Status: Finished!

Life as We Know It


it's been a week since Lakyn and Maui entered the world.
I'm leaving the hospital for the first time. They said the reasoning for the pains and was my appendix. So i had it taken out the day after. They said i probably could have gone full term with my babies and just had the surgery but at the time they didn't know the reasoning so for them it seemed safer to get them out. As much as I like looking at their little faces everyday i kind of wish they would have known it was my appendix so i could have the next two months to get everything ready. But nope.
My dad picked me up and we went back to my apartment. Him and Lindsay had started on the nursery. They had kept it the cream color on one side it had Lakyn painted in Blue and the other Maui in pink. The nursery was Winnie the Pooh themed. Two cribs under their names. Their cribs had matching Winnie the pooh bedding. the only things they have to set up is the wardrobes, changing desk and a rocking chair but they have yet to be delivered.
As soon as we got into my apartment i headed straight to my bed. It hurt to walk because of the Appendix surgery.
"I think it would be better for you to stay at ours for a while, jut until you can walk with out the pain at least" my dad said
"Yeah maybe you're right, but at least let me take a nap in my own bed" i said
"Alright, we'll let you nap and we'll come back later and we can go out for dinner"
"Sounds good" i said
Lindsay and dad left and i fell into a nice sleep. it felt so nice sleeping in my nice comfy bed, hospital beds are awful. You would think they would make them nice knowing people could be in them for a while. When i woke up about 2 hours later it felt weird, i guess i had forgotten i came home and i didn't like the fact i was about 20 minutes away from my babies.
I got out of bed and went into their nursery and looked around at it again, looking at all the empty picture frames on the walls and thinking of what will fill them later. Thinking that in about 3 weeks my babies will be in here sleeping, crying, playing. Just thinking about the future. I started to think about how different it would be if Cameron did know. Would he be here now standing here looking at the nursery with me, would he have been there for the birth. Would the band even still be together, would they have gotten to tour the country. Would he have packed up and moved to Florida, would i have moved to California. I still stand with my decision to keep it from him. Like his tour has done amazing, his career is really going places and i wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that it could have possible ended because of a stupid night.
i was starring at one of the empty pictures frames which was with 2 others and i decided that would be the "family" wall. a Picture of Cameron and I and then Lakyn in one frame and Maui in the other. They need their father in this room. So i can look at it while rocking them and tell them about their dad and the amazing things hes doing. They might not be able to understand me, but it will be good for me.
I was too caught up in my thought that i didn't realize Lindsay was standing at the door
"You okay" she said
I turned around to face her
"yeah just thinking about what it's going to be like when they're home"
"Wont be long now" she said
I walked back out and into my room to pack a few things and we headed back outside to the car where my dad was waiting. We decided on Applebees for dinner. It was great well i mean i thought it was great but anything is better than hospital food.
"So have you seen Kayli at all this week" dad asked
"No i haven't seen her since they were born. She doesn't approve of the fact i'm keeping them from Cameron, she just doesn't understand my reasoning and thinks i'm being selfish"
"Oh, she'll come around, she's your best friend. i mean i can see her side of it like i think it would be better if he knew too. But i also see your side and you're just looking out for his career and his dream which isn't selfish at all. it's a tough situation and you aren't going to please everyone" Lindsay said
"I know, some days i wish he did know, so maybe i wouldn't be on my own. But then i see interviews or pictures and how far he's come even since the summer and i can't help but think about if i told him, he might not have gotten that you know"
"I know what you mean sweetie and i know you'll tell him when you feel like it's right anyways changing the ubject i have something for you"
my dad handed me a small bag. I opened it up and saw a charm bracelet with 3 charms on it
"Why'd you get me this" i asked
"It was your birthday yesterday"
"Oh my god i totally forgot wow. so i'm like 20 now that's crazy"
"Yep my little girl no longer a teenager"
"well there goes my teen mom status i had for a week"
that got a laugh out of everyone, but laughing caused me pain so i soon stopped
"can we head home soon, so i can lie down"
"yeah lets just get the check"
my dad waved down our waiter, paid and we headed back home. 3 weeks till Laykn and Maui come home