Status: Finished!

Life as We Know It


I woke up early and headed to the hospital a normal daily routine i've gotten use too over the passed 4 weeks. But today is different, today i get to bring them home. I packed a bag with their "homecoming outfits" and carries the two car seats to my car.
Lindsay and dad were meant to be coming with me, but they both couldn't get off work. Luckily i had called Kayli to see if she wanted to come and she agreed. we haven't talked a lot in 4 weeks, she's kind of distanced herself from me and i know she started college and has college friends, but like i've been her best friend since kindergarden and she's like shutting me out because of my little life decision i made.
Kayli pulled up to my apartment building and she got into my car and we headed to the hospital
"You ready to bring them home" she asked
"Yes so ready, it's been so hard being away from them, i'm excited to be with them 24/7" i said
we had small talk the whole 20 minute drive. Once at the hospital we carried everything inside and round to where they were. i was so excited i was like bouncing off the walls.
The nurse was moving them from the "baby unit" to a room for us.
"You excited to bring them home" she said to me
"Yes, i'm so ready, but scared"
"Well we've taught you everything you need to know, you will be fine"
"Thank You"
She left the room and Kayli and i started to change them into their outfits. They looked so cute, even though the clothes were a little big as they were newborn size and they were premie. Lakyn was still the bigger one, but he probably will always be a little bigger.
The nurse came back in with some forms i needed to fill out and then we were able to leave.
They were in their carseats and Kayli and i were walking out sayin gbye to all the nurses who helped and looked after them. Once they were safely in the car i backed out so slowly. i was so scared to drive with them. Once we were at a steady speed on the road Kayli talked
"You know it's early days but Maui is going to look a lot like him"
"You think" i said
"Yeah and lak looks more like you"
"I have noticed that they have slightly different skin tones like Maui is more darker"
"Yeah let's just hope Lakyn doesn't get your red hair"
"Oh god i hope not" i said laughing
I hadn't really thought about it before but it's true what Kayli said, Maui seems to have more Cameron Genes and Laykn mine. that's so weird to think about. Like Cameron and I are complete opposites. He's Tanned, Dark hair. I'm pale and red hair. The only thing we have in common is green eyes. I'm not like Ginger. I just have a reddish tint to my hair, it goes more Blonde during the summer. I guess you could say Strawberry blond is my hair color.
Kayli and I carried on talking and it seemed so normal between us neither bringing up the secret of anything, we can happily talk about Cameron and not get in an argument. I hope this means she's finally coming to terms with my decision.
"Oh by the way, Zach sent these to me for us" she said Taking out 2 CD's form her bag
"What is it" i asked keeping my eyes on the road
"Their new album that comes out next month
"oh my god sweet put it in" I said
I might have a whole different relationship with them form a year ago when i was just a random fan, but i'm still a fan even after everything and hearing new music is exacting.
We reached my apartment just as the album finished
"Oh my goodness that was so good, Zach sounds amazing" i said
"They seemed to like it" Kayli said pointing to the back seats.
They were quiet through the whole drive, which was amazing i thought they would be crying.
we carried their car seats inside and left them in the living room sleeping. Kayli and i went into the kitchen to make some lunch"
"So what have they been up to, i guess you keep in contact a lot" i asked
"Well clearly they just finished their album, they are also working on a summer tour and they reassured me that they will make sure there's Tampa date"
"Oh cool, well by then i wont look pregnant just like i've gained weight, so we can go" i said kind of excited
"Yeah i really want to see them again oh and they also invited us out to California for their album release party next month, but i declined. I knew you wouldn't be able to leave them here and it's right in the middle of finals"
"Oh that sucks, i would have said go yourself but finals oh my goodness finals that means you've nearly finished your first year of college"
"I know it's crazy right"
one of the babies started to cry so i rushed in to see who, it was Maui. I cradled her and walked back into the kitchen to get her some milk, we found out that both Maui and Lakyn are allergic to my milk, so they have to have this formula stuff instead.
There was a knock at the door so Kayli went and answered it, my dad and Lindsay were there. they came in and we celebrated their homecoming. It sucked that my mom wasn't here but i've had 8 months to get over the fact she kicked me out of her life. I've made a promise that no matter what kind of trouble Lakyn or Maui get into i will never kick them out and disown them. I don't want them to feel what i felt when my mom did that to me.
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I don't think i ever mentioned what Kennedy looks like feature wise. But if i have someone correct me please