever finding this girl, but then saw her hair fly out behind a tree. He ran over and saw a note. It said "I'm there when needed and gone when wanted. When your need is separated from your want, only then will I show my true self and be truly be yours". With that note in hand, the boy walked up to the top of a mountain and sat. He sat for many months. He was fed by the animals around him when he was hungry. The skies gave him water when he was thirsty. The ground gave him warmth when he was cold. After each gift, he replied thank you like his mother taught him. He knew that if he waited long enough, the girl would show herself again. Finally, the boy had sat for many years. He stood up on his frail legs and looked over the cliff. He saw a rock formation that formed during the many years he sat. He knew that it was some sign. He looked down at the 100 ft drop and took a breath of fresh air. He said to himself "I'm there when I am needed and gone when wanted. When your need is separated from your want, only then will I show my true self and be truly yours." With that, he stepped off the cliff and into the girl's arms. With those final steps, he was taken back with her and finally met the real her. Death.
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This is a short story I wrote for a really good friend of mine. It was written quickly. Please tell me what you think of this!