Status: Finished!

Life as We Know It


I was browsing the internet for some nursery ideas, we planned to paint my spare room soon and i wanted some creative ideas for it.
I got a skype call and it was from Kayli,
"Hey bitch" i said
"Hey hows Cabo" she asked
Cabo? what? i'm not in Cabo what is she talking about. Then i saw faces behind her and suddenly remembered our conversation yesterday.
"Er yeah it's great, nice to be away"
Why is she skyping with me while they're there, like is she stupid. Like why is she doing this to me. I don't want to be looking at my computer screen seeing the boy i love.. yes love i realised i do in fact love him and that's why i'm finding all this so hard. an hour away in my best friends dorm room. While i'm sitting here pregnant.
"Well the guys were saying how it's been so long since they have heard from you and wanted to skype but i said you're away but they pressured me"
"Well i guess you are lucky that i'm taking a break from the beach right now then"
I couldn't do it, seeing him standing there not saying anything, hardly even looking at the screen. I need to make up a reason why i have to leave so quickly
"Yeah that's good, it sucks you're not back here, they guys had a show here last night you could have gone"
"yeah sucks, i'm really sorry but i have to go, my dad booked us jet skiing sessions and i have to meet him down the beach in 5 and i have to change" i said
"Okay we'll i guess i'll see you when you're back"
"damn straight you'll see me" i said and clicked off
I suddenly burst into tears, thats the first time i have properly seen his face so close since California. i suddenly started to have severe pains in my stomach i passed it off for a while and just laid still and they would disappear but come back for fierce.
After about 2 hours of pain, i decided that obviously something wasn't right and i rung Lindsay. 10 minutes later she was at my apartment and helping me out the door.
'I can't this is too much" i said in the car
"I think you're going into labor sweetie" Lindsay said
"No we're not ready, i'm not ready for this" i said
20 minutes later we were pulling up to the hospital. They wheeled me into a room and we waited. the wait was agony, but finally my doctor came and did some tests
"Well you're not in Labor, but there is something wrong and it would be better to get these babies out rather than give you medicine to stop the pain"
i couldn't believe my twins would be in this world before the day is over. They scheduled me in for a c-section and put me on medication to hold of the pain.
Lindsay text my dad whats going on, he was up in Orlando for business. Meanwhile i texted Kayli
"At hospital, the twins are coming" i said
------- Kayli's POV---
I was sitting in Olive Garden with Cameron, Zach and Michael. Just chatting about their tour and how nearly every date has been sold out.
My phone started to vibrate telling me i had a new text. I read it and i couldn't believe it that i let out an "OMG"
"Is everything okay" Zach Asked
"Yeah, Yeah everythings great but i really need to go" i said
"Oh okay, well if something really is wrong and that's why you have to dash off i hope everything goes okay whatever it is" Cameron said
"It's fine, it's fine, i just really need to get to the hospital"
"Hospital is someone sick oh my god go. don't worry about this we'll pay"
"Are you sure, i'm sorry to cut this day short"
"It's fine just go to the hospital" Michael said
"Thanks guys i'll call you later and maybe we can do this again sometime" i said as i ran out and back to my car. now i had to make the journey down to bradenton.