Status: Finished!

Life as We Know It


Maui and Lakyn are now 4 months old. They've grown so much. It's crazy how fast these months are moving. I'm finally settled everything is on a schedule now. It's hard being a single parent, theres now one there to share the night shifts with or an extra hand when i need it. especially with twins it's extra hard. They've finally on track with their weight and growth. They are only a little bit smaller still in a size younger than they are.

I've packed bags and everything i think they will need for two at Kayli's
I'm heading up to Tampa for Allstar Weekend's show. To say i'm nervous is an understatement. Just seeing Cameron so close is going to be hard. I don't know if Kayli has planned anything to hang out with them all i know is we are going to the show. if something happens i can always go find my cousin and hide away with her, until my mom picks her up.

I placed the bags at the front door and place Maui and Lakyn in the car and rushed over not taking an eye of the car as i grabbed the bags and locked the apartment. being a parent you learn to look at more than one thing at a time
as i started the car and i called Kayli
"Hey, i'm just leaving"
"Okay, theres a slight change of plans, my parents have people over so do you want to meet at a park or something"
"Yeah okay what about that one right by your house, it has a kids section right"
"Yeah okay let me know when you're near and i'll get ready and meet you"
"Okay see you soon"
"see ya in a bit"
i hung up and started to drive. It was a stressful drive as neither of them would stop crying. i was so glad when i pulled up into Kayli's neighbourhood. I parked up at the park.
"Hey Kay's i'm at the park. they wouldn't stop crying so i waited till i got here to call"
"it's okay. i'll be about 10 minutes okay"
"See ya in a bit bye"
I got the stroller out of the trunk and placed the crying twins in it. Maybe after walking them round in the fresh air they will fall asleep. I was wondering around the park for a while until i found a nice bench in the shade to sit on.

-----Kayli's POV----
I can't believe i'm doing this to her, but it's for her own good. She needs a push and even though this probably wont look like a good one it will be in the long run. The longer she waits the harder things will get.
"Mom i'm going to get Kennedy now" i shouted
"Okay, i can't wait to meet the babies" she shouted
"I know you'll love them" i shouted back
i got in my car and drove off, i made a quick stop before going to the park. Once at the park i did a quick scan and round her sitting on a bench looking over a little pond in the shade.
"She's over there" i said as we walked over.