Anywhere But Here

"People would tell us kids one day those populated cities would swallow up our little town like a big ole' catfish. I didn't believe them none, and I still don't even after leaving there. That town is a sad town. No city folk with their big dreams would dare set foot on that red dirt with building plans for a shopping mall. Anything born there was destined to fail."

Delilah looks back on her senior year of high-school in Bigelow, Arkansas. Delilah had grown up there and seen the town for what it was; a wasteland. No one in her family had ever made it out of that town, and she was determined to be the first one.
  1. 1. The Sad Town
    "I blamed that hot river valley for my spotted skin."
  2. 2. The Morning Routine
    "I hated the way I spoke. It made me sound like one of them redneck hillbilly characters all them Californian television stations would make up and put on their shows for people to laugh at them."