Up All Night


This ride is irritating to say the least because Maxxie is blasting One Direction. Now that isn't so bad of course but the fact the she was singing every song loud and really off beat was the irritating part. Even Daniel was annoyed. When we had stopped at a rest stop he commented on it. Maxxie was in the bathroom and me and him were leaning on the car. Having a surprisingly ok and interesting conversation. He grinned at me and shook his head.

"Is she always like this?" I grinned with him.

"Yup every single time were listening to music." He laughed and rubbed his chin.

"I really hate her singing but i really love her," I scrunched my face up.

"How long have you known her?" I said looking up at him.

"Six weeks but why does it matter?" This time i shook my head.

"How can you love someone in just six weeks?"

"You just can. I know its hard to believe but i really love her."

"I just don't think thats possible it doesn't make sense."

"It doesn't have to make sense. It just is." I was out of the bathroom and was walking to us. She had
a bag of chips in her hand and three pops that she got from the vending machines. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, you got chips for yourself and none for us. God fatass," I said smiling. She open the bag of chips and got a huge handful of chips and shoved them in her mouth.

"You got that right," She said with her mouth full. I laughed and shook my head. She swallowed them and put her arm around my shoulder and the other one around Daniel's.

"Come guys lets get going." I sighed.

"If we have to," I said. As we got in the car and started driving the rest of the five hours.

Five Hours Later

We have officially arrived at the hotel and i was estatic because i can ran up to our hotel and crawl under the covers and fall fast asleep but of course Maxxie had other plans and whats about to happen wasn't so bad.

"Hey i'm gonna go find Paul. I'll catch up with you later." He gave Maxxie a hug and a kiss on her lips and took off.

"Alright. Love you." He said he loved her too. I shook my head. I don't see how thats true to be honest.

"Now sis lets go check in," She said wrapping her arm around my shoulder. Leaning her head on mine. We went to the front desk and did the whole check in got our keys and head straight up to our room. I'd get my own bed. While Maxxie and Daniel were sharing a bed. When we got up there i sprawled out on the bed.

"No way miss priss. Your not gonna spend all your time in the room. Your getting your ass outta the bed and coming with me to the pool." I mumbled something inaudible into the bed.

"Get up," She shouted grabbing my foot and dragging out the bed where i landed face first on the ground.

"Damn you," I said jumping up. She smirked. She went into the bathroom and came out in her lime green bikini.

"Do please remember that there's a very good reason i can't go down there."

"You still come down and keep me company. You can stay dressed in what you are in. Just come with me, please,"

"Fine," I groaned.

We got to the pool and there were already people down there. Five to be exact. Maxxie turn to me with smile and a smirk. I rolled my eyes. One of them got out of the pool and walked to his towel. He drived off a bit and walked over to us.

"Hey i'm Liam," Maxxie gave him a cheesy grin and turn to look at me. Asking me with her eyes what i thought of him.

"Hello, i'm Maxxie and i know who you are. Your one fifth of the One Direction." He grinned.

"I'm guessing your a fan." Maxxir touched my arm.

"Oh and this is Lilly," He turned and smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you Lilly," Two more boys had gotten out of the water.

"Hey I'm Louis." The other boy had jumped on his back.

"Harry but i have just one question. Why are you wearing long clothing on a day like this?" I shrugged.

"Does it really matter?"

"Yes frankly it does," I rolled my eyes.

"And why is that?"

"Your just crazy," Liam hit him on the side of his head.

"Don't say a thing like that!" He was right though. I then looked at how close they were to the edge and i smiled an evil grin and then i pushed them in. Which backfired on me because i fell in to.

"What the bloody hell was that for?!" Harry said after resurfacing. Louis and everyone else was laughing. I couldn't help but laugh too. He was pretty silent though. Breathing pretty heavy but after a little bit he joined in to.

"Well it looks like everyones met everyone and obviously having some fun," I looked up and there was Daniel and a guy who im guessing is Paul. Daniel wrapped his arm around Maxxie's waist and smiled. While Daniel introduced Paul to Maxxie. I swam with the guys. I was swimming backwards when i bumped into someone. I turned around and it was the really tan guy with black spikey hair. He smiled at me.

"Hey i'm Zayn," He said. I smiled back.

"Hey," I said swimming around him to the blonde guy i haven't met.

"Hi i'm Lilly," I grinned at him and he grinned back.

"Niall, it's nice to finally meet you. Daniel talked to Paul all about you and Paul told us," My smile erased from my face.

"Everything," i asked.

"Well not everything. Just how your cheeky and sometimes sweet," I smiled. Reasured. I nodded and swimmed to edge of the pool and pulled myself out and sat on the edge. I was completely drenched while being fully clothed. I looked at the scene in front of me. Maxxie was in the pool now and Daniel had his pants rolled up putting his legs in. Harry and Louis were messing around jumping and splashing. Zayn and Niall were doing just what Harry and Louis were doing and Liam was talking to Paul alittle ways from the pool. Well he was until he caught me staring. He smiled and walked over to me. He sat down next to me.

"Hey, done swimming?"

"Yea and i don't really like being wet while i'm fully clothed," He laughed.

"Yea good point."

"So i'm probably just going to go back up to my room and change," I said getting up. I started walking away and he walked with me.

"Well let me acompany you," I smiled.


"Lead the way," He said sweeping his arm in front of us. I stopped close to where Maxxie was.

"Hey Maxxie,"

"What," She said.

"I'm going back up to the room," She smiled when she saw Liam was going with me.

"Alright be good," She said with a smirk. I rolled eyes.

"Don't worry i will." Daniel looked to me and smiled. I nodded back. We walked up to my room i stopped and was about to open the door when i turned around. He was just standing there. I smiled.

"You going to come in with me," He smiled and nodded.

"Sure," I grinned. I was feeling different then i usually do. I felt like maybe....nah nevermind. I unlocked the door and walked in. I told him to wait while i get changed. I walked into the room and grabbed some clothes and quickly changed in the bathroom. When i was done i ran back out. He was sitting on the couch. Completely wet. I almost laughed. Maxxie wouldn't be to happy but really all i was noticing was his body. I bit my lip.

"Hey," He said. I bit harder.

"Hi," I was just being weird. All i was doing was staring at him but he was staring at me back. Probably thinking i was a creeper but the stare was broken when six people came bounding into the room. Louis, Niall, Zayn and Harry with Maxxie and Daniel. I wonder where Paul was. Harry came running towards me. Jumping and i mean jumping on me which made me fall to the ground. He stayed sitting on me and looked down at me and then lean close to my ear and whispered softly.
"Payback," When he did my body shivered all over. My heart was beating really fast and when he jumped off of me and ran to Louis i got really dissapointed. I frowned and leaned up on my elbows when Maxxie walked over to me and pulled me up putting her arm around my shoulder.

"So it's either Harry or Liam. You seem to be attracted to both," After she said that she walked away. Going over to Daniel. The boys were devouring our food that we picked up. I was thinking really hard She has to be wrong but i couldn't help but have a bit of doubt because nothing like this could ever happen to me.