

I stared at the pile of neatly folded towels in front of me and tried to suppress the aching in my stomach. I had skipped lunch because Victor had had the whole hotel staff working overtime for a special event tomorrow and I had no time what so ever to even fill in a snack. I started to wonder if either Javier or Freya had managed to snag something for dinner. Our food supply hasn’t been too plentiful the last few weeks.

“Ay, Gwen, don’t start to lag now, we haven’t got that much left,” Inès’ thick French accent broke me out of my trance and I let out a sigh as I looked at the mountain high basket of unfolded towels in between us. Only a couple more months until you are out of this country, it will all be worth it.

By the time Inès and I were done, it was almost half past 12 and both of us found ourselves falling asleep in the elevator. Making it to the floor where the hotel staff stayed, I bid her goodnight in lazy French and made my way to the room Freya and I shared. Javier shared a room with Emmanuel, one of the hotel cooks, but he had a permanent smell of rotten cheese and was prone to snoring, so most of the time Javier stayed with us. When I walked in, Freya is lying on our bed flipping through the latest issue of Vogue I had stolen from the rooms the other day and Javier was sitting by small table we had in the corner of room, a paper bag on the table.

“Food?” I asked, pointing to bag in front of him and he nodded vigorously.

“We’ve been waiting for you,” Freya commented, rather grumpily, and joined us at the table.

“The kitchen has been making food non stop and Frank gave me some of the extra bread,” Javier said pulling out two baguettes from the bag. I grabbed one and tore a piece off, grabbing the jar of Nutella we already had. This was a becoming a common meal for us, bread and something to put on it, usually being Nutella or one of the fancy cheeses they served here. It wasn’t that we were starving ourselves, because we weren’t, we could definitely afford to buy more food, it was just that all of us were trying to save our money as much as possible. One reason being so we could be able to afford the rent we were issued for our rooms, our jobs barely paid enough to afford it that I might add, and we were saving up for plane tickets back to the UK.

“The lad also gave me something a bit extra since I helped him fix one of the ovens,” He pulled out an almost full bottle of wine and from the label I recognized it as one of the expensive ones they sold in the hotel restaurant. I gawked at it while Freya quickly snatched it from his hand and took a long gulp. She handed it to me and I took a modest swing of it before handing it to Javier. The bread was soon gone and all was left was the wine that was passed around ourselves.

“So, do either of you guys know why Victor has been making such a shit storm of this place the last couple days?” I asked as I took a much bigger gulp of wine then my first, letting the bitter taste stay in my mouth for a bit, savoring this moment before we would be back to buying cheap alcohol.

“Apparently some important people will be staying here the next couple days. I heard there are people camping out to see them as we speak, so I suspect they must be a big deal,” Javier said, taking the cigarette that was resting behind his ear and lighting it.

“Explains the huge security guys already walking around. Imagine when they get here,” Freya said taking the cigarette Javier offered to her.

“Hopefully I won’t miss any of the action tomorrow, this is the most exciting thing that has happened in a while,” I said, denying Freya’s offering of the cigarette. She shrugged and handed it back to Javier.

“Remember the naked, crack head that walked around asking if anyone had a pair of trousers he could borrow? It took a good half an hour before they could get him out of here, he was quite a good runner,” Javier asked, smiling fondly at the memory.

I rolled my eyes, “No, I don’t remember, because that took place in the lobby and I was a good 11 stories up.” One of the many disadvantages of working as a maid was more than half the time I was secluded from any of the other employees while I worked, spare the few times Inès would come to help me. Javier worked as part of the hotel maintenance and was constantly running around doing different jobs. Freya definitely had the most interesting job between the three of us. She worked as a greeter at the restaurant inside the hotel and although she dealt with annoying people just as much as I did, she got a lot more tips.

“Maybe you will get lucky and get assigned the floor they are on and maybe if they are good looking you can really get between their sheets,” Freya said wiggling her eye brows at me.

I sighed, “I really don’t know what you mean by that Frey.” I did though, because pretty much the whole time we had worked here Freya had been egging on sexy maid scenarios she planed for me to be in. Most of the time I was either too tired or too uncomfortable to listen to any of them, like right now for example, so I just played dumb and innocent.

I yawned, feeling the warmness from the alcohol taking over my body and crawling into bed, Javier and Freya still keeping on with the discussion of her sexy maid scenarios.
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This is my first time writing in FOREVER. Feedback would be awesome. Zayn will be in the next chapter I promise! : )